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Text 1. The United Nations Convention against

Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols

The Convention represents a major step forward in the fight against transnational organized crime and signifies the recognition of UN Member States that this is a serious and growing problem that can only be solved through close international cooperation. The Convention is a legally binding instrument committing States that ratify it to taking a series of measures against transnational organized crime. These include the creation of domestic criminal offences to combat the problem, and the adoption of new, sweeping frameworks for mutual legal assistance, extradition, law-enforcement cooperation and technical assistance and training.

States Parties will be able to rely on one another in investigating, prosecuting and punishing crimes committed by organized criminal groups where either the crimes or the groups who commit them have some element of transnational involvement. This should make it much more difficult for offenders and organized criminal groups to take advantage of gaps in national law, jurisdictional problems or a lack of accurate information about the full scope of their activities.

The Convention deals with the fight against organized crime in general and some of the major activities in which transnational organized crime is commonly involved, such as money laundering, corruption and the obstruction of investigations or prosecutions. To supplement the Convention, two Protocols also tackle specific areas of transnational organized crime that are of particular concern to UN Member States.

The Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Air and Sea deals with the growing problem of organized criminal groups who smuggle migrants, often at high risk to the migrants and at great profit for the offenders. The Protocol against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, deals with the problem of modern slavery, in which the desire of people to seek a better life is taken advantage of by organized criminal groups. Migrants are often confined or coerced into exploitive or oppressive forms of employment, often in the sex trade or in dangerous occupations, with the illicit incomes generated from these activities going to organized crime.

The Protocols also commit countries which ratify them to making the basic subject of the Protocol a criminal offence and to adopting other specific measures, such as controls on travel documents, to combat the problem. These supplement the more general measures found in the Convention, and countries must become parties to the Convention itself before they can become parties to any of the Protocols. The third Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition remains under discussion.

Answer the questions.

1) What does this Convention signify?

2) What measures are to be taken against transnational organized crime?

3) Why should it become more difficult for offenders and organized criminal groups to violate law?

4) In what activities is transnational organized crime commonly involved?

5) What problems do the two Protocols deal with?

6) What problems are dealt with in the third Protocol of this Convention?

Match two parts of the sentences.

1) Transnational organized crime is 2) The third Protocol deals with 3) They will be able to 4) Money laundering and corruption are the major 5) Organized criminal groups a) the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, parts and components. b) smuggle migrants, often at high risk to the migrants. c) a serious and growing problem. d) to rely on one another in investigating and punishing crimes. e) activities of transnational organized crime.

Put the words into the right order.

1) crime / concern / specific / Member / of / transnational / to / areas / UN / are / of / particular / organized / States

2) itself / Countries / become / Convention / parties / of / must / become / they / parties / any / the / can / to / Protocols / before / the / to

3) activities / incomes / go / these / illicit / to / the / generated / crime / from / organized

4) measures / must / problem / to / states / other / combat / adopt / the / specific

5) problem / international / through / this / only / cooperation / be / close / solved / can

Complete the sentences by translating into English the phrases in italics.

1) States parties will be able to полагаться one another in investigating and prosecuting crimes совершенных организованными преступными группами.

2) Migrants are often принуждаются к oppressive forms of занятости, often in the sex trade or опасные занятия.

3) The Convention is a юридически обязывающий instrument committing States to принимать меры против transnational organized crime.

4) Отмывание денег, corruption and помеха of investigations and в судебных преследованиях are the major activities of transnational organized crime.

5) Это усложнит для преступников и organized criminal groups to take advantage of лакуны in national law or недостаток точной информации about the full размах их деятельности.

Say if it is true or false and give the right variant.

1) The Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants deals with the problem of the modern slavery.

2) Migrants are seldom confined and coerced into exploitive forms of employment.

3) Controls on travel documents are some of specific measures to combat transnational organized crime.

4) Transnational organized crime cannot be solved through close international cooperation.

5) Countries can become parties to the Protocols without becoming parties to the Convention.

Put the sentences into the right order according to the text.

1) To supplement the Convention, two Protocols also deal with other specific areas of transnational organized crime.

2) The Convention is a legally binding document committing States to take measures against organized crime.

3) The third Protocol deals with the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, parts and components, and ammunition.

4) It concerns the fight against organized crime in general and some of the major activities in which transnational organized crime is commonly involved.

5) The Protocols also commit countries to make the basic subject of the Protocol a criminal offence.

Translate into English.

1) Третий Протокол касается незаконного производства и торговли оружием.

2) Меры против транснациональной организованной преступности включают также принятие новых радикальных структур для совместного законного содействия, экстрадиции, правового сотрудничества и технической поддержки и обучения.

3) В добавление к Конвенции оба Протокола активно занимаются отдельными сферами транснациональной организованной преступности, которые представляют собой особое беспокойство государств-членов ООН.

4) Организованные преступные группы пользуются желанием людей найти лучшую жизнь.

5) Незаконные доходы от торговли людьми или других опасных видов деятельности идут в организованную преступность.

6) Чтобы бороться с этой проблемой, страны должны принять другие специфические меры и сделать основным предметом Протокола уголовное преступление.

7) Для преступников станет сложным воспользоваться лакунами в национальном законе или проблемами юрисдикции.



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