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The end of Western Civilization

The end of Western Civilization

Hebrew Scripture teaches that, when a society turns away from the knowledge of God’s Law (the Ten Commandments), such society is bound to be destroyed. As it is written: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee… seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I also will forget thy children”- Hosea 4: 6, Christian Standard Version.
And the latter abandonment of godly moral principles explains the reason why, for several decades now, the Western World has been experiencing a systematic destruction equivalent to the proverbial “death by a thousand cuts” (Family breakdown, Drug addiction, economic uncertainty, gang violence, media deception, atheism, fraud, moral relativism, divorce, abortion, chronic depression, suicide, homelessness, feminism, gender and critical race theory, forced vaccinations, etc).
The fact is that the USA has become so infected with hatred for God, as well as with an unfettered lust for money, sex, power, fame, & moral relativism that [in practice] the average American generally agrees with the idea that " No good deed should go unpunished". In other words, anything that hinders usury, fraud, greed and moral decadence is considered a dangerous opposition to the American " values" system. And anything opposing America is a potential security threat; a threat that must be eliminated.
But truth be told, Western societies have become so broke, shallow, and weak, that no wise person doubts their fate is that of the great Titanic, right after hitting the iceberg back in 1912; In other words, there’s nothing any human being can do to stop America’s demise. In a short time, the big and proud American liner will find itself at the bottom of the Sea. May God have mercy of America!


El bueno y el malo, si no en esta vida, en la otra tendrá n el pago”



The Five Pillars of True and Practical Religion

1) Don’t be atheist nor gay, as these are foolish and abominable traits (“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: IT IS AN ABOMINATION… THERE SHALL BE NO WHORE of the daughters of Israel, NOR A SODOMITE of the sons of Israel… THE FOOL hath said in his heart, There is no God”- Leviticus 18: 22, Deut. 23: 17, & Psalm 14: 1)
2) Renounce to your sinful ego, and start living instead to serve [and commune with] your Creator; the Holy Spirit who spoke to Moses, and led ancient Israel out of Egyptian bondage (“I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me”- Exodus 20: 2-3)
3) Obey God’s [Ten] Commandments and abandon all sort of evil, so you may live forevermore (“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man… Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell [living] for evermore”- Ecclesiastes 12: 13, & Psalm 37: 27)
4) Be honest [speaking only truth, and despising evil and deception], judge all things with righteousness, and seek peace (“Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment … These are the things you must do: Speak truth to one another; make true and sound decisions within your city gates. Do not plot evil in your hearts against your neighbor, and do not love perjury, for I hate all this”- Amos 5: 15, Zechariah 8: 16-17)
5) Be strong and manly, but also meek and humble, as God hates the proud in heart, loving instead the meek (“I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man… Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished… And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low… But the meek shall inherit the Earth”- 1 Kings 2: 2, Proverbs 16: 5, Isaiah 2: 17, & Psalm 37: 11)


How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. [Why? Simply because... ] Saying that a tail is a leg, doesn't make it a leg”- Abraham Lincoln



The Hebrew Bible is true, but not the way you've been told!

The Hebrew Bible is a book of prophecy, as well as moral paradigms intended to cleanse the human soul. But these paradigms are cleverly summarized as simplified statements and narratives. For example, the Scripture tells us that the mouth of those who speak lies, will be shut ("... for the mouths of liars will be shut" - Psalm 63: 11).
How can we accept this statement as a fact, when certainly each of us knows more than one liar whose mouth no man [or god] seems to be able to shut? Again, the former verse wasn't intended to be taken in a literal sense; it's intention was to convey a moral lesson- that, when a person gets used to repeating a lie concerning any particular issue, that lie holds such a strong grip upon him that, if in the future someone else tries to show him the truth, the former won't be able to “swallow it” [just a if his mouth had been shut! ].
Another example could be the fact that, according to Genesis 3: 1, the serpent was the shrewdest of all creatures [so shrewd that he outsmarted Adam and Eve! ]. Does this means that the Bible teaches animals can actually talk? Not at all! It just means that intelligence alone doesn't amount to kindness; it means that knowledge has little to do with humanity; that a person can have plenty of secular, scientific, or even religious knowledge, and still be no more than [the moral equivalent of “a talking animal”.
Actually, notice how the serpent's claim was correct (Adam and Eve wouldn't die if they were to eat from the forbidden fruit). But what Adam and Eve failed to grasp was that their happiness wasn't the result of knowing the cold facts of life; it was the product of having a personal relationship with God; one in which they honor Him as their Creator, and obey Him as their father. In fact, cold facts alone would in the end leave them both feeling " naked" and " shamed".
As a last example, the Scripture says that Israel couldn't defeat it's pagan enemies, as they had " iron chariots" (“And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain, BUT COULD NOT DRIVE OUT THE INHABITANTS OF THE VALLEY, BECAUSE THEY HAD CHARIOTS OF IRON”- Judges 1: 19).
Does the former verse implies that Israel's God was powerless against the advanced pagan weaponry? Not at all! It simply means that there were still some righteous men dwelling among those pagan nations [and these men would prove to be a better security against God's impending judgment than any iron chariots could ever be! ].
And from whence do we know that righteous men are compared to mighty chariots? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: «... Behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. AND ELISHA SAW IT, AND HE CRIED, “MY FATHER [ELIJAH], MY FATHER [ELIJAH], [YOU ARE LIKE] THE CHARIOT OF ISRAEL, AND THE HORSEMEN THEREOF”»- 2 Kings 2: 11-12.
And from whence do we know that God will delay a nations judgment until their righteous men are gone from their midst? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: “Haste thee [oh Lot], ESCAPE THITHER; FOR I CANNOT DO ANYTHING [CONCERNING SODOM'S DESTRUCTION] TILL THOU BE COME THITHER [TO ZOAR]... The sun was risen upon the earth WHEN LOT ENTERED INTO ZOAR. THEN THE LORD RAINED UPON SODOM AND UPON GOMORRAH BRIMSTONE AND FIRE... ”- Genesis 19: 22-24
Finally, the Torah tells us that Israel murmured against God, as well as against Moses (“AND THE PEOPLE SPOKE AGAINST GOD AND AGAINST MOSES... ”- Numbers 21: 5). And the punishment for their murmuring was that poisonous snakes started to bit them (“THEN THE LORD SENT POISONOUS SNAKES AMONG THE PEOPLE, AND THEY BIT THEM... ”- Numbers 21: 6).
Is this story intended to be understood in a literal sense? What does murmuring against other persons has to do with snakes? The answer to these questions is that the former narrative aims at teaching us how inescapable is the law of “measure for measure” (also known as “sowing and reaping”, or “eye for an eye”). In other words, it tries to remind us that God will force us to reap the same goodness [or evil] we have sowed.
In our case, just as the Israelites had injured Moses with “the venom” [or “gossip”] coming out of their mouths, they too eventually found themselves being injured by the venom coming out of someone else mouth (that is, the serpents mouth).


It isn’t far fetched to say that, in practice, atheism is the mindset typically found among Marxists, depressed people, drug addicts, and homosexuals”




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