The curious theology supporting Samaritan’s faith in Moses second coming
The curious theology supporting Samaritan’s faith in Moses second coming
Many Samaritan believers expect a second coming. Not a second coming of Jesus of Nazareth (peace and blessings be upon him), but rather a second coming of prophet Moses. Why? Simply because God’s Law [which cannot ever be abrogated] states that, thru the lips of Moses, God had spoken unto the whole nation of Israel.
And what did He tell them? He promised that, if they would just follow Moses, the latter would bring all of them into the Promised Land (a symbol of Paradise). As is written:
«Go and assemble the elders of Israel and say to them: “The Lord, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to me and said: ‘I have paid close attention to you and to what has been done to you in Egypt. And I have promised you that I will bring you up from the misery of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—a land flowing with milk and honey”. They will listen to what you say... » (Exodus 3: 16-18, Christian Standard Bible).
Notice how God’s promise to Israel seems to be unconditional- As long as they physically follow Moses, their entrance into the Land was assured. But the fact is that not all of those who remained at Moses side made it, as over 600, 000 perished in the wilderness: “Your corpses will fall in this wilderness—all of you who were registered in the census, the entire number of you twenty years old or more... ” - Numbers 14: 29.
Thus, many Israelite leaders raised a worthy complain: “Is there anything false within God’s law? Is God a liar?, Is Moses also a liar? Where is the fulfillment of the promise made to us? ”. As is written:
“Is it not enough that you brought us up from a land flowing with milk and honey [the land of Goshen, located in Egypt] to kill us in the wilderness? … Furthermore, you didn’t bring us [as you had promised] to a land flowing with milk and honey, or give us an inheritance of fields and vineyards [in the promised Land of Canaan]…”- Numbers 16: 13-14.
But the fact is that God is no man, that He should repent; nor is He a son of man, that He shouldn’t stand by His promise. As is written: “Furthermore, the Eternal One of Israel does not lie or change his mind, for He is not man who changes his mind”- 1 Samuel 15: 29.
And also says, “God is not a man, that He might lie, or a son of man, that He might change His mind. Does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill? ”- Numbers 23: 19.
In other words, if God had promised that Moses would personally bring Israel into the Promised Land, no power in the universe (not even death! ) will prevent it from happening. But isn’t Moses long since dead? How can a dead person guide any man, let alone do any physical thing?
As a matter of fact, even if an Israelite could speak with Moses spirit, it would be a violation of God’s Law, as the Law condemns any sort of communication with the dead (“A man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist must be put to death. They are to be stoned; their death is their own fault”- Leviticus 20: 27).
How could God ever be able to fulfill a promise made so long ago to Israel? Although shocking, the answer to this seemingly unsolvable conundrum is quite straightforward.
You see, just as Christianity claims Jesus was miraculously resurrected by God, in order to return again and finish his [allegedly] global redemption process, so do many Samaritans also believe that God will resurrect Moses, in order to let him fulfill the promise made to Israel thousands of years ago.
Curiously, the Christian gospel hints at the idea that God has already resurrected Moses, and that the latter will come back together with Elijah [the Messiah’s forerunner]; as if to imply that Moses will be Israel’s final [human] Messiah: “As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white.
Suddenly, TWO MEN WERE TALKING WITH HIM—MOSES AND ELIJAH. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem”- Luke 9: 29-31.
In the former passage, notice how both Moses and Elijah are called “Men”. But how can Moses [a dead person] be considered equal to Elijah [a living person, as Elijah never died]? Shouldn’t the verse say, “two men were talking with him- MOSES SPIRIT and Elijah”?
In fact, if Moses was still dead at that point, them Jesus was openly breaking the Law that prevented Hebrews from talking to the dead! Was Jesus (peace be upon him) a Law breaking sinner? Was he talking to the dead?
Again, the verse only makes sense if Christians assume Jesus wasn’t talking to a dead but rather a living (“Resurrected”) Moses. A Moses giving him the guidance one day he’ll give again not only to Jesus, but even unto to all Israel, finally taking them all into the Promised Land
Christianity is a divine religion, but it’s theology resembles a shrewd, high pressure (business like) sales pitch
Reformed Samaritanism teaches that Christianity is an awesome religion, and that he who repents and receive Christ as his savior will definitely experience a new life, as well as forgiveness of sins. If anything, the only “fault” with the noble Christian religion would be that it’s theology seems to bears a false witness, when it claim to be the fulfillment of all that had been taught [and promised] in the Old Testament.
And why is this claim false? Simply because Christian theology denies every mayor teaching [and promise] made by the God of the Old testament. Let’s consider a few examples:
(1) Christianity claims that the God of the Old Testament (the Father) became a man in the person of Jesus Christ (“I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE”- John 10: 30, K. J. B); but the Old testament teaches that God is no man at all (“And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent; FOR HE IS NOT A MAN... ”-1 Samuel 15: 29; And also in another place, “GOD IS NOT A MAN... ”- Numbers 23: 19, K. J. B).
