Talks, Discussions, Consultations
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences:
1. During the talks the two sides expressed their readiness to expand Italian-Portuguese contacts and ties in every sphere of mutual interest in an effort to consolidate European security and promote peaceful cooperation among states. 2. The Austrian Chancellor said on his return from Moscow that his talks with Russian leaders had been especially valuable. During the talks which passed in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding there was a thorough exchange of opinions on the further development of relations between the two countries. 3. The talks which were conducted in a frank atmosphere centred on measures to intensify economic, scientific and technological cooperation. 4. Last year about 90 international scientific congresses, conferences and symposia were held in Europe. 5. During the talks special attention was paid to the situation in the Middle East. 6. Our purpose has been to follow a consistent policy of enhancing peaceful coexistence with all countries by developing treaty relations with them, covering various fields of state-to-state relations. 7. The Pentagon is at present making plans for the holding of joint exercises of the armed forces of the United States and Japan. 8. The joint committee had decided to intensify the studies of the new fields of cooperation. 9. The NATO countries are planning to carry out exercises in the Pacific off the coast of the Philippines. 10. The UN Special Committee on the Indian Ocean is planning a conference on implementation of the General Assembly’s Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a zone of peace.
Страдательный залог
Страдательный залог английского языка строится по схеме: To be + III форма глагола И может иметь следующий вид в предложении:
Если сказуемое выражено одним из этих вариантов, то его можно переводить следующими способами:
1. Возвратными глаголами с частицами "ся", "сь". The conference is being held in London now. Сейчас в Лондоне проводится конференция.
The conference was held in London last month. В прошлом месяце в Лондоне проводилась конференция.
2. Глаголом "быть" + краткое причастие The conference will be held in London. Конференция будет проведена в Лондоне.
3. Русское предложение начать с дополнения The conference will be held in London. Конференцию проведут в Лондоне.
4. Заменить страдательный залог на действительный The conference will be held in London. Конференция пройдет в Лондоне.
Как видно из примеров, способы перевода могут быть взаимозаменяемы.
5. Применяя лексический перевод, то есть, подбирая адекватные русские эквиваленты. It has been estimated that about 2000 participants of the conference will arrive in London tomorrow. По оценкам, завтра в Лондон на конференцию прибудут около двух тысяч делегатов.
Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the form of predicate. Give two or more variants if possible. 1. The Prime Minister of Malta was greeted at the airport by the Russian officials. 2. It was announced yesterday that the Foreign Minister of England had accepted the invitation to visit Russia in June. 3. The summit will be held in Moscow, the capital of Russia. 4. The draft agreement was developed by the Russian specialists. 5. The parliamentary delegation was warmly welcomed at the airport. 6. “The Russian Prime Minister is invited to visit India early in May this year”, - the Kremlin spokesman said yesterday. 7. According to the Committee of State Construction about 150 projects are at present being built in Moscow by foreign workers. 8. Armenian nuclear power plant was shut down after the earthquake. 9. It was once said that freedom is the recognition of necessity. 10. Toxic wastes were found in the outskirts of Moscow.
Translate the following articles:
POLISH-HUNGARIAN MEETING Talks opened Tuesday in Budapest between the Polish Premier and the Prime Minister of Hungary. The two countries are discussing further expansion of their economic, scientific and technological cooperation. The Polish Foreign Minister is taking part in the Budapest talks.
RUSSIAN-BRITISH PROTOCOL ON CONSULTATIONS The Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland desiring to strengthen mutual confidence and understanding between their two countries and being convinced that the consolidation of peaceful cooperative relations between Russia and the UK meets the interests of the people of both countries, believing that the development of stable friendly relations between them will help to strengthen relations of peaceful coexistence have reached the following understanding: 1. The RF and the UK will enlarge and deepen political consultations on important international problems of mutual interest and on questions of bilateral relations. 2. The consultations will embrace: - international questions causing tension in various parts of the world; - measures to strengthen peace and security in Europe and to develop cooperation among the countries of the European continent; - questions of mutual interest which are the subject of discussion in international forums, including the United Nations; - questions of a political, economic and cultural nature, environmental questions and other subjects, concerning relations between the two countries. 3. The consultations will be carried out on a basis of reciprocity at all appropriate levels and will have a regular character. Either side is free to recommend the holding of such consultations including the time and the level at which they should be held.
Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
1. last week’s talks
2. this month’s negotiations 3. loyalty to the principles of peaceful coexistence 4. to adopt a joint declaration 5. private consultations 6. current international problems 7. major issues 8. urgent matters 9. to arrive in Moscow for negotiations with 10. the chief aim is to develop contacts 11. a review of urgent international problems 12. to win the support 13. on the basis of mutual understanding 14. on the basis of reciprocity 15. consultations on measures to strengthen peace 16. negotiations on bilateral matters 17. consultations will embrace measures to develop cooperation 18. talks will embrace measures to consolidate peace 19. to promote the deepening of understanding 20. the conduct of such meetings is designed for may 21. mutual confidence between the two countries 22. stable relations between both countries 23. regular consultations on peace 24. bilateral contacts between Russia and the UK 25. peaceful coexistence among nations 26. all-round cooperation among the European states 27. stable relations among the UN members 28. a matter of mutual interest 29. the summit will be held 30. an exchange of views will take place Lesson 5 Declarations, Communiqués, Statements.
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences:
1. A joint communiqué stressed that Austria’s neutrality was a positive contribution to the relaxation of international tension and to strengthening of peace. 2. A joint communiqué stressed that complete disarmament under strict international control was the most important question facing the world. 3. On May, 23, the Russian Premier met the President of Malta in the Kremlin. The two leaders made a statement important for both countries. 4. The joint statement emphasized that peace movement is still very important for this region. 5. Both sides expressed their concern about peace process in the Declaration. 6. Russia is maintaining its traditionally extensive commercial relations with Sweden and Austria. 7. These measures aimed at lessening the danger of armed conflicts must play an important role in maintaining peace and security in Europe. 8. This policy enjoys the support of all progressive people throughout the world. 9. Russian-Mozambique joint statement stressed that the talks proceeded in an atmosphere of friendship and complete mutual understanding. 10. The participants in the joint session were trying to find some common ground on which the two rival factions might get together to discuss their differences.
Сложное подлежащее
Английские предложения, содержащие "сложное подлежащее", имеют следующую структуру:
Перевод таких предложений начинается со сказуемого, которое переводится неопределенно-личной формой:
is reported - передают, сообщают, сообщения утверждают, что is expected - ожидается, предполагают, что is believed - считают, что is considered – считают, считается, что
seems – кажется, что is likely – по-видимому, вероятно is unlikely – едва ли, вряд ли
затем переводится подлежащее, а затем инфинитив. Причем инфинитив переводится личной, спрягаемой формой глагола, а затем все остальные члены предложения.
The Italian Foreign Minister is expected to visit London. Ожидается, что министр иностранных дел Италии посетит Лондон.
The new Ambassador is reported to arrive on Monday. Сообщается, что новый посол прибудет в понедельник.
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences paying attention to Complex Subject
1. The Congress is expected to open on Tuesday. 2. The delegation is reported to leave Moscow for London. 3. The talks are expected to take place in June. 4. The Home Secretary is expected to make a statement next week. 5. The Conference is likely to last for 10 days. 6. About 200 people are reported to have been arrested on different charges in Ulster yesterday. 7. The BBC is considered to play an important role in world news broadcasting. 8. The meeting, which lasted just half an hour, seems to have taken place at the Prime Minister’s request. 9. The US-Russian talks are not expected to last more than two days. 10. The sides are expected to prepare grounds for START-2 discussion.
