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Speak truth, no matter how harsh it might sound, but remember that, "to be kind, is more important than to be right"

Speak truth, no matter how harsh it might sound, but remember that, " to be kind, is more important than to be right"

1. Always remember that you can grow without destroying others. *
2. Always remember that your dreams can be fulfilled without sabotaging others. *
3. Always remember that nobody must go down for you to rise. *
4. Always remember that nobody must be shamed or embarrassed for your smile to be sustained. *
5. Always remember that while others are rising, you can also rise. *
6. Always remember that finding satisfaction in the pain of others will never bring you true happiness. *
7. Always remember that what you wish others is a prayer for yourself. *
8. Become the good fire that genuinely lights up others, not one that ruins the joy, goodwill, and expectation of others. *
9. Never take delight in causing pain or sponsoring the tears of another. *
10. Never ever use your position in authority to punish others for fear that your position would be taken from you. You never know tomorrow. Life is uncertain.
Also, never use the position you occupy today to frustrate others, for you never can tell what the future holds tomorrow.
11. Allow the true FEAR OF GOD to guide your days, STRENGTHEN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS and SET YOUR COURSE. *

This is the path to true peace, lasting influence and meaningful living!
Stay blessed and take care, for those you meet on your way up are the people you meet on your way down.


Proud men end in shame, but the meek become wise”- Proverbs 11: 2, Living Bible

No matter if he be Jew or Gentile, the man who is arrogant [and stubbornly rebellious] can't ever achieve true wisdom. Why? Simply because the process of achieving wisdom requires that we be humble [and flexible] enough to judge ourselves in an objective fashion, so that we may recognize the faults and limitations that ought to be amended. Otherwise, we would forever be stuck in the same foolish loop of constantly repeating [and thereby reinforcing] the same flaws, defects, and limitations that hinder our growth”



How can we tell apart truth from deception?

There is an easy way to ascertain the truthfulness of a personal religious and/or secular claim: " The tree, is know by it's fruit! ". In other words, pay no attention to people's claims!; just focus on their performance, letting their actions speak for themselves. Case in point: If you listen to a religious leader preaching for 2 hours in a row without him ever mentioning your need to be honest, to be just, to be humble, to show respect to the elders, to stand by your word, to honour your parents, to give charity to the poor, to mourn for your deceased family members, to visit the sick, to feed the hungry, or to care for your needy fellow human beings, then you must seriously question the worthiness of such religious messenger.


Holy Scripture speaks by means of images and allegories; for example, it hints at the idea that, As soon as the members of one generation (Adam and Eve) turn away from God, the members of the next generation (Cain and Abel) start killing one another. And this explains why, as a rule of thumb, all atheistic regimes (Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc) are accompanied by the massive bloodshed of their own kind





The hidden reason why so many secular Jews aggressively promote atheism

Secular (Marxists) Jews love to promote atheism. Why? Simply because they know that, if they manage to convince you that there’s no God [No Supreme Authority], then you’ll be forced to accept that “Divine commands” don't really exist. And if Divine commands do not exist, then there’s no absolute morality--- “Good and Evil” are relative, and the morality arising from the Bible commands preventing us to kill, steal, lie, or commit adultery is the product of falsehood.
And, with this convenient background of moral relativism, the secular Jew feels empowered to keep stealing, killing, and lying [both from the Palestinian people, as well as as from to the rest of the Gentile World], without anyone having a valid argument to claim that such behavior is evil, vile, and despicable [and must therefore be vigorously opposed by those who believe in Divinely inspired morality].


Promotion of atheism and brazen immorality is so paramount to Jewish cultural Marxist that they view any opposition to it as a form of anti-semitism.... As the saying goes, “The Marxist Jew takes you not by force, but by temptation” (Russian Proverb). ”



" The Sanhedrin is backed by the power of great wealth in all countries. The plan is to enslave the people, bankrupt all nations & put a descendant of King David on the throne of the world" - Henry Klein 1946




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