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Las primeras palabras de Moisés

Las primeras palabras de Moisé s

«¿ Cual es la razó n para que, las primeras palabras adscritas por la Torah (es decir, la Ley Divina) a nuestro maestro Moisé s (paz y bendició n sean con é l), hayan sido las siguientes: “¿ Por qué golpeas a tu pró jimo? ” (É xodo 2: 13)? Pues la razó n es mostranos que, el propó sito de la Ley Divina, es que los hombres vivan en paz y armoní a con su pró jimo.
¿ Y por que fue la Ley revelada en un monte llamado “Sinaí ”? Pues porque, la palabra Hebrea “Sinaí ”, tiene la misma raí z etimoló gica que la palabra Hebrea “Sinah” (o “Sinat”). ¿ Y que significas “Sinat”? Pues significa “Odio” [como intimando que, “la cú spide del mensaje Mosaico”, es que los hombres dejen de odiarse los unos a los otros].
Y es por todo esto que hace perfecto sentido el que nuestra tradició n resuma la religió n Hebrea diciendo así: «La fe revelada a Israel por “Elohim” (el Poder Supremo que dicta y preserva las leyes que rigen nuestro particular Universo), consiste en no hacer a los otros seres humanos aquella injusticia que odiarí amos que se nos hiciese a nosotros mismos»


¿ Que Jesú s es Dios? ¡ Pero si el mismo Jesú s lo desmiente!

Jesú s no era Dios, y el mismo Jesú s así lo reconoce cuando rehú sa que le llamen “bueno”. Como esta escrito: " ¿ Por qué me llamas bueno? Ninguno hay bueno sino uno: Dios" - Mateo 19: 17. Y el que Jesú s no fuese Dios, tambié n explica el que el Nuevo Testamento reconozca que Jesú s tuvo que “aprender obediencia” [algo que el perfecto Dios no necesita aprender].
Como esta escrito: “Y aunque era Hijo, por lo que padeció aprendió la obediencia”- Hechos 5: 8. Finalmente, Jesú s reconoce que, al igual que cualquier otro creyente, tiene el deber de adorar y servir al Dios de Israel. Como esta escrito: “Vete de mí, Sataná s, porque escrito está: Al Señ or tu Dios adorará s, y a é l solo servirá s”- Lucas 4: 8. Y, “… mas ve a mis hermanos, y diles: Subo a mi Padre y a vuestro Padre, a mi Dios y a vuestro Dios”- Juan 20: 17


Could it be true that Christian Theology is a Demon's Doctrine (one that encourages men to behave like demons, rebelling against the Word of God)?

