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The (this, these)  a, an (one, any)

             The (this, these)                          a, an (one, any)

    (известный, единственный в     (любой, один из многих,

        своем роде, знакомый)                  незнакомый)


             the book (именно эта)               A book (одна из многих)

Exercise 1. Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C. (We use no articles when we talk about things in general)


Studentss are at the lesson

A                    B           C


Servicemen like        oil and petrol.

fall off   their Motherland.

Parents        is           in trees.

Birds           go          full of vitamins.

Children      live        to school until they are 16.

Cars            defend   trees in autumn.

Fruit            need       their children.

Men            make     houses.


Exercise 2. Put on : a, the or nothing.

Mr. and Mrs. Smirnov have __ son and __ daughter. __daughter lives at __ home and __ son is __ student at __  University. Mr. Smirnov is __ journalist. He writes __ articles about war. __ mother is __ teacher. She teaches __ English.


Exercise 3. Put on: a, the or nothing.


1. Where are __ students? They are in __ class-room.

2. My brother is __ cadet. He comes __ home at weekends.

3. I have __ breakfast in __ bed __ Sundays.

4. She has __ flat in Moscow.

5. I go to __ University by bus.

6. __ students in our group aren’t lazy, they work hard.

7. What do you do in __ evening?

8. What time do you go to __ school?

9. We have __ dinner in messhall.

10. Her name’s Anna. She is __ doctor.

11. My sister is ___ teacher at school. She has three children, two girls   and __ boy. __ girls are in her class at school, but __ boy isn’t old enough for school yet.


II. Множественное число существительных


Singular                                    Plural

                             a student                                    student s

                             a box                                          box es

1. f (fe)        ves

A shelf – shelves  полка - полки

A wife – wives     жена - жены


A chief – chiefs              начальник - начальники

A roof – roofs      крыша – крыши


2. y        i + es

A city – cities       город - города


A day – days        день - дни

A boy – boys       мальчик – мальчики


3. Remember!

  A man - men       человек/мужчина - люди/мужчины

A woman – women женщина - женщины

A child – children ребенок - дети

A tooth – teeth     зуб - зубы

A foot – feet      нога - ноги

A mouse – mice             мышь – мыши


Exercise 4. Write the plural.


Watch, knife, problem, train, man, boy, child, country, hero, shelf, bus, student, woman.


Exercise 5. Underline the nouns in plural


1. Many students of our University live in the country. 2. They study many subjects. 3. These students study English at the University. 4. I want to ask you some questions. 5. We like these films. 6. My brother has two children, a girl and a boy, the boy is two years and he has ten teeth already. 7. Women in our country have equal rights with men. 8. The tourists did not hurt their feet while they were climbing the mountain. 9. There were many men at the stadium as they were watching hockey game. 10. Her advice is always very useful. 11. His information was false. 12. The news is heard on the radio at seven o’clock. 13. His knowledge in French is poor. 14. What is the news? The news is very interesting. 15. There is a good means of learning English words.

III. Притяжательный падеж существительных


Существительные в притяжательном падеже отвечают на вопрос Whose? –Чей? Чья? Чье?


Whose pen is that? Чья это ручка?

It is my teacher ’s pen. Это ручка моего учителя.


        Singular                                                   Plural

A girl ’s hat (шляпка девушки) girls hats (шляпки девушек)


Exercise 6. Find out the word-combinations with the possessive case.


1. This man’s coat is quite new. 2. My brother’s favourite sport is gymnastics. 3. I don’t remember that woman’s name. 4. My brother’s son is a lawyer. 5. I always spend my days off with my friend’s family. 6. Newton’s laws are fundamental in physics. 7. Our duty is to fullfil our teacher’s demands. 8. Radio is our century’s discovery. 9. My friend’s grandfather was a participant of the Great Patriotic War. 10. My brother’s flat is very light and large. 11. My friend’s brother is a computer-operator.


Exercise 7. Translate into English.


1. Семья моего друга довольно велика.

2. Дед моего друга – ветеран войны.

3. Я живу в доме моего отца.

4. Мы всегда выполняем требования нашего преподавателя.

5. Отец моего друга – оператор-компьюторщик.

6. Дочь моей сестры – студентка.

7. Знаешь ли ты номер телефона своего друга?

8. Школа моего брата находится недалеко от дома.

9. Форма моего друга – зеленая.


Exercise 8. Get to know somebody’s hobbies. (your friend's, your mother's, your wife's, your son’s …).

Example : My son’s hobby is football.


Use the words: music, tennis, basket-ball, table-tennis, to dance, to sing, to collect stamps, to read books, to learn foreign languages, to go in for sport.      



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