Reformed Samaritanism Confession Of Faith
God’s Ten Laws (Commandments) are mankind’s only secure connection to reality (sowing, and reaping; cause, and effect; measure, for measure; what goes around, comes around). Thus, when a man abandons God's Law, he ends up mad, believing he can live the life of the wicked, yet expect the reward of the righteous. As is written: “But if you do not obey the Lord your God by carefully following all His commands… The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness, and mental confusion”- Deut. 28: 15& 28
Reformed Samaritanism Confession Of Faith «Oh י ה ו ה (Adonai), Lord God of Abraham, I bear witness that there's no other God, King, nor Savior greater than You; I bear witness that there’s no other prophet greater than our master Moses, nor any other Law greater than your “Ten Words” (or “Commandments”). I bear witness that there’s no Scripture greater than your Torah (composed of Moses five books), nor any other people greater than Your own Israel (allegorically portrayed by means of the ancient community of holy Hebrew believers). And I bear witness that there’s no other theology as great, as true, nor as just, as “Measure for Measure” (“Sowing and reaping”): to let every man “reap” the same measure of goodness that, with his own works he has freely [and voluntarily] “sowed” upon his needy fellow human beings; and to punish every man with the same measure of evil that, with his own works, he has freely [and voluntarily] sowed upon his needy fellow human beings (without ever repenting of it). Amen»
Physical suicide is often the unavoidable result of intellectual suicide. Sadly, we've turned Science into a sort of pagan god, and it's coresponding scientific establishment into a religious guild, where each doctor or scientists has become a kind of " priest" - one whose words cannot be doubted or questioned. And, by forcing their experimental vaccine upon our innocent children, these pagan priest are in fact demanding that we start offering human sacrifices to our newly found god. You see, amoral paganism will always demand human victims (it's the way the cookie crumbles! ). What else could we have expected?
Those who can make you believe absurdities [i. e., that you are a woman trapped inside a man's body], can make you commit atrocities [i. e., mutilate your own body undergoing a " gender reassignment" surgery]
God’s thoughts are not man’s thoughts Hebrew scripture says: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways” (Isa. 55: 8). When a mortal has a vessel, he rejoices in it as long as it is entire; when it is broken, he has no use for it. Now, what is the Holy One’s precious vessel? Man’s heart! When the Holy One sees a man proud in heart, He has no use for him, as is said: “Everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord (Prov. 16: 5). But when the heart is broken, He says, “This one is mine! ”, as is said: “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart” (Ps. 34: 19)
La abundancia y las riquezas producen homosexualidad y ateí smo La homosexualidad y el ateí smo son el natural producto de un ambiente de mucha salud, de mucha energí a, de mucha belleza, de mucha abundancia, y de mucha riquezas; un ambiente hedonista, en el que nos volvemos adictos a los placeres, llegando a creer que podemos obrar con impunidad y alevosí a. Y ejemplo de ello lo fue el joven, guapo, y saludable Rey Roboam, el cual fue mimado desde pequeñ o en el lujoso palacio de su rico padre Salomó n.
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