Cuando hace el bien (temiendo a Dios, y guardando sus mandamientos), el creyente se convierte en Luz para el Mundo
Cuando hace el bien (temiendo a Dios, y guardando sus mandamientos), el creyente se convierte en Luz para el Mundo
El Creyente (es decir, aquella persona que sin importar su raza hace el bien, temiendo a Dios y guardando sus mandamientos), es una Luz encendida por י ה ו ה (el Creador, bendito sea), para que alumbre al Mundo Mundo entero.
Como esta escrito: «¿ No es que partas tu pan con el hambriento, y a los pobres errantes albergues en casa; que cuando veas al desnudo, lo cubras, y no te escondas de tu hermano? ENTONCES, NACERÁ TU LUZ COMO EL ALBA, y tu salvació n se dejará ver pronto; e irá tu justicia delante de ti, y la gloria de י ה ו ה será tu retaguardia. Entonces invocará s, y te oirá י ה ו ה ; clamará s, y dirá é l: “¡ Heme aquí! ”.
SI QUITARES DE EN MEDIO DE TI EL YUGO, EL DEDO AMENAZADOR, Y EL HABLAR VANIDAD; Y SI DIERES TU PAN AL HAMBRIENTO, y saciares al alma afligida, EN LAS TINIEBLAS NACERÁ TU LUZ, Y TU OSCURIDAD SERÁ COMO EL MEDIODÍ A. י ה ו ה te pastoreará siempre, y en las sequí as saciará tu alma, y dará vigor a tus huesos; y será s como huerto de riego, y como manantial de aguas, cuyas aguas nunca faltan» – Isaí as 58: 7-11
Did Moses really exist? Did the Exodus ever happen?
Suppose a person decides to visit the city of Seville, Spain. Once there, he drops by the National archives, and is shown a copy of Christopher Columbus diary, detailing his discovery voyage. In addition, the person is shown a copy written by Columbus son (Hernando) on 1530 C. E.
Would that person dare to say that Columbus never existed? Would he dare to claim that a Spanish encounter with the New world never really happened, and that America was rather discovered by a Korean crew headed by a man name “Ro Tae Woo”?
Why would no rational person make such a ridiculous claim? The reason is that old, dubious, and poorly documented facts can be easily faked.
But faking recent and well documented history (anything less than approximately 800 years) is extremely difficult, as most people are well aware of recent facts. And, since the Spanish discovery of America is so recent that we still have original documentation, no one could rationally deny it.
And something similar happens with Moses and his writings (Torah). You see, according to Jewish reckoning, the Hebrew people were delivered by Moses on 1312 BCE.
But less than 600 years later (721 B. C. E. ), Israel’s ten northern tribes went into exile, to be replaced by the people we currently know as “Samaritans”.
In addition, Jewish literature (2 Kings 17: 24-28, & Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer 38) states that, as soon as the Samaritans settled in the land, the Assyrian king (Sennacherib) sent a priest and two Jewish rabbis [carrying Torah scrolls] to teach them Moses religion (the given name for these two rabbis is R. Dostai BenYannai, and R. Zechariah).
But again, Moses had lived less than 600 years earlier! So the Samaritans could not have been deceived into believing such a lie as a false Exodus [where the Egyptian empire was allegedly humiliated and decimated], nor into a false Moses. Why? Because they were well aware of recent history! In other words, for 700 B. C. E. Samaritans, Moses time was so recent that no one would have dared deny the historical facts, or come up with fake tales about Egyptian national humiliation. In fact, since the Samaritan Torah was written in the old Hebrew (Notarikon) script used before the introduction of present day (square) script, there’s a good change Samaritans might even have “original documentation” (dating back to the time of Joshua and the Judges).
So, yes; both logic and history supports the idea that Moses actually existed, and that the Exodus did really happen.
Is it really important to be part of Jacob’s race?
Being a physical descendant of Jacob (Israel) will make a difference in a person’s life only if such person strives to live the life of righteousness that pleases the God of Jacob; otherwise, it will avail him nothing. Why? Because Hebrew Scripture states that, although king Ahab belonged to Jacob's stock, when the former stubbornly turned away from God, the Creator himself started to plan his demise. As is written: «And the Lord said, “Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? ”»- 2 Kings 22: 20, KJV).
On the other hand, Job wasn't at all related to Jacob's race, yet God was so pleased with him that He went on to proclaim Job’s name in heaven («And the Lord said unto Satan, “Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? ”»- Job 1: 8).
In short, Scripture’s teaching is that the God of Jacob (blessed be He) is pleased with him who pursues righteousness (no matter if he be Jew or Gentile). Likewise, He is angry with him who persist in doing evil (again, no matter if he be Jew or Gentile). And the latter is such an undeniable truth, that even the Christian Scripture agrees with it, when it goes on to say: “Now I truly understand that God doesn’t show favoritism, but in every nation the person who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him”- Acts 10: 34-35
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