Meetings, Contacts, Exchange of Views
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences.
1. During the talks the two sides expressed their readiness to expand French – Portuguese contacts and ties in every sphere of mutual interest in an effort to consolidate European security and promote peaceful co-operation among states.
2. The President of Russia received the Parliamentary delegation yesterday. 3. The Prime Minister is on holiday in Spain. 4. The talks proceeded in cordial atmosphere. 5. The sides were considering the problem. 6. The delegation will make a tour of Russia. 7. The talks revealed complete identity of views on the problem discussed. 8. Economic co-operation between the two countries is progressing. 9. The talks will create favourable conditions for expanding economic ties between the two countries 10. The sides confirmed their desire to deepen economic cooperation.
Местоимение “it”
Перевод предложений с местоимением ‘it’ зависит от его функции в предложении. Местоимение " it" может быть:
1. Личным местоимением, заменяющим неодушевленное существительное. Переводится местоимениями: он, она, оно. The parliamentary delegation is paying an unofficial visit to England. It will attend London and Manchester. Парламентская делегация находится в Англии с неофициальным визитом. Она посетит Лондон и Манчестер. 2. Указательным местоимением. Переводится местоимением “это”. The Prime Minister of Russia is to arrive in Istanbul late in December. It will be his last official visit this year. В конце декабря Премьер-министр России посетит Стамбул. Это будет его последний официальный визит в этом году. 3. Безличным местоимением. На русский язык не переводится. It is important to start negotiations as soon as possible. Важно начать переговоры как можно скорее. 4. Частью усилительной конструкции: It is … that (who, when). Переводится с добавлением слова "именно". It was the Prime Minister of Russia who put forward this initiative. Именно премьер-министр России выступил с этой инициативой. It was in 1980 when this political process started. Именно в 1980 году начался этот политический процесс.
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences paying attention to "it". 1. It was Russia and the US which started this process. 2. America is enjoying an economic boom. It is already the leading industrial state in the world. 3. The agreement was signed yesterday. It is the first international accord on this important topic. 4. The bill was approved by the Parliament. It will contribute to the law-making process. 5. It is for this reason that the news conference was delayed. 6. ‘We have received a very interesting proposal and we are ready to discuss it,’-the spokesman for the Russian government said yesterday. 7. The Polish Premier will visit Russia late in December, it was announced in Moscow.
8. The Mayor of Moscow has accepted an invitation to visit London. It will be a three-day official visit. 9. It was announced today in London that the Japanese Foreign Minister had accepted an invitation to visit Great Britain. 10. It is planned that the Spanish Foreign Minister will arrive in Moscow on May 29 for an official visit.
Translate the following articles:
RUSSIAN – FINNISH TALKS During the meeting and the talks which took place in the traditional atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, characteristic of Russian – Finnish relations, the Sides considered question s pertaining to promoting bilateral good-neighbourly Russian-Finnish relations, including prospects for trade and economic co-operation between the two countries.
RUSSIAN – BELARUS MEETING The President of Russia received the President of Belarus who is on holiday in Russia. The two leaders had talks which, ITAR TASS reports, ‘proceeded in cordial and friendly atmosphere and revealed a complete identity of views on the questions discussed.’ During the discussion the leaders stressed the major importance of constantly expanding relations between the two countries and the strengthening of friendship ties between Russia and Belarus. Discussing the prospects for Russian-Belarus co-operation, they noted with satisfaction that the co-operation in technological, cultural and many other areas was progressing. They confirmed their desire to deepen economic cooperation within the framework of long-term programmes. They stressed the improvement of relations among European states which created favourable conditions for the European peoples to strengthen peace and develop co-operation on an equal footing.
RUSSIAN - HUNGARIAN MEETING. The Hungarian President visited Moscow from March 10 to 12 and had talks with the Russian President. Though brief, the visit was useful and fruitful. The talks which proceeded in friendly atmosphere covered a wide range of problems. The leaders had a detailed exchange of views on bilateral relations and prospects for further economic co-operation. The two sides stated their resolve to expand political relations between the two countries and to deepen economic co-operation. The talks revealed similarity of views of the two governments on many international issues. In their review of the present international situation they paid particular attention to the problems of Eastern Europe. They agreed that regular summit meetings were of major importance for the solution of the problems facing the East-European countries.
Ex. 1 Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
1. to be on a visit in a country 2. to be on a holiday in a country 3. to proceed in a cordial,friendly and constructive atmosphere 4. to take place in a businesslike,frank atmosphere 5. to reveal a complete identity /unanimity/ similarity of views on all the questions discussed 6. on all the problems discussed under discussion under review under consideration 7. to note with great satisfaction 8. to stress the improvement of the relations 9. to emphasize the desire for peace 10. to welcome the favourable conditions for future talks 11. to create favourable conditions for the strengthening of peace development of cooperation improvement of relations constructive exchange of views deepening of technological co-operation 12. relations are expanding 13. ties are improving 14. contacts are progressing 15. to confirm the desire to do smth. 16. to confirm readiness for smth. 17. to receive a Guest of Honour 18. to meet a delegation 19. to welcome the Head of the delegation 20. to develop co-operation on equal footing 21. to deepen co-operation on equal basis 22. to strengthen co-operation
23. to expand economic co-operation 24. co-operation is progressing 25. to be of major importance 26. to approve the results 27. to welcome the progress 28. the expansion of friendly relations 29. the development of bilateral relations 30. the strengthening of technological co-operation Lesson 3
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