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If Christianity isn't God's true faith, then why is it the largest of all religions?

If Christianity isn't God's true faith, then why is it the largest of all religions?

Christianity is in fact a wonderful religion, full of repentance, good deeds, and enthusiasm. But, if we are brutally honest, we would be forced to acknowledge that, Christian theology, is little more than wishful thinking- a religious mirage, based on the hyped cult towards the great human personality of the man named “Jesus”; a state of willful ignorance, where the believer abdicates his intellect, in order to satisfy his psychological urge to exalt [and thereby glorify] the image of his human [and therefore flawed] idol.
And, the means to achieve his goal, lays in his willful submission to the string of vain conjectures [as well as twisted theological speculations] he finds himself forced to assume, while trying to turn the gospel's shady [and often incoherent] claims concerning Jesus, into absolute [and therefore unquestionable] religious dogma.
And this is the reason why the Hebrew scripture foretold of the day when the [Christian] nations of the world will come to Israel, and acknowledge the fraud of their religious inheritance. As it is written: «O Lord my strength, my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction, THE GENTILES SHALL COME UNTO THEE FROM THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, AND SHALL SAY- “SURELY OUR FATHERS HAVE INHERITED LIES, VANITY, AND THINGS WHEREIN THERE IS NO PROFIT. Shall man make gods unto himself...? ” (in other words, shall a wise man believe that the Creator is a man, just like himself? )»- Jeremiah 16: 19.
And when the gentile nations acknowledge the vanity of their religious ideas, they'll come to the Hebrew people, in order to learn God's truth. As it is written: «AND MANY [GENTILE] NATIONS SHALL COME, AND SAY, “COME, AND LET US GO UP TO THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD, AND TO THE HOUSE OF THE GOD OF JACOB; AND HE WILL TEACH US OF HIS WAYS, AND WE WILL WALK IN HIS PATHS”; FOR THE LAW [NOT THE GOSPEL] SHALL GO FORTH OF ZION, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem»- Micah 4: 2.
In addition, the Scripture foretells that the gentiles will not only start following the Hebrew faith, but will even start to observe the Hebrew holidays. As it is written: «Thus said the Lord of Hosts- In those days IT SHALL COME TO PASS THAT TEN [GENTILE] MEN WILL TAKE HOLD OUT OF ALL LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS, EVEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OF THE SKIRT OF HIM THAT IS A JEW (A HEBREW BELIEVER), SAYING, “WE WILL GO WITH YOU; FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU”»- Zechariah 9: 23.
And also in another place: «And it shall come to pass that, FROM ONE NEW MOON TO ANOTHER, AND FROM ONE SABBATH TO ANOTHER, SHALL ALL FLESH COME TO WORSHIP BEFORE ME, SAITH THE LORD»- Isaiah 66: 23.
And elsewhere: «And it shall come to pass that EVERY ONE THAT IS LEFT OF ALL THE NATIONS which came against Jerusalem SHALL EVEN GO UP FROM YEAR TO YEAR to worship the King, the Lord of Host, and TO KEEP THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. And it shall be that whose will not come up of all the families of the Earth unto Jerusalem, to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, even upon them shall be no rain... This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishments of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of Tabernacles»- Zechariah 14: 16-19.
But, if it is indeed true that Christian theology is so mistaken, why doesn't the whole World follow the Hebrew faith? Why would the Creator allow Christianity to have 2 billion followers? And why would He allow Islam to have 1. 6 billion followers?
The answer to this question is quite simple- In the first place, the Creator knows that absolute power can corrupt even the best human leader [so God doesn't want the Jewish leadership to control the vast majority of mankind, lest the excessive power end up corrupting them].
Secondly; in addition to the existence of the Hebrew faith, God actually wants the existence of both Islam and Christianity, as their existence causes each of the three religions to compete [in terms of good deeds] against one another. And this is the sort of competition that actually pleases the Creator!


The reason why Marxist and secular Jews so actively promote social degeneracy

Karl Marx was an Ashkenazi Jew. And as so many Ashkenazi Jew, Marx knew very well how to play the passions of the Goyim (the gentiles), in order to use them for his own personal advancement. The fact is that Ashkenazi Jews have historically flourished by sowing social discord, vice, and strife. Inventing Marxism, Marx did just that- he sowed social unrest. How? By appealing to those Anglosaxon gentiles who wanted to be provided with an ideological justification for grabbing power at any cost, and by any means [including treason, cheating, and murdering].
But grabbing power by such brazen and violent means can only be achieved by people who have already abandoned all respect for human life, as well as for morality, family values, religion, and any social restrain. Thus, Marxist Jews know that stripping a society of any adherence to God, to family values, to respect for authority, and for morality is an absolute prerequisite for a successful Marxist revolution.
And this explains why secular Jews Ashkenazi are so obsessed with promoting atheism, usury, fornication, sodomy, transgenderism, and all kind of social, religious and moral vices. Sadly, they forget that, as Chrisstians writings correctly say, “sin’s payment is death” (Romans 6: 23, Tree Of Life Bible). Or as taught by the Hebrew Scripture, “Whoever digs a pit [against someone else] will [eventually] fall in it” (Proverbs 26: 27, Tree Of Life Bible).
Therefore, just as Hitler tried to destroy those Jews who had tried to destroy Weimar Germany, so will the whole world try to destroy [in the future] those Jews who are currently trying to destroy the whole world. May God have mercy of these peoples, and grant them repentance before the coming [God ordained] holocaust falls upon them!



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