(2) Christianity claims that Jesus died for the sins of all other men (“THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS according to the Scriptures…. ”- 1 Corinthians 15: 3, K. J. B); but the Old Testament teaches that each man will die for his own sins, and not for the sins of anybody else (“... EVERY MAN SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH FOR HIS OWN SIN”- Deuteronomy 24: 16, K. J. B; And also in another place, “BUT EVERY ONE SHALL DIE FOR HIS OWN INIQUITY... ”- Jeremiah 31: 30, K. J. B).
(3) Christianity claims that Jesus became the High priest who offered himself as an atonement for the sins of Israel, according to the order of Melchizedek (“being called by God as a HIGH PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK”- Hebrews 5: 10, K. J. B); but the Old testament teaches that God wanted Israel’s atonement to be performed by Aaron and his offspring, according to the order of Moses («AND MOSES SAID UNTO AARON, “Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering and thy burnt offering, and MAKE AN ATONEMENT FOR THYSELF AND FOR THE PEOPLE; AND OFFER THE OFFERING OF THE PEOPLE AND MAKE AN ATONEMENT FOR THEM, as the Lord commanded”»- Leviticus 9: 7, K. J. B).
(4) Christianity claims that Jesus died during the feast of Passover, as he was meant to pay for the sins of all Israel, being God’s own “Passover lamb” (“For even CHRIST, OUR PASSOVER, IS SACRIFICED FOR US... ”- 1 Corinthians 5: 7, K. J. B); But he Old Testament taught that the rite of Passover was intended to save only the firtsborn of every household [and not the entire nation]. As is written:
“I WILL PASS THROUGH THE LAND OF EGYPT ON THAT NIGHT AND STRIKE EVERY FIRSTBORN MALE IN THE LAND OF EGYPT... The blood on the houses where you are staying will be a distinguishing mark for you; when I see the blood, I will pass over you... ”- Exodus 12: 12-13, Christian standard Bible. Which rite was supposed to cleanse the collective sins of Israel? The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
(5) Christianity claims that God’s Law has ceased, to be now replaced by something better (the Grace); But the Old testament teaches that God’s Law is perfect (and that which already is perfect, will never need to be improved, replaced or abrogated). In addition, it states that the Law is forever: “THE LAW OF THE LORD IS PERFECT”- Psalm 19: 7.
And also in another place, “LET NOT THIS BOOK OF THE LAW DEPART OUT OF THY MOUTH, BUT MEDITATE THEREIN DAY AND NIGHT, THAT THOU MAYEST OBSERVE AND DO ACCORDING TO ALL THAT IS WRITTEN THEREIN: for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then shalt thou have good success”- Joshua 1: 8 (1599 Geneva Bible).
(6) Christianity claims that those who follow the Law’s commandments are under God’s curse: “For ALL WHO RELY ON THE WORKS OF THE LAW ARE UNDER A CURSE... ”- Galatians 3: 10 (C. S. B. ); But the Old testament teaches that those who forsake the commandments are the ones under God’s curse (“You rebuke the arrogant, THE ONES UNDER A CURSE, WHO WANDER FROM YOUR COMMANDS... ”- Psalm 119: 21, Christian Standard Bible).
In fact, the O. T. teaches that the commandments are the wisdom of God’s people («Carefully follow them, for this will show your wisdom and understanding in the eyes of the peoples. When they hear about all these statutes, they will say, ‘This great nation is indeed a wise and understanding people’»- Deut. 4: 6, CSB).
(7) Christianity claims that the commandments of the Law bring wrath and anger (“Because THE LAW PRODUCES WRATH... ”- Romans 4: 15); But the Old Testament teaches that the commandments bring joy unto our hearts (“The precepts of the Lord are right, MAKING THE HEART GLAD... ”- Psalm 19: 8. And also in another place: “I have YOUR DECREES as a heritage forever; indeed, THEY ARE THE JOY OF MY HEART”- Psalm 119: 11.
(8) Christianity claims that those who get circumcised have fallen from the grace [and thereby have no place in the heavenly Jerusalem]. As is written: “FOR I TESTIFY AGAIN TO EVERY MAN WHO IS CIRCUMCISED, that he is a debtor to keep the whole Law. CHRIST THEN BECOMES OF NO EFFECT UNTO YOU, whosoever of you claim justification by the Law; YE ARE FALLEN FROM GRACE”- Galatians 5: 3-4 (K. J. B. ).
