Кафедра англійської філології. В. О. Лапочка. Курс ділової англійської мови. Навчальнo-методичний посібник. Для практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів
Стр 1 из 18Следующая ⇒ Міністерство освіти і науки України Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка Факультет філології та журналістики
Кафедра англійської філології
Навчальнo-методичний посібник для практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів
Полтава – 2010
УДК ББК В. О. Лапочка. Курс ділової англійської мови: Навчально-методичний посібник для практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів. Полтава, 2010. – 72 c.
Рецензенти: Кононенко В. В., канд. істор. наук, доцент кафедри романо-германської філології ПНПУ Сирота О. В ., канд. філолог. наук, доцент кафедри перекладу ПІЕП.
Навчально-методичний посібник містить матеріали практичних занять з курсу “Ділова англійська мова” та короткий конспективний виклад матеріалу, який студенти повинні засвоїти як мінімум з вказаного курсу, а також завдання, що виконуються під час практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів. Матеріал викладено у відповідності до програми цього предмету. Посібник є другим, доповненим і переробленим, варіантом, в якому зокрема було розширено теоритичну частину, замінено деякі тексти уроків, включено нові вправи і завдання та додатки. Посібник розрахований на студентів спеціальності “Філологія. Мова та література (англійська, німецька)”. Його мета – допомогти студентам самостійно підготуватися до практичних занять та семінарів, засвоїти зразки перекладу ділових паперів і використовувати набуті знання та навички у практичній діяльності.
©В. О. Лапочка
Business English and its Characteristic Features Generals. Ukraine is located in the centre of the European continent and its geographical position has always been very favourable for foreign trade and policy. Our foreign trade had its ups and downs. However nowadays no country can exist isolated and Ukraine is no exception. The growing interest towards the development of foreign relations is only natural. In this connection we witness an ever increasing interest to business language, business communication. This interest is displayed on all levels: from an individual businessman to the Ministry of Higher and secondary Education: business language is now taught as a subject. It is a logical result of those changes which have taken place in the country, the changes which oriented our economy towards foreign partners and markets. Business language exists not of its own but as a part (component) of the strategy of business. In many works on the problems of business negotiations language forms have been treated as an inseparable part of the general strategy of business negotiations process and general business plan.
It is quite understandable because we realize that business language like a language of any other special field of human activities – space exploration, medicine, physics, military science, etc. is absolutely specific, i. e. it has its logic and characteristic terminology, specific word-combinations and patterns as well as its own style. From the linguistic point of view genres or styles of speech coincide in all languages because they are defined according to similar or identical criteria. If we take, for example scientific style, we can see that its vocabulary consists of 90% of terms and 10% or even less of phraseological units. Within the course of lexicology we learned that there exist different styles or genres of speech and different scientists define those styles in different ways, but they coinside in different languages. And the task of the translator is to render the style of the document adequately. Even a cursory glance at business documents shows that we have to deal in this case with a combination of styles. A certain merging of styles takes place and business language may serve an example of that phenomenon. Official or business language embraces documents, commercial correspondence, acts and laws, materials of conferences and negotiations, specifications, equipment manuals and everyday speech situations, in other words, we will find here legal, scientific, technical and everyday speech characteristics. Another general peculiarity is that business language is explicit, concise and exact. This is expressed in the syntactical and lexical units used in business language: the Infinitive, the Gerund, the Participle, the Passive Voice (67% against 2% in literary writings), nouns are used as attributes in pre-position in 62% against 37% of literary writings, etc. Translators/ interpreters dealing with this kind of materials should bear in mind that their translation must be absolutely exact because it is often used as the basis for some very important decisions; it ensures the authenticity of the texts of treaties, agreements, contracts, etc. This fact naturally dictates the choice of methods and means of translation. Here we can see the tendency to render not only the meaning and general style but even the “wording” of the original text, some places of which may seem unimportant, purely formal at first glance. Still another general characteristic feature of official and business language is that it is void of emotional or expressive colouring. Business English has its own peculiar emotional colouring but it cannot be transferred mechanically into the Ukrainan/Russian languages. Translators/ interpreters must remember it at all times and even more so because the Ukrainian or Russian business languages are more impersonal and official. In other words we have to neutralize the English units in the process of translation. The mother company bore a daughter in the Far East, granted her a dowry of 2, 000, 000 pounds sterling and christened her… The sentence can be translated only as: “Ця компанія організувала на Далекому Сході дочерню компанію і виділила їй капітал у 2 млн. фунтів стерлінгів; нова компанія була названа... ” The author did not aim to introduce any emotional colouring into the text. We find this figurativeness of speech in many English terms and terminological word-combinations: hot atom радіоактивний атом, to label мітити радіоактивним ізотопом, breathing jet engine повітряно-реактивний двигун, 3900-5500m abyss, зона мовчання dead space, запобіжна деталь fool-proof part, рятувальний жилет Mae West, літак, планер flying coffin. Sometimes we can even find idiomatic word-combinations in English business writings:
W. Germany`s Siemens AG, a heavyweight in medical electronics… The new bipolar approach can become a real Cinderella in the production… Very impressive is the mushrooming influence of these devices on designs of microchips. Semiconductor designers are up to their old tricks again. They are cooking up a new generation of large-scale-integrated devices. The idioms are also rendered with the help of neutral Ukrainian/Russian units. These are the most general peculiarities of Business English while specific lexical peculiarities are: terms and terminological word-combination/words and words of general vocabulary with new meanings (neologisms), abbreviations, borrowings, traditional patterns or cliches, systems of weights and measures, etc.
