phrases. Moral values. Pre-reading task. Word study
Bring within range Release a soldier Seek refuge Withdraw troops, military forces Start fire Seize fire Death toll Take a heavy toll on sb Come up with agreement Violate human rights Escalate violence Compromise civil rights Peacekeeping troops NATO forces Provide military escorts Slant on the story Overthrow regime Launch missiles To fire shells Remove guns Exclusion zone Safe area Air raids MORAL VALUES
Twenty years ago the world was different from today’s. We were still locked into the Cold War; and although the signs of thaw were there few believed that the geopolitical situation would soon change to such an extent that some even talked about ‘the end of history’. Nowadays people are so often blamed for being enslaved by self-interests, consumerism, greed, deviant behaviour, inability to interact with others that it is high time for us to stop and think what kind of society are we living in and moreover, what legacy are we going to hand in to our future generations. Massacre and stabbing in the streets of many cities (when adults and children are slain for nothing and human life costs nothing as well), sleaze, fraud, promiscuity, rampant acquisitiveness in the governments – all these inseparable characteristics of our life have spawned plethora of discussions about moral values, the future of the society as a whole and a human being in particular. On the one hand, we are the children of civilization: science and technology have brought many blessings to human existence, including mankind’s ability to meet basic human needs. But the benefits of these advances have been spread unjustly, as 20 percent of the world’s population consumes resources at a rate that robs poorer nations and future generations of what they need to survive. 30 000 people die each day from poverty which results from human behaviour. Such behaviour is driven by values, priorities and decisions which don’t see human life as a paramount concern. Lust, bitterness and hate among people should be wiped out as they are very parlous, can’t be justified by any reasons and may lead to unpredictable consequences.
On the other hand- it should be natural for people to help others, to put their hearts into something useful and important, to contribute of their time and talents, to have a sense of worth. In stead of alienating from each other, we should improve our society to make it friendly, united and cohesive. When it is necessary, we must be able to respond with individual and collective acts of self sacrifice for the greater good, of self denial in the midst of convenient choices, of choosing simpler lifestyles in the consumer society. We have to live in the real world. Armies, police, firefighters and intelligence gatherers are as essential to our survival as potatoes and overcoats. But rather than just hunker down in defence of our lives and life-styles could we not take every opportunity for honest dialogue with those who see things differently from us? This can sometimes lead to reconciliation and a shared vision of how society should be. [31]
1. Match the words with their definitions.
Massacre, to alienate, to hate, consumerism, to slay, plethora, lust, schism, fraud, paramount, bitter, scourge, sleaze, greed, acquisitive, reconciliation, deviant, impetus, to stab, promiscuous.
2. Give the synonyms to the following words.
Schism, to slay, to spawn, to wipe out, parlous, impetus.
3. Make derivatives of the words.
To consume, to stab, to slay, promiscuous, to reconcile, bitter, hate.
4. Insert the particles.
to stab sb. - sth. to slay sb. -/- sth. a plethora- sth. to wipe sth. - to alienate sb. -sth. reconciliation-/-sb. a lust- sth. to hate sb. -sth.
5. Match the words to make phrases.
the scourge of a. power the growth of b. importance deviant c. impetus a fatal d. disappointment tax/insurance/ e. fraud paramount f. consumerism provide g. stabbing lust for h. war a bitter i. behaviour
6. Insert the words.
1. Rumors spread through the school that Jill was---. 2. He had never previously thought of himself as ---or even as particularly materialistic. 3. Despite a ---of changes, the new models are just £ 295 more expensive. 4. Women’s role as mothers is of ---importance to society. 5. Gina had become increasingly ---from her family. 6. The meeting failed to achieve a ---between the two groups. 7. The report may provide further ---for reform. 8. He was a man possessed by greed, jealousy and---. 9. I feel very ---about what has happened. 10. I--- to see you unhappy. 11. In 1827, a fierce ---had shaken the community. 12. Sustained international terror has been a ---on civilized society. 13. Green--- is a hopeful token of more substantial change. 14. He is driven by ---and envy. 15. Certain practices that once were condemned as ---are now considered fairly normal. 16. The bombing of Dresden was one of the worst ---in European history. 17. She had been ---in the chest repeatedly. 18. Detectives are investigating the possibility that a woman may have been ---by the retired Army sergeant. 19. ---and corruption in politics don’t surprise anyone. 20. She was found guilty of---.
Bitter, schism, acquisitive, consumerism, lust, deviant, slain, hate, promiscuous, paramount, scourge, impetus, fraud, stabbed, plethora, alienated, greed, reconciliation, massacres, sleaze.
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