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Guide. Word study.   follow-up.   what is “ Islamic state”? . What does is want? . What are its origins?



I. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:


 1. Commuter                    a. to cut off sb’s head

 2. To convert                    b. a person who supports or approves of sb/sth,  

                                              especially a political cause or party:

 3. To decapitate               c. to change or make sth change from one form,

                                              purpose, system, etc. to another

 4. Martyr                          d. to asking sb a lot of questions over a long period of

                                               time, especially in an aggressive way

 5. Interrogator                  e. a person who travels into a city to work each day,

                                                usually from quite far away

 6. Operative                     f. a person who does secret work, especially for a 

                                              government organization

7. Sympathizer                  g. a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their 

                                              religious or political beliefs        



 II. Give synonyms to the following words:


1. Behaviour

2. Incapacitate

3. To run away

4. To cheat

5. To question

6. To behead

7. Observant

8. Thorough


III. Join the words to make word combinations:


1. To survive                    a. list                          

2. To denominate              b. blast

3. To match                       c. footage

4. Foiled terrorist              d. officer

5. CCTV                           e. search

6. Sharp-eyed                    f. bombs

7. Painstaking                    g. plot


IV. Give antonyms to the words below:


  1. To deactivate a bomb
  2. To foil a plan
  3. To keep a secret
  4. To disappear
  5. To reject
  6. To free a criminal


V. Recollect the situation where these word combinations were used:


  1. to spill everything
  2. to dupe into killing
  3. to survive a blast
  4. to be acknowledged
  5. to set off a device
  6. foiled terror plot
  7. to pick out suspicious characters
  8. painstaking searches


 VI. Fill in the phrasal verbs in the gaps:

a. To zoom in b. to set off c. to go off d. to point out e. to mill around f. to pick out. g. to drop from h. to carry out i. to tie in with


  1. The suicide bomber’s plan was foiled as the device didn’t ….. …. .
  2. As soon as the Spanish terrorist,,,,, …. the bomb, he got away.
  3. While investigating the footage in detail, the specialists had to …. … the photographs to see the faces of the suspects and their demeanour much better.
  4. Before planting the bomb, the young terrorist had been …. … the shopping center for half an hour.
  5. It was not very easy for anti-terrorist investigators to … …. The clues that they had … the facts that were given by Al-Qaeda operatives.

6. It took them long to … … the suspicious characters among hundreds of people 

   on the video.

7. The police don’t know how it happened that two most dangerous terrorists …….  

    …….. their ‘watch list’.

  8. Islamic terrorist suicide bombers ……. …….. their egregious crimes believing

     deeply that God will give them better life after death.

  9. Newspapers ……. …….. that all the bombers had ID and other documents

     because they hoped to survive.



I. Explain what the following phrases mean:


had been duped into killing

cover of normality

drop from a security service ‘watch list’

bomber’s al-Qaeda controller

foiled terror plot

study CCTV footage

complete a ‘burning cross’ of explosions

pay-and-display car park ticket

spill everything

to prime a device

after trawling through hours of film

sharp-eyed officer


II. Answer the questions:


1. How did al-Qaeda controllers plan the whole operation in London underground?

2. How did the police explain the fact that the suicide bombers had ID and other documents on them?

3. What facts prove that bombers were sure they’d survive blasts?

4. What helped prevent terrorist acts on London transport system?

5. Due to what did anti-terrorist investigators achieve a fast breakthrough?

6. Describe the bombers’ route and their cruel and violent acts.





Recollect the events that took place in Moscow at the Nord-OST center.







                           WHAT IS “ ISLAMIC STATE”?

The jihadist group Islamic State (IS) burst on to the international scene in 2014 when it seized large territory in Syria and Iraq. It has become known for its brutality, including mass killings, abductions and beheadings. The group has attracted support elsewhere in the Muslim world - and a US-led coalition has vowed to destroy it.

What does IS want?

In June 2014, the group formally declared the establishment of a " caliphate" - a state governed in accordance with Islamic law, or Sharia, by God's deputy on Earth, or caliph.

It has demanded that Muslims across the world swear allegiance to its leader - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - and migrate to territory under its control.

IS has also told other jihadist groups worldwide that they must accept its supreme authority.

IS seeks to eradicate obstacles to restoring God's rule on Earth and to defend the Muslim community, or umma, against infidels and apostates.

What are its origins?

IS can trace its roots back to the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian. In 2004, a year after the US-led invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and formed al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which became a major force in the insurgency.

After Zarqawi's death in 2006, AQI created an umbrella organisation, Islamic State in Iraq (ISI). Baghdadi, a former US detainee, became leader in 2010 and began rebuilding ISI's capabilities. It had also joined the rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, setting up the al-Nusra Front.

In April 2013, Baghdadi announced the merger of his forces in Iraq and Syria and the creation of " Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (Isis).

In June 2014, Isis overran the northern city of Mosul, and then advanced southwards towards Baghdad, massacring its adversaries and threatening to eradicate the country's many ethnic and religious minorities. At the end of the month Isis declared the creation of a caliphate and changed its name to " Islamic State".


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