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Is it true that Jesus never existed?

Is it true that Jesus never existed?

Jesus historical reality is attested by the words of the ancient Jewish sages, as written in the pages of the Babylonian Talmud:
--When Rabbi Eliezer was arrested and charged with heresy by the authorities, they brought him up to a tribunal to be judged. A certain judicial officer [hegemon] said to him: “Why should an elder like you engage in these frivolous matters of heresy? ”.
Rabbi Eliezer said to him: “The Judge is trusted by me to rule correctly”. That officer thought that Rabbi Eliezer was speaking about him; but in fact he said this only in reference to his Father in Heaven. Rabbi Eliezer meant that he accepted God’s judgment, i. e., if he was charged he must have sinned to God in some manner. The officer said to him: “Since you put your trust in me, you are acquitted [dimos]; you are exempt”.
When Rabbi Eliezer came home, his students entered to console him for being accused of heresy, which he took as a sign of sin, and he did not accept their words of consolation. Rabbi Akiva said to him: “My teacher, allow me to say one matter from all of that which you taught me”. Rabbi Eliezer said to him: “Speak”.
Rabbi Akiva said to him: “My teacher, perhaps some statement of heresy came before you and you derived pleasure from it, and because of this you were held responsible by Heaven”. Rabbi Eliezer said to him: “Akiva, you are right, as you have reminded me that once I was walking in the upper marketplace of Tzippori, and I found a man who was one of the students of Jesus the Nazarene, and his name was Ya’akov of Kefar Sekhanya”. He said to me:
“It is written in your Torah: ‘You shall not bring the payment to a prostitute, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord your God (Deuteronomy 23: 19). What is the halakha: Is it permitted to make from the payment to a prostitute for services rendered a bathroom for a High Priest in the Temple? ’, And I said nothing to him in response”.
He said to me: «Jesus the Nazarene taught me the following: “It is permitted, as derived from the verse: ‘For of the payment to a prostitute she has gathered them, and to the payment to a prostitute they shall return’ (Micah 1: 7). Since the coins came from a place of filth, let them go to a place of filth and be used to build a bathroom”».
And I derived pleasure from the statement, and due to this, I was arrested for heresy by the authorities, because I transgressed that which is written in the Torah: “Remove your way far from her, and do not come near the entrance of her house” (Proverbs 5: 8). “Remove your way far from her, ” this is a reference to heresy; “and do not come near the entrance of her house, ” this is a reference to the ruling authority.
The Gemara notes: And there are those who say a different interpretation: “Remove your way far from her, ” this is a reference to heresy and the ruling authority; “and do not come near the entrance of her house, ” this is a reference to a prostitute. And how much distance must one maintain from a prostitute? Rav Ḥ isda said: “Four cubits”

-- Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 16b-17a


«Faith in an Israelite Messiah (past or future) can be a good thing. But beware of turning it into an idol! Remember that, no matter if it be the nation of Israel, the Israelite religion, or an Israelite individual, Scripture denotes Israel by using the Hebrew word, “Yishrael”; a word that sounds ominously similar to the Hebrew phrase, “Ish-ra-el” (whose meaning is none other than, “Man is an evil god! ”»



Christianity is awesome religion! But Christian theology is seriously flawed, as salvation isn't according to Genesis 3: 15 (salvation by faith in a coming Messiah), but rather according to Genesis 2: 15 (Salvation by faith in God's perfect justice, which lets everyone “reap” what he has willingly “planted”)

God's Law teaches that, when God created Adam, He immediately made him start planting a garden, as is written: “So י ה ו ה God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden, to till it and keep it” - Genesis 2: 15.
But, why? Was there not enough food in the world to satisfy Adam’s nutritional needs? Why did God give top priority to Adam’s tilling the garden? Were there no other things much more important than agriculture? For example, God could have given him a Bible, so he could learn how to be [in the future] saved from sin.
Could it be instead that God wanted to teach Adam [symbol of all mankind] that, the very first thing any man must know is that all life in this World is subject to “the Law of sowing and reaping”? That if he sows goodness and blessing, the same goodness and blessing will eventually come back to bless him (regardless of race or creed)?
That if he sows evil, he won't be able to avoid having to " reap" the same evil he has planted? That if he gives honor and respect, he too will be given honor and respect? That if he forgives other peoples faults, his own faults will also be forgiven? That if he shows patience and mercy, he too will be shown patience and mercy?
“Sowing, and reaping”; “Cause, and effect”; “Action, and reaction”; “What goes around, comes round”; This is the first and foremost of all Divine principles; the greatest of all Divine truths-- To do unto others the same goodness we would like to be done unto us.
As is correctly ascribed to " the Good Samaritan": “So, all the things that you want men to do with you, so do you with them; because this [" sowing and reaping" ]is the Law and the Prophets”- Matthew 7: 12.
Apart from this, every other religious tenet (who the Messiah is, who has the right theological interpretation, when will the end of the World come, etc) is just optional commentary. May peace and blessings be upon you!



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