Beware of Western opportunism!
Beware of Western opportunism! Beware of how Western opportunism ends up enslaving whole populations: First, they will sell us the seemingly noble idea that we should all demand the existence of " Safe Spaces"; But then, in order to be consistent with the idea of absolute safety, they will force us to accept a vaccine that we do not really want... First, they'll sell us the innocent idea that we must demand the existence of spaces that include all kinds of people (“Inclusive Spaces”); But then they will come and, using the notion of " safe spaces", will proceed to exclude us from our favorite spaces (jobs, tourist destinations, cinemas, restaurants, concerts, plane flights, etc); thus, making their alleged " inclusive spaces" become instead " exclusive spaces", as they will exclude anyone who refuses to blindly obey everything said and commanded by them. And the former is the reason why, describing the deceitful nature of Western societies, people will often say: “Western ideologues are like the Devil- they won't get you buy force, but rather by temptation (by the seduction of their sweet and flattering words)"
The first aim of powerful secular Jews is to enslave your gentile mind, so they can eventually enslave your body Before he can enslave your body, the Marxist Jew will first make sure to enslave your mind. How will he do it? Easily! By exploiting your passions. In other words, by telling you the sweet lies you would secretly want to hear- wide sweeping generalities justifying your lack of moral, cultural and religious discipline (weaknesses that the jew will exploit for his own advantage); placing before your eyes the “ideological potholes” in which he wants you to fall, so that you end up wearing “the psychological straight jacked" that will effectively paralyze you (rendering you incapable of making any meaningful difference). What are some of these convenient generalizations? Here are a few: (1) “Old is always bad, New is always good” (2) “Good and evil are relative”; (3) “Religion is for the ignorant”; (4) “Diversity is our strength! ”; (5) “We have to be inclusive! ”; (6) “We all are equal! ”; (7) “Violence is never Justified”; (8) “You don't choose your sexual orientation! ”; (9) “Antisemitism is always wrong! ”; (10) “You can’t be judgmental! ”; (11) “Individuality is a sign of strength”.
Why does the Torah (God's Law) prescribe such severe punishments for open criminals, idolaters, homosexuals, thieves, and adulterers? In order to teach us that, “Individual [moral] liberties must end, where collective [moral] responsibility begins”
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