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Was Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth, peace be upon him) the God of Israel?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with respecting [and honoring] the figure of Jesus of Nazareth (peace and blessings be upon him). Still, Reformed Samaritanism states Jesus could not have been the God of Israel.
Why? Simply because the Gospel says Jesus was just a mortal who had heard a word from God (“But now ye seek to kill me, A MAN that hath told you the truth, which I HAVE HEARD OF GOD… The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, AND BE SLAIN…”- John 8: 40 and Luke 9: 22); whereas the Hebrew Scripture says God isn’t a man, nor does He ever dies, but rather lives forevermore (“… FOR HE IS NOT A MAN, that he should repent… For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I LIVE FOREVER…”- 1 Samuel 15: 29 and Deuteronomy 32: 40).
The Christian Scriptures states that God cannot be tempted by the Devil (“… for GOD CANNOT BE TEMPTED WITH EVIL…”- James 1: 13), whereas Jesus was indeed tempted by the Devil (“And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, BEING FORTY DAYS TEMPTED BY THE DEVIL…”- Luke 4: 1-2).
The Christian Bible states that Jesus had to learn obedience (“Though he were a Son, YET LEARNED HE OBEDIENCE BY THE THINGS WHICH HE SUFFERED”- Hebrews 5: 8); whereas, the God of Israel, doesn’t have any need to learn obedience, as He already is morally perfect (“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: A GOD OF TRUTH AND WITH AND WITHOUT INIQUITY, JUST AND RIGHT IS HE”- Deuteronomy 32: 4).
The Christian Bible says that Jesus was given some power he formerly didn’t have (“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ALL POWER IS GIVEN TO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH”- Matthew 28: 18); whereas the Hebrew Bible states that, the God of Israel, receives power from no one, as all power is already His (“Who hath prevented me, that I should repay him? WHATSOEVER IS UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN IS MINE”- Job 41: 11).
The Christian Scripture claims Jesus was seen by many people (“AND THERE WENT GREAT MULTITUDES WITH HIM... ”- Luke 14: 25), whereas the same Christian Scripture claims that no one has ever seen God (“NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME…”- 1 John 4: 12).
In addition, the gospel quotes both devils and demons proclaiming Jesus to be the Son of God [and therefore equal to the latter]. As is written: «And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, “Thou art Christ, THE Son of God... ”- Luke 4: 41. And it goes without saying that, if the devil proclaims any sort of theology, you know for sure that such theology is outright false.
And the Hebrew scripture bears witness of the former, when it goes on to say: “BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT WALKETH NOT IN THE COUNSEL OF THE UNGODLY”- Psalm 1: 1; “Lo, their good is not in their hand: THE COUNSEL OF THE WICKED IS FAR FROM ME”- Job 21: 16; “THE LORD BRINGETH THE COUNSEL OF THE HEATHEN TO NOUGHT”- Psalm 33: 10; “HIDE ME FROM THE SECRET COUNSEL OF THE WICKED; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity”- Psalm 64: 2; “The thoughts of the righteous are right: but THE COUNSELS OF THE WICKED ARE DECEIT”»- Proverbs 12: 5 (King James Version). And it goes without saying that none is more wicked than a demon.
And the fact that the words of the demons cannot be trusted is such an undeniable truth that, even the Christian writings bear witness to it, when they go on to say: "... He (the Devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for HE IS A LIAR... " - John 8: 44.
In short, to be obsessed with the idea of God ever “coming down to Earth in a human form” [so that He is forced to be born, grow up, attain emotional maturity, learn wisdom, and overcome the ignorance that characterizes toddlers] is tantamount to blasphemy. Why? Simply because it is a veiled denial of the God of the Hebrew Scripture (of God’s very nature! ).
In other words, Torah states that the Creator is omnipresent [so He doesn't need to come to Earth in any shape or form, as He has always been here! ]; Torah states that God is eternal [so it would be wrong to portray Him as been born-- as that would imply that God actually had a beginning]; Torah states that God is all knowing [so that, unlike human beings, He doesn't need to learn anything]; and, finally, Torah states that God is all powerful [so He doesn't need to grow, to mature, or to overcome anything].
And the fact that so many people still cling to the backward idea of the God of Israel “coming down to Earth” in the form of a normal human being speaks volumes about the sad spiritual state of our present generation.
Why? Simply because even ancient Babylonian pagans knew that the divinity does not dwell with flesh and blood (“… and there is none other that can shew it before the king, EXCEPT THE GODS, WHOSE DWELLING IS NOT WITH FLESH”- Daniel 2: 11, KJV).
Curiously, the New Testament seems to acknowledge this fact, when it states that, when Paul began preaching the gospel, a pagan multitude mistakenly took him for a god [disguised in a human form]; but he reproached the multitude, encouraging them to abandon such vain ideas. As is written:
“And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, THE GODS ARE COME DOWN TO US IN THE LIKENESS OF MEN…Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes… crying out… why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you THAT YE SHOULD TURN FROM THESE VANITIES UNTO THE LIVING GOD”- Acts 14: 11, 14, & 15, KJV.
Truth be told, if you were to read the five books of Moses [without any Christian bias], it would be self evident that the former teaches no one can see God's literal manifestation, and live to talk about it. As is written:
“And He (God) said, THOU CANST NOT SEE MY FACE: FOR THERE SHALL NO MAN SEE ME, AND LIVE”- Exodus 33: 20, KJV. Thus, our master Moses teaches that, whenever God seems to have physically appeared to some person, if such person has survived the encounter, it is clear that He didn't really see God's literal manifestation.
What did he see instead? He most likely saw one of God's many messenger's (or “angels”). Thus, Scripture teaches that, the God who delivered the Israelites from the Egyptian bondage and later guided them thru the wilderness in the form of a cloud [and pillar of fire] wasn't literally God, but rather an angel sent by God.
And the former is attested by the verses that goes on to say: “... and when we cried unto the Lord, He heard our voice, AND (HE) SENT AN ANGEL, and brought us forth out of Egypt”- Numbers 20: 16; And also says in another place: “Behold, I SEND AN ANGEL BEFORE THEE, TO KEEP THEE IN THE WAY, AND TO BRING THEE INTO THE PLACE WHICH I HAVE PREPARED. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him”- Exodus 23: 20-21.
In fact, king Solomon [the wisest of all men] acknowledges the impossibility of an infinite God literally dwelling on Earth, as the whole Universe (the heavens of heavens) isn't large enough to stand all of His glory. As is written: “BUT WILL GOD INDEED DWELL ON THE EARTH? BEHOLD, THE HEAVEN AND HEAVEN OF HEAVENS CANNOT CONTAIN THEE”- 1 Kings 8: 27.
Does the former mean Christianity is a false and/or invalid religion? Of course not! It only means that, not knowing God's Law, Christian believers worship what they don't really know. But since God is not so interested in our precise theology as much as He is in our sincere repentance and obedience, all God fearing Christian believers can rest assured that they too will have a good share in the world to come.



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