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Establishment of Diplomatic Relations






1. accord (on smth.)   2. relations   3. diplomatic government relations consular trade   4. establish relations ties contacts   5. establishment 6. embassy   7. ambassador at the ambassadorial level   8. to appoint smb.   9. appointment to take up one’s appointment   10. diplomatic service foreign service   11. to hold a post   12. permanent mission at the UN   13. former   14. to present smth.   15. credentials   16. councillor   17. charge d’affairs 18. British Foreign and Commonwealth Office   19. to suspend [to interrupt] diplomatic relations   20. to break off [to sever] diplomatic relations   20. to summon smth. to summon smb.   21. to hand over smth.   22. note   23. informed sources   24. to withdraw [to recall] smb. to withdraw troops   25. to confer with smb. 1. Соглашение   2. отношения   3. дипломатические государственные отношения консульские торговые   4. установить отношения связи контакты   5. установление 6. посольство   7. посол на уровне послов   8. назначать кого-либо кем-либо   9. назначение занять должность, приступить к обязанностям   10. дипломатическая служба   11. занимать должность   12. постоянное представительство в ООН   13. бывший   14. подавать, передавать на рассмотрение   15. верительные грамоты   16. советник   17. временный поверенный в делах 18. МИД Великобритании     19. приостанавливать дипломатические отношения   20. разрывать дипломатические отношения   20. созывать что-либо вызывать кого-либо   21. вручать что-либо   22. нота   23. информированные источники   24. отзывать кого-либо выводить войска   25. совещаться с кем-либо


Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences:


1. The sides also agreed to sign in the first half of 1999 a long-term trade agreement for 1999-2004.

2. Diplomatic relations between India and Nepal were established in the thirties and ever since have been developing successfully.

3. It was announced that Australian Ambassador to France is to retire from diplomatic service.

4. Sir N was Minister in Egypt from 1973 to 1975 and Ambassador to the Netherlands from 1975 to 1980.

5. Later he held the post of executive secretary of the City Committee.

6. In 1978 he was appointed Ambassador of Tanzania to Egypt.

7. In 1992 he became the Head of Russian Permanent Mission at the UN.

8. The former ambassador of Britain to France is a councilor at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office now.

9. Sir N joined foreign service in1989.

10. The Ambassador handed his credentials to the Head of the State.




Числительное “ one


Перевод числительного “ one ” зависит от его функции в предложении.

Числительное " one " может быть:

1. Неопределенно-личным местоимением. В таком случае на русский язык оно не переводится.

One may (must, can) + verb.

Можно (нужно) + глагол

One can hardly imagine the world without international cooperation nowadays.

Теперь вряд ли можно представить себе мир без международного сотрудничества.

2. Словом-заменителем. В таком случае переводится словом, которое заменяет, или не переводится совсем.

Overpopulation in China is the most serious problem and the one, which needs special attention of the government.

Проблема перенаселения в Китае является самой серьезной и требует особого внимания со стороны правительства.

3. Числительным и переводится словом "один".

One of the most important questions of the agenda was not discussed yesterday.

Вчера не обсуждался один из самых важных вопросов повестки дня.

4. Если числительное " one " употребляется с определенным артиклем, то оно является усилительным элементом в предложении и переводится словом "тот самый".

This agreement was the one, which has been so long waited for.

Это то самое соглашение, которого так долго ждали.


Ex. 1.Translate the following sentences paying attention to “one”:


1. The UN resolution is one of the means by which the nuclear war danger can be eliminated.

2. One shouldn’t be misled by this decision of the Parliament.

3. Since 1986 the time has been divided into a pre-Chernobyl era and a post-Chernobyl one.

4. “Much must be changed in Russia not only in home policy but in foreign one too”, - the Russian Foreign Minister said yesterday.

5. One should remember what the President said during the summit.

6. Speaking in Washington the American State Secretary said that that step was a very important one.

7. One Air Force regiment will be withdrawn from the territory of Mozambique.

8. We hope that the new Government will differ from the previous one.

9. It is the best solution one could foresee.

10. The visit was the one, which was hoped for.




Translate the following articles:




Mongolia’s new Ambassador, Mr. N, who presented his credentials to the Queen, was trained as a lawyer and joined his country’s Foreign Service in 1970. Since then he has served in Beijing, and been Ambassador in India and Hungary, from 1990, until his appointment to London, he was Deputy Foreign Minister.




The President of Russia has appointed N Ambassador to India.

N., who is 59, has been in diplomatic service since 1968 and held a number of responsible posts both in the Russian Foreign Ministry and abroad, including the Russian Mission at the United Nations and the Russian Embassy in the United States.

The former Ambassador in Delhi G., has been appointed First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation.




Dublin, Sept., 30, (Reuters) The Irish Republic and Russia signed an agreement establishing diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level.

The agreement was announced here and in New York, where it was signed by the Irish and Russian Ministers.

According to an official communiqué the two countries are to exchange ambassadors “in the very near future”. The British Embassy in Moscow had looked after Irish interests in Russia until now.




Diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the United States of America were established on November 16, 1933. In the first sixteen years of the Soviet Government there were no official relation between the two countries. The Soviet Government proposed to normalize relations but Washington gave no reply to this initiative.

The general international situation in the early thirties and the progress of Russian-American economic contacts led to the normalization of relations between the two countries.

The establishment of diplomatic relations in 1933 was a farsighted measure, which finally predetermined the setting up of a military alliance of the two countries in 1941-1945 and future international cooperation.






Ex. 1 Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations


1. to establish political relations

to have governmental contacts

diplomatic ties








2. diplomatic service









3. to appoint an Ambassador to Chile

to be appointed Brazil


4. to present one’s credentials

letters of credence

letters of appointment

letters of introduction


5. to joint government service





6. 6. to take up a new appointment as



7. to establish full diplomatic relations with


to maintain ties with

to suspend trade

to terminate economic relations

to break of diplomatic relations

to normalize cultural relations

to resume relations

to restore relations


8. to withdraw an Ambassador


9. to withdraw troops


10. to up-grade

to raise diplomatic relations with

to down-grade


11. to hand over a note

note of protest



12. a mission at the UN


13. the strengthening of scientific exchange


14. the breaking of diplomatic relations


Lesson 4


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