Terms or terminological word-combinations . The most obvious peculiarity of Business English is a wide usage of terms or terminological word-combinations . Terms are words or word-combinations usually defined as monosemantic which have strictly specified meaning in this or that field of human activities. They can designate or describe notions, processes and names of things found there. To correctly understand the meaning of a particular term the translator must know the field of human activities to which the term belongs. Any term must be analysed as a word with a fixed technical meaning which however can change its content in the context of a particular field of human activities. Morphologically terms can be divided into: 1. simple – circuit ланцюг, feeder фідер, invoice рахунок-фактура; 2. compound – flywheel маховик, clock-work часовий механізм, deadline останній строк; 3. terminological word-combinations – load governor регулятор потужності, earth fault замикання на землю, to delay delivery затримати поставку, competitive company конкурентноспроможна компанія. Scientific and technical terms include: 1. Many words of the general vocabulary that acquire the meanings specific for a certain field of science or technology. In this case the meaning of the term becomes one of the meanings of the word: shoe туфля has several technical meanings – кулісний камень, ползун, кінцева муфта кабеля, ріжучий башмак опускної крепі, грохот; armрука is used in a specific meaning ричаг, кронштейн, стріла, спина, коса розпорка, рукав; pin болт, чека, палець, штирь, нагель, шпілька, булавка, штіфт, цапфа, шкворень, ось, шійка, п’ята, шплінт. Other examples of this process are: flywheel маховик; monkey баба (для забівки свай); horse рама; pig болванка, чушка; frog хрестовина; bush втулка, stiff leg жорстка опора, deadline останній строк. 2. General terms used in several fields of science and technology: power amplifier cервопідсилювач підсилювач потужності; rectifier ректифікатор, очисник; детектор; бурав для запальних шнурів; e-mail електронна пошта. 3. Special terms that are used only in one field of science or technology: transformer трансформатор, diesel locomotive тепловоз, impedance імпеданс, interlocker централізаційний апарат, availability of goods наявність товарів.
4. Terms used in different fields of science or technology that have two or more meanings: current density плотність потоку, плотність току; level рівень, нивелір, підйом. Translators / interpreters must remember that today with the increased specialization of all sectors of human life due to technical and scientific progress, the problem of understanding and rendering terminology has to be addressed in somewhat new dimension for terms may have several meanings in different sectors or subject fields of human activities: valve клапан (machine building), електронна лампа (radio); power потужність, енергія (physics), ступінь (mathematics); yield доход від цінних паперів (finance), врожайність, врожай (agriculture), продуктивність (industry), видобуток (extraction of natural resources), вихід (processing industry), осідання (mining), потужність, тротиловий еквівалент вибухівки (military), пружинити (engineering). All the meanings of table are even hard to count. Abbreviations and acronyms. Abbreviations are widely used in Business English and they can be of the following types: 1) letter abbreviations: E. = east; R. = railway; e. m. f. = electromotive force; LOC = letter of commitment; h. a. = hoc anno; CD =compact disc; EU = European Union; GDP = gross domestic product; f. o. b. = free on board; ac = account current; MP = Member of Parliament (MEP); 2) syllable abbreviations: maxcap = maximum capacity, radsta = radio station, intercom = intercommunication, biopic = biographical picture; 3) mixed: N-bomb = nitrogen bomb, H-bomb = hydrogen bomb, CP-1=Chicago Pile#1, A-pole; 4) contractions: inv = invoice, ref. = reference, tox. = toxic, mag. = magazine, Pool = Liverpool, Sac = Sacramento, Chi. = Chicago, camp. = campaign, ciggy = cigar, deli = delicatessen, limo = limousine, teeny = teenager, in. = inch, sub = subject, subeditor, sublimation, submarine, subscription. Abbreviations can be roughly grouped into: 1) аbbreviations of terms and terminological word-combinations; 2) geographical names; 3) names of companies and organizations. Geographical names can be names of countries, their administrative divisions respectively, or localities: UK United Kingdom, G. B. Great Britain, USA United States of America, Ua Ukraine, Col. Colorado, Mo Missouri, PA Pensylvania, Ont. Ontario, Beds. Bedfordshire, Glos. Gloustershire, Ches. Cheshire, W. Wales, R. I. Rhode Island, C. I. Channel Islands, DC District of Columbia. Besides the abbreviations of geographical names we often find the abbreviations of names of organizations, companies, etc: UPI United Press International, UNO United Nations Organization, ECM European Common Market, EU