Translate the following article
JOINT RUSSIAN-INDIAN DECLARATION The Russian Federation and the Republic of India aware of their responsibility for the promotion of international peace and nothing with concern the deterioration of the present- day international situation, reiterating their common commitment to the development of cooperation between nations in accordance with the principles of peaceful coexistence, determined to carry on persistent struggle for peace and international security, national independence of peoples, against all manifestations of neo-colonialism and racism, and for lofty ideals of mankind recorded in the Charter of the United Nations, declare their firm intention in accordance with the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and India, to continue strengthening and deepening Russian-Indian friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in the interest of the peoples of the two countries and the cause of international peace and security. The Russian Federation and India note with profound satisfaction that the relations between them which have been fruitfully developing for decades in atmosphere of friendship and trust, provide an eloquent example of practical implementation of the principles of peaceful coexistence between states. These relations are developing to the mutual benefit of the peoples of both countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect, strict observance of sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s affairs. The Russian Federation and India recognize that their relations of mutual understanding, confidence and all-round cooperation are of major significance for peace and stability in Asia and in the world. They reaffirm their determination to continue developing these relations and thus to effectively promote the improvement of the international situation. Russia and India firmly believe that the most important objective facing mankind is the strengthening of peace and the prevention of a new world war and they will do their utmost in contributing towards the lofty end. Russia and India reaffirmed their conviction that inter-state relations should develop on the basis of the fundamental and universally recognized principles such as renunciation of the threat or use of force, respect for sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
1. to be aware of the outstanding issues facing mankind 2. one’s responsibility for the deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation 3. to reiterate the common commitment to the promotion of bilateral relations 4. to reaffirm the determination to implement the principles of peaceful coexistence between states 5. to affirm the respect for sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders 6. the sides will continue to support peace 7. the sides will declare their firm intention to develop cooperation 8. to oppose the threat or use of force 9. to oppose outside interference in the internal affairs of other countries 10. to serve the deepening of bilateral relations 11. to promote the maintenance of regular contacts on major questions 12. to provide an opportunity for reviewing the results 13. to strengthen international peace 14. in accordance with the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 15. unconformity with the spirit and principles of the UN Charter 16. respect for the principles of peaceful coexistence 17. to respect the principles of the inadmissibility of the application of force 18. respect for sovereignty, equality and territorial integrity 19. the most important objective 20. the renunciation of the threat or use of force
Lesson 6 Peace, Security, Détente.
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences: 1. The peoples of the world urge an international disarmament conference to be held in the near future. 2. The world public demands that the treaty should be ratified as soon as possible. 3. The two countries were doing their best to make détente an irreversible process. 4. It is reasonable that the Conference on Security and Cooperation should be held at the highest level at any early date. 5. The sides discussed a proposal for a world disarmament conference. 6. Our main objective is the strengthening of world peace and security. 7. The relaxation of world tension is the main objective of all peace-loving forces. 8. The UN member states should fulfil the obligations assumed by them in accordance to the Charter. 9. All states should act in such a manner that the arm race is stopped. 10. International bodies should observe that international law is not violated.
Перевод ‘ing-forms’
Перевод предложений, содержащих ‘ing-forms’, зависит от функции этих форм в предложении. ‘Ing- формы’ могут быть:
1. Подлежащими и будут переводиться как существительные. Setting up the UN was a long and rather complicated process. Создание ООН было долгим и довольно сложным процессом. 2. Сказуемым, которое переводится сочетанием указательного местоимения "это" с существительным. One of the main tasks of the UN is maintaining peace in the world. Одна из главных задач ООН – это сохранение мира на земле. 3. Дополнением, которое будет переводиться существительным. The two countries must advance as quickly as possible towards signing the agreement to reduce strategic arms. Обе страны должны как можно быстрее подписать договор, ограничивающий стратегические вооружения. 4. Определением, которое будет переводиться причастием или причастным оборотом. The two countries must sign the agreement reducing nuclear weapons. Обе страны должны подписать договор, ограничивающий ядерные арсеналы. 5. Обстоятельством, которое переводится деепричастием или деепричастным оборотом, существительным с предлогом или придаточным предложением. Accepting the Spanish king’s invitation the President of Russia sent him a letter of gratitude. Получив приглашение от короля Испании, Президент России отправил ему благодарственное письмо. Having signed the agreement the heads of the delegations exchanged speeches. Подписав соглашение, главы делегаций выступили с ответными речами. When speaking at the meeting he supported the policy of the government. В своем выступлении на встрече он поддержал политику правительства.
Ex.1 Translate the following sentences paying attention to “ing-forms”
Translate the following articles.
Madrid Meeting The first stage of the Madrid meeting of the participants in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe was held at the end of last year after a four week’s exchange of views on the implementation of the Final Act signed in Helsinki by 33 European countries as well as the United States and Canada. Within the framework of this document the delegations submitted proposals for strengthening security, expanding cooperation, and carrying détente forward in the future.
Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security. (Resolution adopted by the General Assembly) (excerpts)
The General Assembly, recalling the determination of peoples of the United Nations to live together in peace with one another as good neighbours and to unite their strength to maintain International peace and security reaffirms the universal and unconditional validity of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations as the basis of relations among states irrespective of their size, geographical location, level of development or political, economic and social systems and declares that the breach of these principles cannot be justified in any circumstances.
Calls upon all states to adhere strictly in their international relations to the purposes and principles of the Charter, including that the principle that states shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.
Urges Member States to make full use of the means and methods for exclusively peaceful settlement of any dispute or any situation. Recognizes the need for effective, dynamic and flexible measures to prevent threats to peace, suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of peace.
Recommends that all states should contribute to the efforts to ensure peace and security for all nations and to establish an effective system of universal collective security without military alliance.
Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
to maintain to strengthen to restore peace and security to seek to establish to endanger to threaten to consolidate
2. to ensure to establish a system of collective security and confidence to build
in conformity with the UN Charter in keeping in line
in a peaceful way through negotiations 5. the breach of international law
6. the threat or use of force 7. the interference in the domestic affairs of other states 8. to make urgent efforts 9. to observe to implement to respect to adhere to the principles of the Resolution 10. not to justify the breach of principles 11. to condemn the violation of borders 12. to refrain from the breach of international law 13. to implement obligations 14. to save the world from nuclear war 15. to support the policy of détente 16. unconditional duty 17. to prevent the arms race Lesson 7 Military Actions
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences:
1. Interior troops soldiers were firing at rebel fighters from a certain position in the city. 2. The troops raged by rising losses, battle their way towards the centre of the city. 3. Snipers were firing from high-rises west and south-west of the square, while federal tanks blasted rebel positions from the south-east. 4. The President approved plans on Thursday to sharply increase the purchase of new weapons and equipment to modernize the army. 5. “While nuclear deterrent forces remain a priority, the state defence order will be increasingly directed toward purchasing weapons for conventional forces,” the Defence Minister said. 6. General Headquarters announces that the first strike was made by the rebels. 7. About three bombers and five fighters took part in the air fight. 8. The troops are dying at a far faster raid than official figures suggest, two commercial news organizations said on Monday. 9. “These actions can jeopardize the talk process possibility”, - military sources said on Tuesday. 10. The troops are fighting the rebels in the mountainous regions where fighters can take shelter.
Participle II
Если в предложении встречается третья форма глагола, то необходимо помнить, что она необязательно входит в состав сказуемого. Такая форма может быть Participle II и выполнять следующие функции в предложении: 1. Обстоятельство. В таком случае она переводится придаточным предложением: When asked about the disarmament situation, the UN Secretary said: “I don’t think there has been any marked progress.” Когда Секретарю ООН был задан вопрос о ситуации в области разоружения, он ответил: "Я не думаю, что здесь прослеживается какой-либо заметный прогресс." 2. Определение. В таком случае переводится страдательным причастием. The Russian – Polish agreement signed in Moscow was widely discussed in Poland. Договор между Россией и Польшей, подписанный в Москве получил широкое обсуждение в Польше.
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participles. 1. Questioned at a press conference about the new European currency, the US President said: “ I don’t think it is a threat to our economy.” 2. A Russian delegation invited to make a tour of Italy will arrive in Rome tomorrow. 3. When asked if he proposed to invite the British Prime Minister to pay a return visit to India, the Indian Prime Minister replied: “Most certainly.” 4. Germany’s potential naval strength, which appeared so modest to the British government, assumed a different aspect when viewed from the Continent. 5. Blinded by this victory the government forgot economic and political laws. 6. Guided by a desire to promote mutual understanding, the two sides resolved to set up “round table”. 7. The reception given in the Kremlin in honour of the visiting delegation proceeded in a cordial atmosphere. 8. The two countries are developing economic cooperation within the framework of the long-term programme adopted three years ago. 9. Talks aimed at ending violence will begin tomorrow. 10. Having refused to accept the proposal put forward by the President, the Prime Minister suggested his own plan.
