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Guide. Word study.   comprehension.   why is there a war in Syria? . What began as a peaceful uprising against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad six years ago became a full-scale civil war that has left more than 300,000 people dead, devastated the countr



I. Join the words to make word combinations:


1. State                                          a. cooperation

2. Poor                                                      b. state

3. Unconditional                           c. sponsor

4. Weapons                                   d. relations

5. Member                                     e. support

6. Prosecute                                  f. inspectors

7. Pledge                                       g. the war on terrorism

8. Governing                            h. leaders

9. New                                     i. structure

10. Insurgency                               j. approach


II. Give synonyms to the following words:


1. To help

 2. Important

 3. Chance

 4 To obey

 5. After-effects

 6. To permit

 7. To overthrow

 8. To swear

 9. Afterwards

10. Victims

11. Intimidating


III. Form derivatives from the following words:




IV. Match the words with their definitions:


1. Obstructionist                           a. an area of land where people can practise shooting

                                                         or where bombs, etc. can be tested

2. To assert                                    b. to make sb lose their position of power or authority

3. To authorize                              c. feeling nervous and less confident about doing sth

4. Marksmanship                           d. to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth

5. Daunting                                   e. skill in shooting

6. Insurgent                                   f. to state clearly and firmly that sth is true

7. To topple                                   g. someone trying to prevent a parliament or

                                                           committee from making progress, passing laws, etc.

8. Range                                        h. a person fighting against the government or armed

                                                          forces of their own country


V. Differentiate the following words, say which are close synonyms and which are distant:


  1. Upheaval, insurgency, revolution, rebellion, uprising, revolt, disruption
  2. Collaborate, cooperate,


VI. Find the definitions of the following words in a dictionary:


1. Nationalist 2. Loyalist 3. Pan –arabist 4. Collaborator 5. The Pentagon


VII. Add negative suffixes or prefixes to form antonyms to the words given below:


1. Significant

2. Armed

3. Conditional

4. Effective

5. Daunting

6. Accessible

7. Authorised


VIII. Give English equivalents to the following Russian ones:


  1. Быть внесенным в список стран, спонсирующих терроризм.
  2. Безоговорочное сотрудничество.
  3. Принять резолюцию единогласно.
  4. Дать обещание поддерживать войну в Ираке.
  5. Свергнуть режим Садама Хусейна.
  6. Разработать новый курс по отношению к Ираку.
  7. Повстанческое движение против сил коалиции.
  8. Иметь серьезные последствия.
  9. Начать вторжение.
  10. Переворот, вызванный войной.


IX. Insert the necessary prepositions:


  1. UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed unanimously, which offered Iraq " a final opportunity to comply …………its disarmament obligations" or face " serious consequences.
  2. The United States assembled a " Coalition …. the Willing" composed …. nations who pledged support …….. a war …………. Iraq.
  3. ….. a news conference ……. the British Prime Minister Tony Blair … Washington ….. 6 December 2006, President George W. Bush commented the Iraq Study Group's report and admitted ….. the first time that a " new approach" is needed in Iraq.
  4. ….. October 2002, the United States Congress authorized the president to use force if necessary to disarm Iraq … ….. to " prosecute the war …. terrorism.
  5. Tensions were high ……………. the 1990's, …… the United States launching Operation Desert Fox ……………. Iraq …. 1998.




I. Explain the following;


  1. Listed as a state sponsor of terrorism.
  2. The Gulf War.
  3. Meet demands of ‘unconditional cooperation’.
  4. Assemble the ‘Coalition of the Willing’.
  5. Marksmanship at the Camp Rustamiyah range.
  6. As an insurgency against the U. S-led coalition forces.
  7. ICG panel
  8. Chart the new course on Iraq.


II. Answer the questions.


 1. How did the American government explain the attack on Iraq?

  2What had been done before they unleashed war in this country?

 3. How did other countries react to the outbreak of war?

 4. Why did the war continue though Hussein’s regime was toppled?

 5. What were the casualties in this war?

 6. Why did Mr Bush claim he needed a new course on Iraq?




1. Discuss in groups of 3-4 the present situation in Iraq. Prepare the latest news in this region. Be able to express your opinion.



                     WHY IS THERE A WAR IN SYRIA?

What began as a peaceful uprising against Syria's President Bashar al-Assad six years ago became a full-scale civil war that has left more than 300, 000 people dead, devastated the country and drawn in global powers.

How did the war begin?

Long before the conflict began, many Syrians complained about high unemployment, widespread corruption, a lack of political freedom and state repression under President Bashar al-Assad, who succeeded his father, Hafez, in 2000.

In March 2011, pro-democracy demonstrations inspired by the Arab Spring erupted in the southern city of Deraa. The government's use of deadly force to crush the dissent soon triggered nationwide protests demanding the president's resignation.

As the unrest spread, the crackdown intensified. Opposition supporters began to take up arms, first to defend themselves and later to expel security forces from their local areas. Mr Assad vowed to crush " foreign-backed terrorism" and restore state control.

The violence rapidly escalated and the country descended into civil war as hundreds of rebel brigades were formed to battle government forces for control of the country.


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