European Union, IMF International Monetary Fund, ВПК військово промисловий комплекс, NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consulting Organization, ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization, InterCom 2007; BBC British Broadcasting Corporation, BEA British Air Ways, ICI Imperial Chemical Industries, GM General Motors, Nabisco National Biscuit Corporation, CAT Caterpillar, Свема Светочувствительные материалы, BrStd British Standard. In the process of translation we should remember that these abbreviations, most of them at least, have traditional or official equivalents in our language which must be used in the translation text: GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade – ГАТТ Генеральна угода про тарифи та торгівлю, IMF International Monetary Fund – Світовий Валютний Фонд. In those cases when the names of the organizations, companies have no traditional or official equivalents in our language the translator/interpreter can give the full translation of the name according to the rules of translation of equivalent-lacking units. We must also remember that most abbreviations can have several meanings: a has up to 30 meanings: acceleration, absolute, accomodation, administration, aircraft, ampere, amplitude, angstrom, anode, area, atom, automobile, etc.; am above mentioned, ante meridian; av according to value(по вартості), acid value( кислотне число), actual velocity(дійсна швидкість), atomic volume(атомна ємність); ASA American Standards Association, Acoustical Society of America, Atomic Scientists Association (UK), Advertising Standards Authority (UK); RTC Railway Transport Corps, Recruit Training Centre, Reserve Training Corps, Royal Tanks Corps.
In every particular case we must be absolutely sure what meaning is used and only the context gives the answer and helps to choose it adequately. Borrowings. Borrowings are a characteristic feature of the English language in general and of special writings in particular. So it is natural for scientific, technical and business writings to have a great number of borrowings from Latin, French, German and other languages in their original form. Generally speaking translators should preserve the part of the original text given in a foreign language unchanged in the translation text but that holds true only for literary translation. In the Ukrainian business language these patterns are rarely used and will not be understood by the receptors. That is why they are translated more often than not. There exists only a small group of such word-combinations which are traditionally known and used in this country: status quo, quorum, persona grata (non grata), terra incognita, tabula rasa, honoris causa, homo sapiens, de facto, de jure. If we compare English and Ukrainian original texts, we will notice a great number of Latin and French words and word-combinations in English documents such as: fait accompli факт, що стався, condition sine qua non обов`язкова умова, mutatis mutandis з відповідними змінами, error facti фактична помилка, par excellence за перевагою, modus vivendi тимчасове рішення, modus operandi спосіб дій, ad hoc специальный, bona fide чистосердно/дійсно, per capita на душу населення, versus проти, ultima ratio головна підстава. The meanings of these units can be found in special dictionaries and reference literature. Traditional patterns. It became generally accepted practice to use traditional patterns in scientific, technical and business writings. Some of these traditional patterns have been created for many years and that is why they have sometimes somewhat archaic colouring: aforesaid, above-mentioned, hereby, hereinafter named, herein, henceforth. As a result we have many word-combinations and patterns (literally translated) which would be absolutely unacceptable in the process of translation of other styles and genres. They happen especially often in different international documents: treaties, agreements, contracts, letters, etc. and the translator / interpreter must know and use them in his translations to bar the possibility of misreading or misinterpretation of the document. Other patterns are simply functional but also used very widely: in terms of за рахунок / використовуючи, in order to з метою, in question / at issue яке розглядається, in the course of time з часом, on the part з чієгось боку, due to завдяки, provided that за умови, що, in centers між центрами, to turn as far as it will go повернути до упору. Grammar peculiarities. Among these we should bear in mind a wide usage of non-finite forms of verbs (the Infinitive, the Gerund, the Participle) and structures with them, of the Passive Voice structures, very long and complicated sentence structures, nouns used as attributes in pre-position in word-combinations, omission of some grammatical elements(articles, auxiliary verbs) in certain documents.
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