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The role of Secular Jews in the Global push for moral corruption

The role of Secular Jews in the Global push for moral corruption

Sadly, the fate of Western civilization is in the hands of a small [but incredibly powerful] elite of Secular Jews controlling global politics, media, banking, and economics. And, as too much power will always lead to moral corruption, it shouldn't surprise us to find that these Marxist Jews are so shamelessly deceptive [and degenerated] that, any country refusing to embrace their Zionist gospel of Fraud, Usury, Racial supremacy, Cultural Marxism, Atheism, Moral relativism, and LGBTQ life, is immediately branded by them as " backward" [and therefore evil].
Do you know communism was invented by Karl Marx, a secular Jew whose maternal grandfather was a Dutch Rabbi? Do you know China's current gay pride parade is the direct result of the effort done by a secular Jewish woman named Hannah Miller? Do you know the mother founder of " The Satanic Church" was a secular Jew named Howard Stanton Levy? Do you know that the first sex change clinic was run by a secular Jew named Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld (who, by the way, coined the term " transvestite" in 1910)? Do you know that in 1931 a secular Jewish doctor named Ludwig Levy-Lenz performed the first sex change operation (a penectomy)?
Do you know that the first man to undergo a male-to-female sex change procedure was a secular Jew named " Dora" (Rudolph) Richter? Do you know that the term " Homophobia" [the modern battle cry for Lesbians and homosexuals] was coined in the late 1960's by a secular Jewish doctor named George Weinberg? Did you know that the only president the American Atheists association ever had to fire was a secular Jew named David Silverman? In short, just as a pious [and God fearing] Jew can become the living incarnation of a true son of God, likewise can a secular Jew [when it comes to moral corruption and degeneracy] become the living incarnation of a true son of Ha-Satan.
And ancient Jewish tradition tends to agree with the former, when it goes on to state the following: «It has been said that this people is like dust (“ Your seed will be like the dust of the Earth ”- Gen. 28: 14); And [also] it has been said that it is like the stars (“I will multiply your seed like the stars of Heaven” - Gen. 22: 17) ». And the former means that, when they are vile, the Jews go down to the very dust (in other words, they behave like filthy worms); but, when they are Noble, they reach up to the stars (behaving like the angels of heaven)- Babylonian Talmud, Megillah 16a.




“Tanto Ateos y Polí ticos, así como Religiosos e Intelectuales, gustan de complicar una misma verdad; una verdad tan sencilla y clara como el agua. ¿ Cual es esa verdad? Pues que, “El á rbol, puede conocerse por su fruto”. ¿ Y por que gustan de complicar esta grande y sencilla verdad? Pues porque, “Rí o revuelto [es decir, una verdad hecha ambigua], es ganancia de pescadores”



How to become a Son of God?

The believer becomes a child of God when, with a contrite and humbled heart, he begs the Creator to come into his life, renouncing in his heart to sin and immorality. How should this believer journey thru the rest of his life once he has committed his fate to God? He must daily pray for God’s Spirit to provide him with the moral and spiritual strength required to stay on the path leading to life everlasting. That is, to persevere in its commitment to “bear the fruit” that pleases the God of Abraham: a balanced lifestyle whose north is honesty, humility, integrity, mercy, love, justice, and faith in God’s promises made thru His servant Moses.


Question: Scripture says man was created in God's own image (Genesis 1: 27). Does that mean God is a man of flesh and blood?
God forbid that we ever become so morally corrupted as to consider the Creator to be little more than a glorified talking [and movable] leather bag, full of urine and feces [as is the case with human beings]!




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