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God judges no one!. The Hebrew believer (Samaritan, Jew, Karaite, etc.) who openly proclaims himself to be an atheist, or a homosexual, blasphemes God with his behavior

God judges no one!

Hebrew scripture hints at the idea that the Creator (blessed be He) judges nobody, but rather let each of us choose our own “heaven” (reward) or “hell” (punishment), based upon what we've freely [and willingly] chosen to do unto our fellow human beings [as well as unto ourselves].
Think of wicked Haman- he wanted to hang righteous Mordechai, so “the hell” God let him experience was to be hanged upon the same gallows he had willingly intended for Mordechai [who was a far better person than Haman! ]. As is written: “SO THEY HANGED HAMAN ON THE GALLOWS THAT HE HAD PREPARED FOR MORDECAI... ”- Esther 7: 10 (Amplified Bible). In other words, God allowed Haman to become his own judge!
And the former is consistent with what Hebrew scripture teaches elsewhere: «And Adoni-Bezek said... “AS I HAVE DONE, SO GOD HATH REWARDED ME"... »- Judges 1: 7 (Geneva Bible); “For the day of the Lord is near, upon all the heathen: AS THOU HAST DONE, IT SHALL BE DONE TO THEE... ”- Obadiah 1: 15 (Geneva Bible); “... God forbid that wickedness should be in God, and iniquity in the almighty, FOR HE WILL RENDER UNTO MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORK, AND CAUSE EVERYONE TO FIND ACCORDING TO HIS WAY”- Job 34: 10-12


“The Lord is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you abandon Him, He will abandon you”- 2 Chronicles 15: 2
– If you don't listen to God, don't expect Him to listen to you; If you don't obey Him [doing the good He wants from you], don't expect Him to obey you [doing the good you want from Him] –



The Hebrew believer (Samaritan, Jew, Karaite, etc. ) who openly proclaims himself to be an atheist, or a homosexual, blasphemes God with his behavior

The Religion of God does not consist in having “the right theology”; rather, it consists instead of having “the right morality” (Micah 6: 8, & Psalm 37: 27). For this reason, immorality is precisely the sin that God does not tolerate. In fact, God abhors so much immorality, that He personally warned against it, writing the following words “with his own fingers”- “Do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie, do not insult your parents... etc”.
So, the Hebrew believer who chooses to openly disobey the God of the Hebrews [living a life of outright immorality], will sooner or later be punished, suffering the Divine curse. Why the Divine curse? Well, because Scripture teaches man is destined to “eat” the fruit of his hands; that is to say, each person will have to “reap” the same evil [or good] he has sown. And, since the immoral believer induces others to curse God, it is only fair that such believer reaps the same curse he has sowed.
You see, when a person claims to be part of the Holy people of Israel, but then goes on and openly practices a homosexual lifestyle, the wicked feel the right to curse the God of the Hebrews, saying: “This person claims to be part of God’s People, but openly practices a Homosexual lifestyle. Could it be that he is imitating his God, who is also an open Homosexual?
When a man claims to be a Hebrew believer, and openly practices theft and fraud, the enemies of Israel are justified in cursing the God of the Hebrews, saying: “This one claims to be a Hebrew believer, but he is a thief and a fraud. If the God of the Hebrews doesn’t mind, perhaps it is because He himself is also a thief and a fraud”
When a Hebrew believer goes and lies publicly and shamelessly, the wicked ones curse the God of Israel, saying: “This guy claims to be part of God’s holy People, but he is a lying and shameless sophist. From whom did he learn it? Could it be that he learned it from his own God, who is as shameless as he is, and therefore has no problem with such low life morality?
When a believer claims to be part of God’s Holy People, and then goes on to murders another human being, the wicked ones are empowered to curse the God of Israel, saying: “This guy claims to be part of the People of God, but he is a murderer. Is it because his God is also a murderer?
Thus, the Hebrew believer who acts immorally, will be condemned to reap the same curse with which he caused the wicked to blaspheme the God of Israel. And this is what happened to King David [after abruptly extinguishing the life of Uriah, an innocent son of God]. Since this action of David caused the wicked to curse the God of Israel, God brought the same curse upon David. How? By letting him experience how the life of his innocent son was also abruptly extinguished by God.
As it is written: “But because, with this matter (extinguishing the life of an innocent human being), you made the enemies of י ה ו ה blaspheme, the son that was born to you, he will surely die” (2 Samuel 12: 14).



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