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The word “anti-semitism” is nowhere to be found in the five books of Moses. So never be soft with an atheistic Jews

The word “anti-semitism” is nowhere to be found in the five books of Moses. So never be soft with an atheistic Jews

You can't be soft with Jewish atheists, as they perceive it as a sign of weakness. You see, Jews have always suffered from a natural superiority complex. In other words, they think that, no matter how crooked they might become, they still are “God's chosen people” (His literal representatives! ). But, when this superiority complex isn't checked by a strong demand for moral accountability, you'll find that, as soon as a Jew reaches any significant power position, he starts acting as if he were actually a kind of god. Problem is that, if he has no moral commitment, he ends up behaving as “an evil god” (in other words, like a demon).
And the Hebrew Scripture hints at the idea that [with Jews] it has always been like this: When they are good, they are like Elijah (holy and saintly); but when they are evil, they are like Ahab (an immoral and murderous tyrant). And the fact that we can't be soft with any Jew who willingly chooses to walk the path of wickedness is attested by the verse that goes on to say: “Though the wicked [Jew] is shown compassion and favor, He does not learn righteousness; In the land of uprightness [the Land of Israel] he deals unjustly, And refuses to see the majesty of the Lord”- Isaiah 26: 10 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition). Curiously, the Hebrew word “Israel” is strangely similar to the Hebrew phrase “Ish-ra-el” which literally means, “[Jewish] Man [is] Evil God”.



¿ Creer en Jesú s?

El Samaritanismo Reformado enseñ a que, el que un Gentil (es decir una persona que no es de la persuasió n Hebrea) tenga fe en Jesú s de Nazaret, es algo muy beneficioso; pero que Jesú s será el Mesí as (Salvador) de esa persona solamente si la fe que en Jesú s ha depositado le conduce al abandono de la maldad, al sincero arrepentimiento, y a una vida de compromiso con el bien ordenado en las Diez Leyes dadas por Dios a Moisé s sobre las dos tablas de Piedra (monoteí smo é tico).
Pero, si esa persona se obstina en cambio en continuar con una vida caracterizada por la maldad y la desobediencia al Creador (mintiendo, robando, blasfemando, adulterando, deshonrando a sus padres, etc), su fe en Jesú s no le servirá absolutamente de nada, pues la ha convertido en un inmundo amuleto pagano.
Jesú s no sera el Salvador de tal persona, sino su verdugo; pues negará el haberle conocido, condená ndole de ese modo al tormento.
Como esta escrito: «¡ FUERA DE AQUÍ, USTEDES, LOS MALDITOS, AL FUEGO ETERNO PREPARADO PARA EL DIABLO Y SUS DEMONIOS! PUES TUVE HAMBRE, Y NO ME ALIMENTARON. TUVE SED, Y NO ME DIERON DE BEBER. FUI EXTRANJERO, Y NO ME INVITARON A SU HOGAR. ESTUVE DESNUDO, Y NO ME DIERON ROPA. ESTUVE ENFERMO Y EN PRISIÓ N, Y NO ME VISITARON”…. “Les digo la verdad, cuando se negaron a ayudar al má s insignificante de estos, mis hermanos, se negaron a ayudarme a mí ”. Y ellos [los hacedores de maldad] irá n al castigo eterno, pero los justos entrará n en la vida eterna»- Mateo 25: 41-46.
Y tambié n dice en otro lugar: «El dí a del juicio, muchos me dirá n: “¡ Señ or, Señ or! [Nosotros somos tus escogidos, pues…] Profetizamos en tu nombre, expulsamos demonios en tu nombre, e hicimos muchos milagros en tu nombre”. Pero yo les responderé: “Nunca los conocí. ALÉ JENSE DE MÍ, USTEDES, QUE VIOLAN LAS LEYES DE DIOS”»- Mateo 7: 22-23 (Nueva Traducció n Viviente)


Atheism? Please help us believe!

We have spent several decades trying to find honest [and enough] reasons to justify modern atheism; but, after searching for so may years, the facts have consistently showed us that modern atheism amounts to little more than " intellectual suicide" [or as a sort of " wishful thinking" ]. Why? Simply because we haven't found the slightest shred of evidence to support the idea that the Universe (as well as it's fixed governing laws) have no Creator, but rather are the result of dumb and random evolution.
In other words, we've never seen any life form positively evolving before our own eyes (as one would expect to be the case if sudden and rapid evolution were actually true); never seen any random physical change that would positively improve the existing natural order (like gravity reversing itself periodically for a few seconds, allowing men to fly, or to raise heavy loads); never found any person whose immunological system would suddenly evolve, so as to make him immune to cancer and death; never found anybody growing functional wings, or growing gills (so men could breathe underwater); never met anybody acquiring the ability to hibernate during harsh winters; never found any wild beast randomly giving birth to a human being, nor a human being randomly giving birth to a wild beast; never found a mute person suddenly becoming a telepath, etc.
In fact, instead of experiencing forward evolution, it seems like mankind is experiencing a sort of " reverse evolution". Why? Simply because most modern people aren't even close to having as much physical, intellectual, or emotional strength as their grandfathers used to do. For example, in a typical Hispanic family, it isn't surprising to find that the grandmother gave birth to 12 children; the mom gave birth to 6 children, and the grand daughter only gave birth to one or two children.
Human males also seem to be experiencing this sort of " reverse evolution", as male sterility and homosexuality seems to be rampant. Bear in mind that, according to science, the evolutionary process depends on gene replication [having children! ]. Thus, if people do not replicate any more, the evolutionary process basically stops.
Maybe the most stunning finding is the fact that no one has ever been able to tell us: “My employees have all embrace atheism, so they no longer steal from our company, nor are they as lazy [or dishonest] as before”; “My son has become an atheist, and therefore has become a more caring, peaceful, and sincere person"; “My husband is much more faithful to me now that he has embraced atheism”, etc.
Rather, what we see on a daily basis, is that atheism makes people angry, hopeless, arrogant, and self-destructive; so that they often end up embracing self destructive ideas and behaviors (Marxism, homosexuality, moral relativism, extreme selfishness, shallow mindedness, fowl language, etc).


Many centuries ago, a Jewish Rabbi named Simeon Ben Lakish said, “There are three insolent ones: Israel among the nations, the dog among beasts, and the cock among fowls (some also say the goat among small cattle, and the caper shrub among trees)” In addition, Rabbi Meir (2nd Century C. E. ) is quoted saying: Why was the Torah given to Israel? Because they are of a fiery temper. For in the school of Rabbi Ishmael it is taught, ‘At His right hand was a fiery Law unto them’ (Deut. 33: 2), meaning that the Holy One said, ‘It is right that they be given a fiery Law [to restrain them]’. Some say, ‘Israel’s Laws had to be of fire, for if the Torah had not been given them, no people or tongue could withstand them’ [leading to their own extermination]. It is in this connection that Rabbi Simeon Ben Lakis said, ‘There are three creatures of a fiery (insolent) temper: among the nations, Israel; among beasts, the dog; and among fowls, the cock’. Rabbi Israel bar Redifa said in the name of Rabbi Ammi: ‘You may think that such description of Jews [as fiery and insolent] is disparaging (anti-semite). In fact, it is complimentary, as their attitude is, ‘Let me be a Jew or be crucified! ’Indeed, as Rabbi said, to this day Jews outside the Land are called ‘stiff necked people’. - Babylonian Talmud, Betzah 25B; Exod. Rabbah 42: 9




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