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Why are secular Jews so dangerous to non Jewish societies?

Why are secular Jews so dangerous to non Jewish societies?

Problem with most secular Jews is that they tend to be very smart, extremely brazen, incredibly cunning, and entirely devoid of any moral values. Thus, whenever they seize control of any non Jewish society [like in Western countries], they can do as much harm as a pack of hungry lions freely roaming inside a lamb’s corral. That’s why God wants this kind of Jew to suffer antisemitism, as it is basically the only way he can ever repent, desisting from his evil inclinations.


The hidden reason why secular Jewish media moguls are so fond of promoting atheism and anti-religious propaganda

Unlike what happened during the Middle ages (when secular Jews were expelled over a 100 times from Western countries), modern Jews have been able to subdue the vast majority of Western societies. But, how could those backward middle age societies succeed in an area where we moderns have failed so miserably? Well, the answer is surprisingly simple, yet astonishingly profound: It’s all about “Religion”! In other words, ancient Western societies were deeply religious, and their mindsets were shaped and molded by the teachings of the Holy Bible.
And the Bible taught them that the Jews were a separated people, whose fate was to remain confined to the land promised by God to their ancestor Abraham. As is written: “And to you and your future offspring I will give the land where you are residing—all the land of Canaan—as a permanent possession… I am the Lord your God who set you apart from the peoples… There is a people living alone; it does not consider itself among the nations”- Gen 17: 8; Lev. 20: 24; Num. 23: 9. In fact, ancient western believers knew quite well that if there were Jews living among them, it was only because those Jews were under a curse, as exile from their own land was God’s punishment for their wickedness. As is written:
“But if you do not obey the Lord your God by carefully following all his commands and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overtake you… The Lord will bring you and your king that you have appointed to a nation neither you nor your ancestors have known, and there… You will become an object of horror, scorn, and ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you… You will be ripped out of the land [of Canaan] you are entering to possess. Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other… You will find no peace among those nations, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot”- Deut. 28: 15, 36-37, 63-65.
Thus, knowing the Jew did not belong into Western [Gentile] societies, but was rather “an accursed wanderer”, medieval people correctly chose to treat him as a dangerous foreigner; forced to live apart, and confined to his own quarter (or “Ghetto”). Of course, it goes without saying that only a medieval idiot would have allowed the accursed Jew to hold any power position upon him; so Jews were properly excluded from any power position (government, banking, land ownership, learning institutions, etc). And the latter successfully curtailed Jewish corrosive influence upon medieval Western societies.
In short, the fact that Christianity and Islam [as well as all other religions in general] were so damaging to the Jew living during the Middle Ages [and so thoroughly effective in shielding Western societies from his corrosive influence] explains why our Jewish media moguls are so fond in their attempt to secularize the entire Western World. How do they go about it? By constantly glorifying every idea and every lifestyle that goes against God, against Religion, and against Moral and Social cohesion; the “around the clock” promotion of things like Moral relativism, Marxism, Atheism, Homosexuality, Sex re-assignment, Late term Abortion, Same Sex Marriages, pornography, Incest, Drugs abuse, Feminism, Multiculturalism, Forced Immigration, Political Correctness, etc.
So, the one thing secular Jews fear the most is the possibility of large segments of our Western populations “going back to basics”; in other words, returning to the old [but proven] Conservative/Fundamentalist religious ideas that gave rise [and shaped] our western Civilization; the simple yet strong ideas that will let us “cut to the chase”, allowing the eyes of our intellect to see through the Jewish “smoke screen” of “non judgmental equality, and inclusivism”.
The day our people finally decide to return en masse to “old time Religion” will be the last day the accursed Jewish demon will rule upon us; the day we will finally savor the same triumph our ancestors tasted, forcing the Jew back into his ghetto [or better yet, to repentance, and unto his land of origin]. May it be so speedily, and in our lifetime. Amen.