Christianity is a perfectly valid way to serve the Creator. But we have to wonder if a man can be “saved”, while embracing the same doctrine embraced by devils and unclean spirits. Didn’t Jesus (peace be upon him) himself say that there’s no truth in the devil?
As is written: “He (THE DEVIL) was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN HIM. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER THEREOF” (John 8: 44). Consider the following example: God's truth (as revealed in the Hebrew Scripture) is that Israel is His Son; in fact, His Firstborn Son.
As it is written, “Thus saith Yah, ISRAEL IS MY SON, MY FIRST-BORN”- Exodus 4: 22. But, being a compulsive liars, we would expect the devil to say something else. Wouldn’t we? Who would the demons say is the Son of God really is? - “And the unclean spirits (demons), whensoever they beheld him (Jesus), fell down before him, and cried, saying, THOU (JESUS) ART THE SON OF GOD”- Mark 3: 11.
And also says in another place, “And demons also came out from many, crying out, and saying, THOU (JESUS) ART THE SON OF GOD”- Luke 4: 41.
Consider another example: the Creator states that he who refuses to obey His commandments, will be accursed, and his soul will pine away (be lost), as it is written: “But IF YE WILL NOT hearken unto me, and will not DO ALL THESE COMMANDMENTS... but break my covenant; I also will do this unto you: I WILL APPOINT TERROR OVER YOU... THAT SHALL CONSUME THE EYES, AND MAKE THE SOUL TO PINE AWAY” - Lev. 26: 14-16.
Again, what falsehood could we expect a demon to say concerning this truth? What would an unclean spirit say about obeying God's commandments? Of course, we would expect him to say the complete opposite. And what would an unclean spirit say concerning Paul’s preaching of salvation only “by faith in Jesus” [without the need to obey God’s commandments]? Of course, he would endorse it.
As is written: “And it came to pass, as we (Paul and Silas) were going to the place of prayer, that A CERTAIN MAID HAVING A SPIRIT OF DIVINATION met us... (and) CRIED OUT, SAYING, THESE MEN ARE SERVANTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, WHO PROCLAIM UNTO YOU THE WAY OF SALVATION (Salvation by Grace, without the need to obey the commandments)”- Acts 16: 16-17.
Thus, Christian writings bear witness to the fact that, calling Jesus (peace be upon him) “the Son of God”, and believing salvation can be achieved only “by Grace” (without the need to obey God’s commandments) are two lies Satan (may the Lord rebuke him) would love us to embrace, as they would place us on the devil's side of “the narrative”- in other words, directly opposing the explicit word of God!
But, as a believer, you might argue that your Christian theology is indeed correct, and that, by following your theology, God has [in the past] answered your prayers.
Well, when you say that God is real, you are indeed telling the truth. And yes, it is true that God answers the prayers of those who call upon him with a sincere and broken heart; but that would be true, no matter if the person is a Jew, a Samaritan, a Muslim, or a Christian.
As it is written: “a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise... ”- Psalm 51: 17 (notice that the verse doesn’t demand you to have a specific religion, but rather a broken heart).
But the fact that God has answered your prayers, doesn't negate the fact that, according to the Christian bible, Demon's do agree with mayor aspects of Christian theology; something nowhere to be found in the five books of God’s Law. Thus, our humble advice to you is that, if you are going to fail, make sure you fail “on the safe side”.
You see, God encourages us to put our trust in Him, not in the Devil (“O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust” - Psalm 7: 1). In other words, God never intended you to put any trust in anything demons [or lying men] have to say about the Creator. Keep in mind that the Hebrew name “Ha Satan” means “The One Opposing”. Therefore, Satan would not be Satan (The One Opposing) if he were to agree with anything said in the word of God.
On the other hand, Hebrew believers know for a fact that God spoke to Moses (Peace and blessings be upon him); and Moses wrote down the prophecy he received from God. And likewise happened with David, Micah, Isaiah, and the rest of the prophets.
But, as for Jesus (peace and blessing be upon Him), he didn’t personally write his message, and thus the Christian Bible ended up being composed many years after the facts, sometimes by third party persons, some of whom never walked with Jesus, never saw him, never heard his voice, nor even belonged to the Hebrew nation.
Thus, we will never be able to trust the Gospel narrative as much as we can trust the Torah narrative. But you may argue that the Gospel mentions Jesus and his disciples performing many miracles; well, keep in mimnd that Pharaoh’s magicians also performed many miracles! Perhaps you will claim the apostle John uttered end of days prophecy; but so did wicked Balaam!
No dear friend, the truth of the matter is that the road to life everlasting is not to be found in believing Jesus (peace be upon him) is the Messiah, nor is to be found in casting out demons, nor performing miracles.
In fact, even Jesus is quoted saying, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY”- Matthew 7: 22-23.
Life everlasting, is to be found instead in “yielding good fruit”: in other words, in sowing into our fellow human beings, the good ordained by God’s [Ten] commandments (“FEAR GOD, AND KEEP HIS [TEN] COMMANDMENTS: FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” - Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14).
Gods’ explicit will for mankind, is that we treat one another with justice, that we show mercy to those who suffer, and that we walk [in this world] with a humble spirit [renouncing to all sort of pride, and arrogance].
As it is written: “HAPPY IS HE WHO HATH CONCERN FOR THE POOR AND THE NEEDY; THE LORD SHALL SAVE HIM ON THE EVIL DAY (AND NO DAY IS MORE EVIL THAN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT! ); the Lord shall rescue him in his time of trouble”- Psalm 41: 1, Wycliffe Bible; “He [God] hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and WHAT DOTH THE LORD REQUIRE OF THEE, BUT TO DO JUSTLY, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD? ”- Micah 6: 8.
In short, according to the Hebrew Scripture, salvation can be summarized with this simple statement: “Turn thou away from evil, and do good (obey God's commandments); and thou shalt live forever” (Psalm 37: 27, Wycliffe Bible).
But of course, if Jesus (peace be upon him) was indeed a Hebrew believer, he would have affirmed this Hebrew concept of Salvation (to depart from evil, doing instead good to our fellow human beings). Did he? Of course he did! That’s why he is quoted saying the following: “THEREFORE, ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER YE WOULD THAT MEN SHOULD DO TO YOU, DO YE EVEN SO TO THEM: FOR THIS IS THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS”- Matthew 7: 12.
DOES THE FORMER MEANS CHRISTIANITY IS A TOTALLY FALSE RELIGION? OF COURSE NOT! It only means Christian theology is gravely mistaken; since, by placing God's commandments on “the back burner”, Christianity opens the door for open rebellion, as would be the case with any Christian believer who thinks he can stand with the wicked (those openly practicing usury, fornication, homosexuality, etc), and still be “saved by Grace”.
The fact is that, by so doing, the former believer makes good upon himself the scripture that goes on to say: “They that forsake the Law praise the wicked”- Proverbs 28: 4, KJV; And, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his prayer shall be abomination”- Proverbs 28: 9, KJV; And finally says, “That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the Law of the Lord”- Isaiah 30: 9, KJV.
Again, in spite of what has been said, the Christian call to sincere repentance is indeed true (as is also the case with the Muslim call to repentance), and can therefore lead those who sincerely repent, and turn away from evil, into “Olam Ha-ba” (life everlasting), as confirmed by the verse already quoted: “Turn thou away from evil, and do good (obey God's commandments); and thou shalt live forever” (Psalm 37: 27, Wycliffe Bible).



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