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The Atheistic religion: a Dogmatic comparison with the Monotheistic traditions

The Atheistic religion: a Dogmatic comparison with the Monotheistic traditions

Although atheists claim to be both against God and religion, the fact of the matter is that modern atheism has all the trappings of a religious cult, including the radical demand that it’s followers adhere to a strict set of moral and ideological tenets (or “dogmas”); some of which often make no sense at all. And, as a rule of thumb, you’ll find the latter dogmas (or tenets) to be the exact opposite of those hold dear by the three Abrahamic (monotheistic) religions. Consider the following:

(1) While monotheistic religions hold fast to the idea that the lost of a life is a cause for mourning, atheism will forces it’s followers to make it a cause for celebration (“celebrating” the life of the deceased);
(2) While monotheistic religions claim men and women are different, followers of atheism are forced to abandon reason, as their dogma demands them to embrace the idea of both male and female being exactly the same;
(3) While monotheistic dogma condemns the man who wears female attires (or the female who wears male attires), followers of atheism are forced to praise such gender-confusing behaviour, calling it “courageous” and “empowering”;
(4) While monotheistic religions place supreme worth in having children (babies), the atheist religion places supreme worth in terminating the life of such children (abortion);
(5) While followers of monotheistic religions scold the idea of loneliness [as the bible teaches that, “it is not good for man to be alone”], followers of the atheist religion are expected to believe that the opposite (a life of individuality) is a virtue to be cherished and defended;
(6) While monotheistic religions teach that we must separate the pure from the impure, and what is good from what is evil, followers of atheism are expected to hold fast to the idea that there is no such thing as pure and impure, or good and evil, as absolute morality doesn’t really exist;
(7) While monotheistic religions claim God will [in the future] make dead matter (“dead corpses”) to become alive (resurrection); atheism claims such thing already happened [with the spontaneous evolution of life, starting from non living elements] without the need of any God.
(8) While on one hand the basic tenet of all monotheistic religions is that there’s hope for humanity, as well as a purpose for the Universe [being the handiwork of an infinitely wise Creator], the basic tenet of atheism is that there’s no hope for humanity, nor purpose for the Universe, as they both are the result of “random” [non-intelligent, hopeless, and purposeless] variables.  


Biological sex is objective reality; while " Gender" is just a private [and therefore subjective] interpretation of such objective reality. And, when it comes to subjective interpretations, it might be wise to remember Abe Lincoln's famous quote: " If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg" ...


¿ Que representa el personaje Bí blico conocido como “Labá n”?

Aunque Labá n (un nombre Hebreo que literalmente significa “el Blanco”) era parte de la familia del patriarca Abraham [y por ende parte del pueblo escogido], la Escritura le presenta como la encarnacion [o “paradigma”] de la persona rica, poderosa, saludable, e inteligente que, no sirviendo al Dios de Israel, termina convirtié ndose en un ser peligrosamente engañ oso y oportunista. Y esto a su vez no era sino una alegoria profé tica de lo que, al final de los tiempos, sucederí a con la raza “Blanca”.
Es que, si somos brutalmente honestos, tendremos que admitir que la realidad histó rica ha sido que, con muy contadas exepciones, la raza Blanca (Griegos, Romanos, Persas, Españ oles, Britanicos, Franceses, Belgas, Hungaros, Alemanes, Rusos, etc) no solamente ha demostrado ser prepotente, arrogante, vana, y oportunista; sino que, en adició n, ha sido experta en vender unos tipos de sofismos (o “juegos mentales”) que, aunque a primera vista aparentan ser inofensivos, en el fondo buscan la subjugació n ideoló gica de las razas y naciones incautas [ideas tales como “igualitarismo”, “inclusivismo”, “pluralismo”, “espacios seguros”, “derechos humanos”, “correcció n polí tica”, “ideologí a de gé nero”, etc].
Y es por esto que, segú n advierte la Escritura [por medio del engañ o sufrido por Jacob a manos de Labá n], nunca se debe confiar ciegamente en la raza Anglo-sajona, sino que esta debe primero “ganar” nuestro respeto y confianza, demostrando fuera de toda duda la sinceridad y transparencia de sus propó sitos.


An irrational fear (or anger) at the possibility of God's existence is a trait typical of Marxists, Gays, Pedophiles, drug addicts, and Homosexuals. Why? Because it seems like their psyche feels terrorized by the idea of an afterlife (with it's corresponding judgment). But the fact is that terror and fear make people insecure (and therefore weak). Yet the man who lives at peace with it's own conscience (striving for a life of virtue) is as bold as a lion, as he isn't afraid of God, death, nor judgment. And in this regard the Bible is correct, when it goes on to say: " The wicked run away, even though no one pursues them; but the righteous are as confident as a lion" - Proverbs 28: 1 (Common English Bible)




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