Democrats fight for kittens’ right to life after voting to kill born-alive babies

March 14, 2019— What do cats have that newborn babies don't? Democrats' support. In one of the sickest ironies no one is talking about, Senate liberals picked this moment — 17 days after they voted to kill America's perfectly healthy infants — to fight for the humane treatment of kittens. Maybe the DNC's strategists are out to lunch, or maybe the Left really is this shameless, but I can't wait to see some of these politicians standing on debate platforms next year telling the American people that when it comes to protecting living things: We chose cats over kids.
For sponsors like Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore. ), the optics are nauseating. Here he is, arguing that America “must stop killing kittens, ” when, three weeks ago, he stood in the U. S. Capitol and agreed with 43 Democrats that human beings should be put down. “The USDA's decision to slaughter kittens after they are used in research is an archaic practice and horrific treatment, and we need to end it, ” Merkley said with a passion that he and his colleagues couldn't muster for a generation of perfectly healthy newborns. His Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now — or KITTEN — Act wouldn't stop the research, but it would keep the animals from being destroyed.
“The KITTEN Act will protect these innocent animals from being needlessly euthanized in government testing, ” Merkley told reporters, “and make sure that they can be adopted by loving families instead. ” Does he even hear himself? They should be treated and adopted? That's exactly what Americans have requested for living, breathing babies. Democrats said no. Killing a child is a “personal decision, ” they said, and Congress shouldn't get in the way. What a comfort for abortion survivors like Melissa Ohden to know that, given the choice, Democrats would save a stray cat over her.
“The fact that we need a piece of legislation to tell the federal government to stop killing kittens is ridiculous on its face, ” Congressman Brian Mast (R-Fla. ) argued. But “ridiculous” doesn't begin to describe a party that tells America to back away from the tables of crying newborns while it rushes to the rescue of kittens instead. I suppose we should also tell firefighters when they run into burning houses to look for the pets first? After all, on the Democrats' sliding scale of “wantedness, ” shouldn't we find out how loved someone is before we decide if they're worth saving?
Meanwhile, as if legal infanticide isn't revolting enough, House Democrats have decided Americans should pay for it. In what's turning out to be a test for the most unpopular majority in history, Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif. ) chamber is pushing a bill that would force a country who overwhelmingly opposes late-term abortion to bankroll it — along with abortions in any trimester. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo. ), another liberal who can't seem to take taxpayers' “No! ” for an answer, is trying to overturn the Hyde amendment. “It's just important as we move forward that we pass legislation that honors women's reproductive health and their decisions, ” she said.
But what about honoring taxpayers — two-thirds of whom fiercely oppose the idea of financing the Left's killing machine? And that includes “pro-choicers. ” Although the bill doesn't stand a chance in the Senate, it could still make history. If Pelosi keeps up with the Left's tone-deafness and brings DeGette's bill up for the vote, it would be the first time the House has voted to overturn Hyde in history.
While House and Senate Democrats seem obsessed with taking lives, at least one court is helping states protect them. In what may turn out to be the ruling that turned the Supreme Court tide, the Sixth Circuit Court sided with Ohio in defunding Planned Parenthood. For three years, the Buckeyes have been fighting to redirect the $1. 5 million for abortion providers to real health clinics. Buckeye leaders, including former Governor John Kasich, were sick of “using abortion providers as the face of state health care programs. ” A lower court said too bad. But 11 judges on the Sixth Circuit disagreed, insisting that Ohio's law doesn't violate the Constitution “because the affiliates do not have a due process right to perform abortions. ”
And while President Trump didn't have anything to do with the ruling, he had plenty to do with the people who made it. Four of the 11 judges who defended Ohio's law were appointed by this White House. If you're wondering how much this administration's commitment to nominations matters, this is proof. There are men and women on benches across America today who are literally saving lives because this president made the courts a priority. Thanks to Donald Trump, pro-lifers know better than anyone: you don't need Congress to win on life.






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