God punishes the foul language of Semites and non Semites alike
God punishes the foul language of Semites and non Semites alike The true believer abstains from using obscene language. Why? Because in punishment for obscene speech, troubles multiply, cruel decrees are proclaimed anew, the young men of Israel (God forbid) die, and the fatherless and widows cry out and receiving no answer, for Scripture says, “Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall He have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is profane and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh obscenity. For all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still”- Isaiah 9: 16.
When ethnic Israel abandons God [embracing Marxist atheism and moral relativism], it ceases to be God’s chosen people, and therefore God despises and abandons them. As it is written: «The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek him, He will be found by you, BUT IF YOU FORSAKE HIM, HE WILL FORSAKE YOU... But a man of God came to him [to King Amaziah] and said: “O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, FOR THE LORD IS NOT WITH ISRAEL”... »- 2 Chronicles 15: 2, & 25: 7 (English Standard Version)
Never try to rationalize bad behavior, as it is a shameful thing After disobeying their heavenly Father, Adam dared to tell God, “I'm innocent... It's all Eve's fault! ”. On the other hand, Eve dared to say, “I'm innocent... It's all the Serpents' fault! ”. And what happened next? That, upon beholding the sad image of finite creatures hoping to fool their all knowing Creator, the latter proceeds to cover their nakedness; as if to hint at the idea that, in the eyes of God, trying to rationalize bad behavior is a sort of nakedness [a shameful thing He doesn’t want to see in the human beings He has created]
Is Trans sexual behavior just another type of “Phantom Limb Syndrome”? Phantom Limb Syndrome is a common medical condition where a person “senses the presence” and even “feels the pain” of a body part that doesn't really exist, as it isn't physical there (often due to a former amputation). And a similar mechanism seems to manifests itself in the “Transsexual” man who “senses the presence” and even “feels the pain” of the alleged “female aspect” of his body, even though such female aspect doesn't really exist, as it isn't physically there (nor should it be, unless it is the negative byproduct of harmful genetic, chemical, physical, environmental, or psychological influences).
Hebrew Scripture states that Gideon had an army of 32, 000 “Jewish” soldiers (Book of Judges, chapter #7). But in the end, God showed him that only 300 of them were truly worthy of being part of God's army. What does it mean? It means that [taking into account the fact that 32, 000/300 is more than 99% of the total], when it comes to Jewish people, the stand of the overwhelming [secular] majority of them is simply irrelevant [as the ones favored with God's grace are often less that 1%]. In fact, notice how, out of the 600, 000 thousand adult men departing from Egypt, only two of them were worthy of entering the Promise Land (Joshua And Caleb)
Does the Holy Land of Israel belong to the Jews? Does the land of Israel belongs exclusively to the Jewish people? Not at all! In fact, the land belongs to God; not to the Jews, not to the Christians, and not to the Muslims. And from whence do we know this? We know it from the fact that God himself says that the Jews are but foreigners in the Land.
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