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5 Things Islam Must Correct

Islam isn’t a bad religion. In fact, there are plenty of wise, holy, and pious Muslim believers among it’s ranks. The main limitation of traditional Islam, is that it is a relatively new religion; Therefore, many of it’s basic ideas are still “crude”, or simply “underdeveloped”. Let’s consider a few examples:

(1) The first one, could be the Islamic view of human life; in particular, the life of “non believers” (Jews, Christians & polytheists). The profound respect for human life that characterizes both Christianity as well as Judaism, is not well developed in Islam. Why? Is it because Muslims are more evil than their Jewish or Christian counterparts? Absolutely not! The reason is that, Islamic theology is precariously poor in this particular area.
In other words, the Qur'an never even suggest (let alone records) the idea that men are God’s own children; nor that, being fashioned in God’s own likeness, human life is intrinsically sacred. That’s why Shariah (Islamic Law) includes features like the cutting of opposing hands and feet; as well as the beheading, stoning and executing of infidels, and apostates. That’s also why, the last countries to abolish slavery, were also Muslim countries (Islamic republic Of Mauritania, in 1981, Sultanate of Oman, in 1970; United Arab Emirates, in 1963; Saudi Arabia & Yemen, in 1962).
If both Christianity and Judaism abandoned the former (barbaric) practices many centuries ago, why are they still part and parcel of Sharia Law? Simply because, in Muslim theology, human life isn’t sacred. Islam may one day evolve, and start viewing life as sacred; but, in the meantime, their view will remain closer to that of ancient Roman emperors: “life is worthy, only if it’s the life of Romans; those committed to total Roman dominion over the rest of the world”. Modern day Radical Islamism says: “life is worthy, only if it’s the life of Muslims; those committed to total Islamic world domination. (2) A second example could be the fact that Islamic theology claims each prophet lifespan was half that of the former prophet's lifespan. Thus, since Jesus died at 125 years of age, Muhammad would have to die at 62. 5 years of age. What is the problem with this? The problem is that, if you work the numbers backward [using just the prophets listed by Muslim theology], then lifespan of prophet Avraham’s comes out to be close to 4, 000 years [which is obviously absurd]

(3) As a third example of Islam’s underdeveloped theology, consider the following statements of faith:

a) Muhammad was the final and greatest prophet; even greater than Jesus
b) The Gospels and the Torah are both corrupted
c) Only by Muhammad intercession, and faith in his message (Corá n) can mankind be saved
d) Jesus will one day return, in order to defeat “the Anti-Christ”, thereby establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth
What’s the theological problem with the former articles of faith? Well, the problem is that, if the first three statements are true (and salvation is indeed the result of our exclusive belief in Muhammad’s message and prophethood), then why would Islamic theology need to have Jesus returning to earth, in order to defeat “the Anti-Christ”? In fact, why should an Anti-Christ even exist? If the devil really wants to mislead the world, shouldn’t there be instead “an Anti-Muhammad”?

(4) The fourth example has to do with the fact that Muhammad (p. b. u. h., ) claimed that his Divine mission was to confirm what was already revealed in the previous books [the Torah, and the Gospel]. What’s the problem with this? The problem is that even Muslims recognize that Muhammad was illiterate (he couldn’t read a word! ). How can you pretend to be able to confirm [or deny] the content of any book you have never read? The most you can do is have someone else read it to you! And, even if you do it, wouldn’t it be arrogant for you [an illiterate man] to pretend to be smart enough to validate [or correct] those who can actually write? First correct your illiteracy problem; afterward, you can start hoping that, one day you may be wise enough to validate the ancient literary sages.

(5) The fifth and final example has to do with the Muslim sacred text: Corá n's second Surah (chapter) starts with the following words: " This is the book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah" (Surah Al Baqarah 2: 2). What's the problem with this all important statement? The problem is that, although a powerful and compelling remark, the verse falls into the category of " wishful thinking". Why? Well because the previous verse (the very first verse of the Surah) is comprised of three separated letters [Alif, Lam, Meem]. The meaning of these strange letters is nowhere to be found in the Qur'am; and, up to this date, the Muslims scholars have always been full of doubts as to their exact meaning. In fact at least 29 Surahs in the Coran start with this sort of unexplained letters.

Does the former means that Islam is a false religion? Absolutely not! It only means that Islamic theology still has several “blind spots”; theological flaws that need to be taken care of, and refined. Once this is done, Islam will take it’s rightful place among the great monotheistic religions of the world.  



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