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Gender violence involving gay people?

Gender violence involving gay people?

If you are openly homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, or trans-sexual, the first thing you need to do in order to stop the " gender violence cycle" is to apologize to your own victims (your parents, as well as your near relatives)... If they are still alive, go ahead and call your Mom and Dad; then ask their forgiveness for all the pain, the suffering, and the shame that you brought upon them with your openly Gay lifestyle... Ask to be forgiven for the violence of depriving them of their fair share of natural grandchildren... Tell them you are sincerely sorry, and that from now on you'll try to live a different life; one that makes them feel proud of you. If you do so, you will not only be " returning to the straight path" (pun intended), but you will also start to experience the peace with God your soul so desperately needs (as the proverb goes: " Stand up for Confession and obedience, and peace of mind you'll soon experience" )



Science Values are Being Influenced by Immoral Individuals

Scientific research has become controlled by immoral group of individuals, which allows atrocities to be committed all under the name of progress. Although the majority of talented scientists are humane, most hierarchal individuals in charge of this industry are self serving individuals who would stop at nothing to achieve their desired outcome at anyone’s or any group’s expense.
When scientists work individually on their own to find a solution for a problem related to health or a technological invention of any kind; they usually are genuinely trying to help humanity with their inventions. But when an organization becomes involved in controlling these inventions, that’s when they turn a moral ethical invention to an immoral unethical use of such a discovery. Usually with the help of so called law, the inventor will be prosecuted, suppressed, robbed from the invention or forced to give it up to those who desire more control and more power.
Having a large organization controlling the majority of what must be allowed and disallowed have a major repercussion on our human rights. One or two self serving individuals decides for the majority of people on what they can or can’t do regarding health, technology, or even inventions.
If we are free to live our lives the way we see fit without harming others, then why are we allowing someone else to make the decision for us? Our rights as individuals are slowly being taken away because we keep on letting the bullies make the rules in the playground of our world.
In order to change this warped system of control, we must be allowed to freely express ourselves in our personal lives, work, inventions and discoveries without someone else’s self serving interfering intentions. The problem with private wealthy organizations is that they are also involved with governmental control decisions. So not only are they controlling the business market, they are also controlling the law as well; while money is no object to them, who do you think is losing in the end?!


The Irrationality of modern atheism

What we nowadays call “atheism”, is in fact a very old idea; one that has tried to conquer humanity’s mind since the beginning of time. The Sodomites, Esav, Pharaoh, Korah, and Nebuchadnezzar are just a few ancient examples of practical atheists: people who refused to submit to any Supreme Being, other than themselves.
Up until 2, 000 years ago, Hebrew people refered to Atheists with the Greek word “Apicoros” (Epicureans). In our present time, modern atheists clothe their ideology with a halo of scientific respectability, as if scientific respectability is a sort of magic wand, capable of erasing Hebrew history; it’s liberation from Egypt, it’s miraculous wandering in the wilderness, the conquest of the promised land, it’s continued survival.
Modern atheists propose that Hebrew historians are a bunch of liars: that there was no Moses, no Exodus, no Holy Ark, no manna, no stone tablets, no staff of Aaron, etc. In fact, they even suggest that the Hebrew feast of Pesach is a dirty lie, as there was no death of Egyptian firstborns.
Modern atheist wants us to believe that there is no Creator, and that our present reality (all of it! ) is the result of a mindless [and random] process of evolution; an evolution that is solely driven by “the survival of the fittest”.
What’s the problem with this argument? The problem is that it’s self defeating. In other words, If evolution is true, then “reason” is just a figment of our imagination: a clever illusion devised by the evolutionary process, in order to assist us to adapt and survive our hostile environment. Why? Because, having no intrinsic intelligence within itself, evolution's primary goal cannot be to give us “reason”, nor for that sake any tool that would reliably enable us to ascertain “the Truth” (or even “the Reality”) of our environment (our universe); It's all about survival!!
In other words, evolution has no “reason” to give us any “reason”; no reason to let us accurately understand “the truth” of our existence. Instead, what evolution aims at, is forcing us to interpret our surroundings in a way we can cope with; a way that fosters our survival [regardless of the “truthfulness”, or the “accuracy” of our interpretation]. Thus, in a rather ironic fashion, evolution gives us no “reason” to blindly believe in “reason”.
In fact, the reason why some pretend to use their alleged reason in order to justify their atheism might be that such mechanism is indeed evolution's way of helping them survive an envioronment they perceive as hostile. In other words, it is evolution's way of helping the homosexual [or the morally weak personality] to adapt and survive what he perceives as a threatening religious environment. So, if pure evolution is indeed true, the evolutionary “mirage” of “reasoned Atheism” is evolution's way to let atheists survive their hostile environment.
And, if so, they shouldn't feel ashamed to be intellectually honest, and proceed to acknowledge it. It's sort of like the story of the American soldier who, while serving in Vietnam, fell in love with a Vietnamese girl. Sadly, the girl was so poor, that she couldn't even afford to buy deodorant. What did the soldier do? He stopped using deodorant himself.
After a while, he got so used to his hostile environment (both his girlfriend's as well as his own bad odor), that he no longer sensed it-- of course, the lack of stench was only a fancy illusion, with no connection to reality, but with lot's of survival value (they ended up having a baby! ).



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