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"Yo יהוה ; este es mi nombre (No Jesús, no Allah, no Aura Mazda); y a otro no daré mi gloria..”- Isaías 42:8

" Yo י ה ו ה ; este es mi nombre (No Jesú s, no Allah, no Aura Mazda); y a otro no daré mi gloria... ”- Isaí as 42: 8



Is resurrection true? Can dead matter acquire life?

Is resurrection true? Can dead matter acquire life? Of course it can! And even modern science agree with this. You see, science claims [though unwillingly] that this “resurrection” process has already happened in the past, as life [supposedly] evolved from existing dead matter (water, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, lightning, etc).
Not only that, but if what science claims ends up being true, then it means evolution is a forward process which not even death can stop. Thus, since Human evolution always move “forward” [into higher and more sophisticated forms of existence], it makes perfect sense to assume that, after we die, we will keep on evolving into higher [non-physical? ] forms of existence.
But truth be told, we don’t really need science, in order to reach the same conclusion. Why? Cause Nature itself hints at the idea that we humans start our life experiencing one form of existence [within a host body], but them “move forward” and experience a different form of existence outside that host body.
In other words, we first experience one (liquid based) form of existence within our mother’s body, but them move forward, and experience a different (air based) form of existence, outside such body.


If they tell you... (How to proceed if you are told that God manifested Himself in a physical form)

-- If you are told the Creator manifested in a thorn bush, you should believe it. But, if you are told that a thorn bush is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told the Creator manifested in the Justice of the plagues that came upon Pharaoh [and the Egyptians], you should believe it. But, if you are told that Justice is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told the Creator manifested at a Mount (mount Sinai), you should believe it. But, if you are told that a Mount is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told that the Creator manifested Himself in thunder and lightning (during the giving of the Law), you should believe it. But, if you are told that thunder and lightning are the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told the Creator manifested in the cloud that hovered over Israel during their wandering in the wilderness, you should believe it. But, if you are told that a Cloud is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told the Creator manifested in fire (the column of fire that led Israel thru the wilderness during the night), you should believe it. But, if you are told that Fire is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told the Creator manifested in a fish (the fish that swallowed Jonah), you should believe it. But, if you are told that a Fish is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told that the Creator manifested in a bird (the birds that provided meat for Elijah), you should believe it. But, if you are told that a Bird (a dove, a sparrow, an eagle, etc) is the Creator, you should not believe it.
-- If you are told that the Creator manifested Himself in a man (Moses, whose face shone with the glory of the Almighty), go ahead and believe it. But, if you are told that a Man (Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Sun Myung Moon, etc) is the Creator, do not believe it.


Is there life after death? How can we know it?

Every living human being is positive proof that there is such thing as “life after death”. Why? Simply because we are now alive [in other words, we currently exist]. But, before being alive, we didn't exist at all [and were therefore dead]. So, since we were first dead, and then we acquired life, it follows that dead things can indeed acquire life [meaning that death isn't necessarily the end of everything, as dead things can later become alive]. And modern science seems to agree with this viewpoint, as it claims that existing life originated from non living (or " dead" ) components like water, salt, oxygen, hydrogen, sunlight, carbon molecules, chemical compounds, heat, and lightning.


Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) was a powerful messenger of God, but claiming that he was God is a doctrine of demons and unclean spirits

Claiming that Jesus (peace and blessing be upon him) is " the Son of God" [and therefore equal to God], implies that [as it happens with all human beings], the Almighty once had the need to pee, and to defecate (as if His insides were full of stinky crap! ).
And the latter is such a vile and blasphemous idea, that not only the demons but even the impure spirits would love us to believe it. In fact, the Gospel confirms that demons and impure spirits openly proclaim this blasphemous message, in the hopes that humans will accept it as “the way of salvation”. As it is written:

1) “AND THE SPIRITS, THE UNCLEAN ONES, as often as they might see Him, fell down before Him and KEPT SCREAMING OUT, YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD! ” (Mark 3: 11)
2) “there met Him out of the tombs A MAN [UNDER THE POWER] OF AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT... And when from a distance he saw Jesus, he ran and fell on his knees before Him in homage, And crying out with a loud voice, HE SAID, WHAT HAVE YOU TO DO WITH ME, JESUS, SON OF THE MOST HIGH GOD? ” (Mark 5: 2-7)
3) “AND DEMONS EVEN CAME OUT of many people, screaming and CRYING OUT, YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD! But He rebuked them and would not permit them to speak.. ” (Luke 4: 41)
4) “Just at that time there was in their synagogue a man [who was in the power] of AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT; and now [immediately] HE RAISED A DEEP AND TERRIBLE CRY from the depths of his throat, SAYING, What have You to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I KNOW WHO YOU ARE—THE HOLY ONE OF GOD! ” (Mark 1: 23-24)
5) “As we were on our way to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who was possessed by a spirit of divination [claiming to foretell future events and to discover hidden knowledge], and she brought her owners much gain by her fortunetelling. She kept following Paul and [the rest of] us, shouting loudly, THESE MEN ARE THE SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! THEY ANNOUNCE TO YOU THE WAY OF SALVATION! ” (Acts 16: 16-17)



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