Translate the following articles:
KEY SQUARE CAPTURED Military forces pushed into a strategically key square in the capital of rebel region on Monday after more than a week of intense battles with rebel snipers firing from high-rise buildings, Military officials said. “After taking this square, I can say that we can totally control the city,” a commander said on the TV channel. The square is adjacent to several of main roads and could be a starting point or a drive into the centre.
The advance toward the square came under withering sniper fire from rebels in high-rise buildings along the approach streets, sometimes bringing the troops to a standstill. Rebels elsewhere of the city have put up fierce resistance and the rebel command shows no sign of backing down.
The spokesman for the Government said on Monday that about 140 guerrillas had surrendered in recent days, but the figure was questioned by many newspapers’ reporters.
TROOPS STRUGGLE TO REACH KEY CITIES Rebel snipers in high-rise buildings and trenches held off the government troops trying to advance on the centre of the city on Thursday, while a rain of bombs and rockets blanketed the capital in thick smoke.
International pressure was building on the Government to end the war, with UN Secretary-General saying that he wants the conflict to end as soon as possible. The Council of Europe’s parliamentary assembly called for the country to open cease-fire talks and to hold attacks on civilians.
The Government officials vowed that neither the military’s aims nor its tactics would change.
“A concrete combat task has been set for the troops and they will fulfil it, regardless of how certain countries feel about it,” presidential aid told at a news conference.
The Defence Minister claimed that the operation “ is approaching a breakthrough”, the news agencies reported.
DISSIDENTS STORM THAI HOSPITAL Thailand, - Heavily armed guerrillas from God’s Army, a rebel group opposed to military government stormed a Thai hospital on Monday and took hundreds of patients and staff hostage.
Sixteen fighters from the ethnic militia, aged between 14 and 30 swarmed into the hospital in the early morning from the hijacked bus. By late Monday, the hostage takers had released 100 people but between 500 and 600 others were still inside, military sources told AP.
The gunmen demanded two helicopters to help them flee to the jungle hide out on the border and pledged to leave one of their number behind in return, the sources said.
Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
1. army arsenal 2. to build up military activity 3. a cease-fire order 4. duty- guard 5. to hold the attack 6. all kinds of weapons 7. land-based launcher 8. war machine 9. machine gun 10. massive strike 11. a defence line 12. prisoner of war (POW) 13. military preparedness 14. strategic potential 15. redeployment 16. region of combat operations 17. regrouping 18. relocation 19. hot point 20. hostages 21. fighter 22. strategic warning 23. war theatre 24. troop transport 25. commando
Lesson 8 The Problem of Employment
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences
1. With the prices going higher and higher and the wages frozen, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the housewife to make both ends meet. 2. With the Government doing its utmost to keep wages down, and with price increases due to Market membership coming on top of price increases arising from Government policy, the standard of living in this country would be given an extremely serious setback. 3. With unemployment being now a crisis issue in many areas, the Labour movement is stepping up “right to work” campaign. 4. Tory policy was also resulting in continuously rising prices, the reduction in the food subsidies in particular having caused a sharp rises in the price of food. 5. Almost all councils are putting up their rents, the reason being the heavy burden of interests for housing. 6. With hundreds of teachers in X being threatened with layoffs, and with thousands of others around the country set to lose their jobs this fall, the Federation of Teachers membership is probing new ways of financing public education in order to solve this crisis. 7. There were 464,190 people unemployed in the Country on August 13 – 2.1 per cent of the working population. Of this number 18,914 were temporarily unemployed. 8. Between July 16 and August 13, unemployment rose by 63,773. 9. The number of school-leavers unemployed rose to 43,999. Excluding school-leavers, unemployed rose by 21,180 to 391,839 the normal seasonal increase being about 9,000. 10. Estimated unemployment figures at the end of January were 416,000, some 66,000 more than at the same date last year, according to Ministry of Labour figures issued yesterday.