But the Old testament teaches the opposite, as it states that he who isn’t circumcised will have no share in the holy Jerusalem: “… Put on your beautiful garments, Jerusalem, the Holy City! FOR THE UNCIRCUMCISED AND THE UNCLEAN WILL NO LONGER ENTER YOU”- Isaiah 52: 1.
(9) Christianity claims God wants us to follow “the folly” of the Gospel preaching (“... it pleased God by THE FOOLISHNESS OF [THE GOSPEL] PREACHING to save those who believe”- 1 Corinthians 1: 21); But the Old testament commands the believer to stay away from folly (“… for He will speak peace unto His people and to His saints; but LET THEM NOT TURN AGAIN TO FOLLY”- Psalm 85: 8).
(10) Christianity claims that the man named Jesus was free from all sin: “For He hath made HIM WHO KNEW NO SIN (JESUS) to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”- 2 Corinthians 5: 21, KJB); and also in another place, “… how much more shall the blood of CHRIST, WHO THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT OFFERED HIMSELF WITHOUT SPOT TO GOD, purge your conscience from dead works”- Hebrews 9: 14, KJB.
But the Old testament teaches that no man is so righteous as to never sin: “For THERE IS NOT A JUST MAN UPON EARTH WHO DOETH GOOD AND SINNETH NOT”- Ecclesiastes 7: 20, KJB.
(11) Christianity claims that life everlasting can be found only in Jesus (“Neither is there salvation in any other, FOR THERE IS NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED”- Acts 4: 12, KJB); But the Old testament teaches that everlasting life is the result of turning away from evil, and starting to do good (“DEPART FROM EVIL, AND DO GOOD, AND THOU SHALT LIVE FOR EVERMORE”- Psalm 37: 27, Jubilee Bible 2000).
(12) Christianity claims Jesus is the son of God (“The beginning of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD”- Mark 1: 1, CSB). But the Old testament teaches that the title, “Son of God” belongs to God’s Israel («… THUS SAITH THE LORD: “ISRAEL IS MY SON, even My firstborn”»- Exodus 4: 22, KJB).
(13) Christianity claims that God requires mankind to believe what the Gospel tells us about Jesus (“And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life”- John 6: 40, KJB).
But the Old testament teaches that what God’s requires is that we do justice, act mercifully, and humble ourselves (“He has declared unto thee, O man, what is good AND WHAT THE LORD REQUIRES OF THEE: ONLY TO DO RIGHT JUDGMENT, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO HUMBLE THYSELF TO WALK WITH THY GOD”- Micah 6: 8, Jubilee Bible 2000).
(14) Christianity claims that there has never been a righteous man, save Jesus (“for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin; as it is written, There is no one righteous, no, not one”- Romans 3: 9-10).
But the Old Testament considers anyone who fears God a righteous person (“NOAH WAS A JUST MAN AND PERFECT in his generations... ”- Genesis 6: 9; “And in the morning, he went out and stood and said to all the people, YE ARE RIGHTEOUS... ”- 2 Kings 10: 9; “THE LORD WILL REWARD ME ACCORDING TO MY RIGHTEOUSNESS; according to the cleanness of my hands he shall recompense me”- Psalm 18: 20.
(15) Christianity claims that Divine justification can only be achieved by faith, and not by obeying the commandments of the Law. But this is false. Why? Because the Old Testament teaches that Phineas obeyed what the Law had commanded (“And the man that commits adultery with another man’s wife, he that commits adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely die”- Leviticus 20: 10).
And what was the result of Phinehas obedience? That it earned him eternal justification (“Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions; and the plague broke in upon them. THEN PHINEHAS STOOD UP AND EXECUTED JUDGMENT, and so the plague was stayed. AND THAT WAS COUNTED UNTO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION FOR EVERMORE”- Psalm 106: 29-31).
(16) Christianity claims that our Eternal well being depends on having the correct theology concerning the Messiah. But the Old testament states that our safety relies on knowing God (in other words, in yielding “the good fruit” of justice and righteousness resulting from our obedience to God’s Ten commandments). Why? Because the Law teaches that each of us will reap the same goodness (or evil) we’ve sowed. As is written:
“Did not thy father eat and drink, and DO JUDGMENT AND JUSTICE, AND THEN IT WAS WELL WITH HIM? ” -Jeremiah 22: 15-16, KJB; “Why are you angry? And why do you look so despondent? DON’T YOU KNOW THAT AS LONG AS YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT, THEN I ACCEPT YOU? ”- Genesis 4: 6-7 (The Voice); “HE THAT SOWETH INIQUITY, SHALL REAP AFFLICTION... ”- Prov. 22: 8 (1599 Geneva Bible); “…. AS I HAVE DONE, SO GOD HATH REWARDED ME... ”- Judges 1: 7 (1599 Geneva Bible);
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