guide. Word study. Comprehension. Pre-reading task
GUIDE WORD STUDY I. Match the words with the proper definitions:
1. Multitude a. showing no kindness or pity 2. Spear b. the cruel killing of large numbers of people at one time, especially in a war 3. Merciless c. a dead body, especially of a human 4. Volunteer d. a person who does a job without being paid for it 5. Slaughter e. a weapon with a long wooden handle and a sharp metal point used for fighting, hunting and fishing in the past 6. Corpse f. an extremely large number of things or people
II. Give the synonyms to the following words:
1. Frightening 2. Battle 3. Crowd 4. Trained men 5. Full of 6. Fighter 7. Restricted 8. Enemy 9. Pull
III. Differentiating synonyms:
1. Slaughter, massacre, murder, homicide 2. Arise, raise, rise, evoke, get up, awake
IV. Fill in the proper prepositions:
1. Thousands of men were crowded together ……. tight formations that moved ……. command and marched ….. step. 2. In the end it was pairs of individuals who thrust …. each other ….. spears for a few moments before one went ……, there was nothing personal …. the exchange. 3. Our history is replete …… such scenes. 4. The invention … armies required more than just working …… ways of drilling large numbers ….. people to act together, although that was certainty part of the formula. 5. The Twelfth Dynasty Egyptian armies of 1900 BC stepped ….. " … the left", and so has every army …. … the present day. )
V. Join the words to make word combinations:
1. Safe a. warfare 2. Awesome b. scale 3. Primitive c. concentration 4. Merciless d. assumption 5. Unprecedented e. element 6. Unsheathed f. swords 7. Mechanistic g. slaughter 8. Invigorating h. struggle
VI. Form derivatives from the following words:
VII. Write down the opposites of these adjectives and verbs:
1. Dangerous 2. Silly 3. Compulsory 4. Enjoyable 5. Fail 6. Win 7. Disappear 8. Obey
VIII. Substitute the given formal words by the informal ones:
IX. Be able to pronounce the words properly:
Awesome Sword Corpse Spear Bow Foe Unsheathed Psychology
X. Name all the weapons that were used during the warfare and add the modern ones: axe, guns, etc.
XI. Find as many adjectives as you can that describe a battle: awesome slaughter, …….. Choose the verbs that refer to the combat: kill and push each other, ……….. COMPREHENSION I. Explain the following statements or word combinations:
1. Give or take a thousand years 2. It’s a safe assumption 3. It’s an equally safe bet 4. Tight formation 6. Step off “by the left” 7. Invigorating element of risk 8. Work out ways of drilling large numbers of people 9. Mob psychology 10. Packed formations 11. Unsheathed swords
II. Answer the questions:
1. What were the causes of war in the tribal cultures? 2. What are the most common causes of war today? Are they different? 3. Have the basic forms of military drill changed since the early days of civilization? 4. Why does the author call the slaughter mechanistic and anonymous? 5. Is the way a war is fought today different from the way it was fought 100, 1000 years ago? 6. In what ways has war changed through the ages? 7. What forces soldiers to fight and die for somebody else’s goals? 8. Do you believe that aggression is innate in a man, it is in his genes?
FOLLOW-UP In pairs discuss the following:
An ordinary soldier is the pawn in the game of politicians. War is odious. People can’t live in peace. War brings destruction, but it also brings money and prosperity to many people. Wars are inevitable. The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.
Write an essay of 360 words on any of these topics.
1. Do you know the real reasons for Americans unleashing war in Iraq? 2. Which countries were in American coalition and which in opposition?
Iraq had been listed as a State Sponsor of Terror by the United States since 1990, and maintained poor relations with the United States since the Gulf War. Tensions were high throughout the 1990's, with the United States launching Operation Desert Fox against Iraq in 1998 after it failed to meet demands of " unconditional cooperation" in weapons inspections.
After the September 11 attacks, the U. S. government claimed that Iraq was a threat to the United States because Iraq could begin to use its alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction to aid terrorist groups. Iraq had no role in the September 11 attacks and had no known history of a significant working relationship with Al Qaeda. The George W. Bush administration called for the United Nations Security Council to send weapons inspectors to Iraq to find and destroy alleged weapons of mass destruction and for a UNSC resolution. UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed unanimously, which offered Iraq " a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" or face " serious consequences. " Resolution 1441 did not authorize the use of force by member states, thus Resolution 1441 had no effect on the UN Charter's prohibition on the use of force by member states against fellow member states. Saddam Hussein subsequently allowed UN inspectors to access Iraqi sites, while the U. S. government continued to assert that Iraq was being obstructionist. In October 2002, the United States Congress authorized the president to use force if necessary to disarm Iraq in order to " prosecute the war on terrorism”. After failing to overcome opposition from France, Russia, and China against a UNSC resolution that would sanction the use of force against Iraq, and before the UN weapons inspectors had completed their inspections, the United States assembled a " Coalition of the Willing" composed of nations who pledged support for a war against Iraq. On March 20th, 2003, the invasion of Iraq was launched in what the Bush Administration said were the " serious consequences" spoken of in UNSC Resolution 1441.
Training Iraqi Police - a Staff Sgt. congratulates an Iraqi police officer on his marksmanship at the Camp Rustamiyah range. Saddam Hussein's regime was quickly toppled and on May 1, 2003, George W. Bush stated major combat operations in Iraq had ended and claimed victory in Iraq. But the war continued as an insurgency against the U. S. -led coalition forces and the Iraqi police units and governing structures they installed. Elements of the insurgency are led by Sunni loyalists, who are Iraqi nationalists and pan-arabists. Some insurgency leaders are strict Muslims and see themselves as fighting a religious war to liberate Iraq of foreign non-Muslim occupiers and their Iraqi collaborators. Over 3, 000 soldiers from the coalition have been killed (more than the number of people killed in the 9/11 attacks), with an estimated 67, 000 Insurgents killed or detained. Several estimates of the number of civilians killed as a result of the conflict exist. A published Johns Hopkins University Study estimates approximately 650, 000 Iraqi " excess" deaths as of July 2006 because of the war and the upheaval caused by the war. See, casualties of the conflict in Iraq since 2003. In a classified memo (dated November 6, 2006) to President Bush, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld revealed that he felt the military strategy in Iraq was ineffective and needed change. At a news conference with the British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Washington on 6 December 2006, President George W. Bush commented the Iraq Study Group's report and admitted for the first time that a " new approach" is needed in Iraq, that the situation in Iraq is " bad there" and that the task ahead was " daunting". Mr Bush said he would not accept every recommendation by the ISG panel but promised that he would take the report seriously. Mr Bush is expected to wait for three other studies from the Pentagon, the US State Department and the National Security Council before charting the new course on Iraq. [18]
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