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God makes no exception of persons

God makes no exception of persons

Reformed Samaritanism teaches that the God of Abraham makes no exception of persons (He does not arbitrarily favor one people over another), nor can He be bribed by anyone’s nationality. As is written: “For the LORD your God is God of gods… who makes no exception of persons, nor takes a bribe”- Deuteronomy 10: 17.
Rather, God favors the good [no matter if he be Jew or Gentile], but is angry against the wicked [no matter if he be Jew or Gentile]. As is written: “Do good, O LORD, unto those that are good and to those that are upright in their hearts”- Psalm 125: 4 (Jubilee Bible 2000). And also, “God is he who judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day”- Psalm 7: 11 (Jubilee Bible 2000)


Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah? Was He the God of Israel?

The bible definition of a bastard wasn't meant to insult anyone. Rather, it had the intention of preventing the Hebrew believer from falling into the trap of worshipping men [like Hercules] who were [allegedly] the result of the union between a god and a human female.
These men were supposed to have both human and divine attributes, thereby presenting an unavoidable bait for the weak minded Hebrew believer.
In this sense, Jesus (peace and blessings be always upon him) could not have been the expected Jewish Messiah. Why? Simply because [unfortunately for him], not being the biological son of Joseph (his mother’s husband), God’s Law had no other option but to place him under the bastards heading.
And the Law didn’t allow any bastard to be counted as part of Israel’s congregation (let alone be considered Israel’s King, Messiah, or God). As it is written: “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of י ה ו ה ” - Deut. 23: 2 (King James Bible).
And this in turn explains why the Gospel records no Israelite ever offering his daughter in marriage to Jesus; as that would have violated the command given by God on Deuteronomy 23: 2


Is there such a thing as a true atheist?

The Samaritan (Hebrew) definition of God is such that it makes the existence of true atheists practically impossible.
How can it be? Actually, It's quite simple: You see, from the very onset, Moses wanted to make sure that the Hebrew people had the right notion concerning God. Thus, he started the Holy Scriptures with the following verse: “In [the] beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth”- Genesis 1: 1. In the former verse, the word we translate as “God” is the Hebrew word “Elohim”.
But, “Elohim”, implies the notion of Power and Authority, so that “Elohim” can also be validly translated as “Power of Powers”, “Supreme Power”, “Supreme Authority”, “Supreme Judge”, “Judge of Judges”, “Presiding Judge”, etc. In fact, the Hebrew Bible uses the word “Elohim” when describing the Jewish supreme court judges while exerting their power [this supreme court was also known as “the great assembly”, or “the Sanhedrin”].
As it is written: «GOD presides in the great assembly; He gives judgments among the GODS »- Psalm 82: 1 (NIV Hebrew/English Bible). In the former verse, both the word translated as GOD, and the word translated as GODS (or “Judges”), is the Hebrew word “Elohim”.
But, in order to make sure the Jewish people didn't mistakenly think of God as a Human power, our master Moses wrote the following: “GOD IS NOT A MAN, that he might lie, OR A SON OF MAN, that he might change his mind”- Numbers 23: 19. By means of the former verse, Moses taught us that God isn't really a human being.
In other words, God isn't a " He" (or a " She" ); God doesn't have any need; God doesn't have arbitrary desires; God isn't subject to anger, hate, or jealousy; God has no regrets, nor suffers from " power trips".
In short, unlike any human being, God isn't “and old man in the sky”; God isn't “a moral dictator”, " a Tyrant", nor “a religious terrorist”. God simply is “the Supreme Power”; the perfect infinite Power (or " potential" ) from which all other powers (life, death, purpose, time, space, matter, energy, dimensions, emotions, ideas, etc) and limitations arise.
And from whence do we know that God is indeed perfect? We know it from the verse that goes on to say: " Ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, HIS WORK IS PERFECT: for all his ways are Judgment: A GOD OF TRUTH, AND WITHOUT INIQUITY, JUST AND RIGHT IS HE”- Deut. 32: 3-4.
From whence do we know that God is greater than the whole Universe (and all that the universe contains)? From the verse that says: “But will God in very truth dwell on the Earth? BEHOLD, HEAVEN, AND THE HEAVEN OF HEAVENS, CANNOT CONTAIN THEE... ”- 1 Kings 8: 27 (JPS Tanakh, 1917).
And from whence do we know that God is the power ruling [and placing limits] upon all other natural powers (life and death, day and night, the waves of the sea, the movement of the stars, wisdom, rain, procreation, etc)?
We get it from the passage that goes on to say: " Where were you when I established the Earth?... Who fixed its dimensions?... Who enclosed the sea behind doors... when I declared: “You may come this far, but no farther; your proud waves stop here”? Have you ever in your life commanded the morning or assigned the dawn its place...?
Have the gates of death been revealed to you?... Where is the road to the home of light? Do you know where darkness lives...? What road leads to the place where light is dispersed?... Who cuts a channel for the flooding rain or clears the way for lightning, to bring rain on an uninhabited land... and cause the grass to sprout?... Who [but Me] fathered the drops of dew?...
Who gave birth to the frost of heaven...? Can you fasten [like Me] the chains of the Pleiades, or loosen the belt of Orion? Can you bring out the constellations in their season, and lead the Bear [constellation] and her cubs? Do you know the laws of heaven? Can you impose its authority on earth?... Can you command the clouds...?
Can you send out lightning bolts, and they go?... Who put wisdom in the heart, or gave the mind understanding?... Who provides the raven’s food? " - Job 38: 4-41.
Therefore, if we stick to the Hebrew Bible definition of God, a person's god is whatever that person perceives as “the ultimate (or supreme) power”; in other words, the power by which he (or she) guides and shapes his own world.
For instance, if a person claims to be an atheists (not believing in the existence of any " Elohim", or any “Supreme Power”), but then goes on to guide his life as if money, sex, technology, and political correctness were the ultimate form of power, then (according to the Hebrew Bible) that person isn't really an atheist; he just [unknowingly] believes in a different " Elohim" (a different Supreme Power), as he has in effect replaced one " Supreme power" [the God of the Bible] by another " supreme power" [the god of money, sex, technology, and political correctness].
Curiously, the latter phenomenon attests to the fact that nature opposes the existence of any sort of vacuums. For example, nature will make sure that any " power" vacuum is eventually filled up (or replaced) by some form of power. We pray that the power that ends up governing your life, is as praise worthy and perfect as the Power taught by our master Moses in the Hebrew Bible.



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