"Ложные друзья" переводчика
Пожалуй, в практике перевода нет столь "обманчивой" лексики, какой является "псевдоинтернациональная" лексика. Данной лексике теоретики перевода дали название "ложные друзья переводчика". К "ложным друзьям" переводчика относятся слова, совпадающие по форме в русском и английском языках, но не совпадающие по значению:
1. Prospect вид, панорама, перспектива виды, планы на будущее предполагаемый покупатель, клиент, подписчик
проспект (улица) avenue проспект (книги, издания) prospectus
2. list список, перечень, реестр duty list – расписание дежурств list price – цена по прейскуранту
лист (дерева) leaf лист (материал) sheet, plate
3. contribution пожертвование, взнос вклад сотрудничество (в журнале, газете) статья для газеты, журнала содействие налог
контрибуция indemnity
4. data (datum) данные сведения, факты
дата date
5. manufacture производство, изготовление обработка процесс изготовления изделия, продукт мануфактура textiles
6. intelligence ум, рассудок, интеллект сведения, информация разведка интеллигенция intellectuals
7. family семья, род содружество
фамилия surname
8. nation народ нация, народность страна, государство peace-loving nation миролюбивые страны smaller nations малые державы law of nations международное право
9. nature природа, мир, вселенная сущность, основное свойство, характер род, сорт, класс
натура (характер человека) human nature
10. division деление, граница, барьер отдел, раздел расхождение во взглядах, разногласие
дивизия division
11. article статья предмет, изделие артикль article
12. production изготовление, производство добыча oil production
продукция item
13. industry промышленность индустрия (обратите внимание, что слова промышленность и индустрия отличаются по сфере употребления)
14. economy экономика экономия сбережений economies saving
Ex. 1 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the “false interpreters’ friends”:
1. The draft resolution was sponsored in the General Assembly by the Afro-Asian nations. 2. Russian – Bulgarian commercial relations are promoted through a regular exchange of industrial goods. 3. According to UNESCO data, there are over 800 million people in the world who cannot read or write. 4. A general election will be held in the country in November. 5. Final results of the election may not be known until next week. 6. The discussion of measures for stopping to spread of nuclear weapons will take place early next week. 7. At the final session the Congress adopted the appeal. 8. Scientists can make a valuable contribution to solving the problems of world disarmament. 9. During the first decade of independent development, the Nigerian people concentrated mostly on strengthening political stability in the country. 10. The small nations demanded that the world conference be held next year.
Translate the following articles: JOBLESSNESS AT POSTWAR HIGH Layoffs and plant closings raised the country’s unemployment in March to 9 per cent, equal to the post-World War 11 high, the Labour Department said on Friday. Just under 9.9 million people were out of work in March. Among Afro-Americans, rose to a record 18 per cent. Since last July about 2 million people have lost their jobs.
UNEMPLOYMENT GROWING Unemployment rose to a post-war high in July and government officials are unable to say when the continuing rise in the jobless total will be stopped. Total unemployment in the month ended July 14 surged 163,901 to 1,613,956 or 6,8 per cent of the work force. The Department of Employment said the figures were the largest since they began calculating jobless figures in 1949. Although most of the increase in those out of work was due to school leavers unable to find jobs, seasonally adjusted unemployment of 1,393,800 or 5,9 per cent of work force was also at a record high. The Employment Department spokesman said that rise in employment between mid-June and mid-July Included more than 100,000 school-leavers aged 18.
UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS DICUSSED The country’s top bosses association yesterday painted the grim prospect of high unemployment increasing further. Confederation of British Industry President on the eve of the CBI’s annual conference said, those were the findings from a survey of 700 firms.
He coupled his announcement with a plea to workers to cut their pay claims by two per cent in each of the next two years, but, admitting that labour costs in the country are relatively low, offered no prospects that this would improve the jobless figures for years to come.
However, the President argued that with increased state investment in industry, the jobless total would be cut by one-third of a million for every 1 billion dollars in public spending, which would be a more rewarding policy than tax cuts.
The conference today discusses this question with emphasis on a call for inner-city development, the improvement in the building industry and trading and consideration of earlier retirement. SECTION 4
Ex. 1 Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
1. to be out of work 2. part-time work 3. the working population 4. the accelerating inflation 5. steady lowing productivity 6. growing problem of poverty and low pay 7. a planned three-day strike 8. long-term unemployed 9. temporarily unemployed 10. to throw out of work 11. to fire 12. to give smb. a sack 13. dismissal 14. to get a month’s notice 15. to lose one’s job 16. standing committee 17. Labour Exchange 18. Labour Department 19. blue-collar worker 20. civil servant
Lesson 9 Electoral Systems SECTION 1