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He who forgives becomes the Son of God

He who forgives becomes the Son of God

Reformed Samaritanism teaches a simple yet profound message. In fact, it’s so simple that it is almost impossible to believe, save by the grace of God. This Divine message is the following: “That when a man forgives the evil done against him, and sincerely forgets the injustice suffered at the hands of his fellow human beings, he thereby becomes a son of God”. In practical terms, this means that if we forgive, God will also forgive us; if we show kindness, God will make sure kindness is shown unto us; and if we behave like the Heavenly father, the heavenly Father will make us His own children.
And the former is such an indisputable truth that even the Christian gospel bears witness of it, when it goes on to say: “But love ye your enemies: do good, and lend, hoping for nothing thereby: and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest; for He is kind to the unthankful, and to the evil”- Luke 6: 35 (Douay-Rheims 1899 Bible, American Edition).


¡ Cuidado con creer ciegamente en todo lo dicho y hecho por el noble Saulo de Tarso [quien escribió la mayorí a de las cartas del Nuevo testamento]! Recordad que, cuando el Rey Saú l se hizo orgulloso, Dios permitió que fuese atormentado por un espí ritu malo que contuviese su exagerado orgullo. Como esta escrito: “El Espí ritu de Dios se apartó de Saú l, y le atormentaba un espí ritu malo... ”- 1 Samuel 16: 14. De ese mismo modo, cuando Saulo de Tarso se hizo orgulloso, Dios permitió que fuese tambié n atormentado por un espí ritu malo que contuviese su exagerado orgullo. Como esta escrito: “... Me fue dado un aguijó n en mi carne, un mensajero de Sataná s que me abofetee, para que no me enaltezca sobremanera”- 2 Corintios 12: 7



The Falsehood of claiming that “Sins can only be atoned with a blood sacrifice (offering)”

" And God saw their works, that THEY TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY; AND GOD REPENTED OF THE EVIL, THAT HE HAD SAID THAT HE WOULD DO UNTO THEM; and he did it not”- Jonah 3: 10. God forgave the sins of the people from Nineveh. What blood sacrifice did they offer??? Wasn't it only sincere repentance?
God’s judgment hanged upon king Nebuchadnezzar. What was Daniel’s advice to him? To offer a blood sacrifice? Or to show his sincere repentance by doing good to his fellow human beings?: “Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and BREAK OFF THY SINS BY RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND THINE INIQUITIES BY SHEWING MERCY TO THE POOR”- Daniel 4: 27.
When king Solomon finished building Jerusalem’s Temple, he prayed to God, and God gave him His approval. Why did Solomon felt compelled to pray? Because he foresaw by the Holy Spirit that the Temple would one day be destroyed, and Israel would have to procure atonement without any blood (or wheat) sacrifice. So Solomon prayed that God would accept Israel’s sincere repentance in lieu of the Temple (blood and wheat) sacrifices: «IF THEY SIN AGAINST THEE, (for there is no man that sinneth not, ) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, SO THAT THEY CARRY THEM AWAY CAPTIVES unto the land of the enemy, far or near;
YET IF THEY shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and REPENT, AND MAKE SUPPLICATION UNTO THEE in the land of them that carried them captives, SAYING, WE HAVE SINNED, AND HAVE DONE PERVERSELY, WE HAVE COMMITTED WICKEDNESS; AND SO RETURN UNTO THEE WITH ALL THEIR HEART, AND WITH ALL THEIR SOUL, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, AND PRAY UNTO thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, THE CITY WHICH THOU HAST CHOSEN, AND THE HOUSE WHICH I HAVE BUILT for thy name:
Centuries later, Israel was taken captive, and spent 70 years exiled in Babylon, where they had neither temple nor the freedom to offer any blood sacrifices. Was prophet Daniel (and his generation) lost because he couldn’t offer blood to atone for his sins?? Or was he saved from destruction because he believed God had promised to show His favor to those who would turn in repentance toward Jerusalem, making confession of their sins?:
«Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, HE WENT INTO HIS HOUSE; AND HIS WINDOWS BEING OPEN IN HIS CHAMBER TOWARD JERUSALEM, HE KNEELED UPON HIS KNEES THREE TIMES A DAY, AND PRAYED, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime... AND I (DANIEL) SET MY FACE UNTO THE LORD GOD, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes: AND I PRAYED UNTO THE LORD MY GOD, AND MADE MY CONFESSION, AND SAID, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments; WE HAVE SINNED, AND HAVE COMMITTED INIQUITY, AND HAVE DONE WICKEDLY, AND HAVE REBELLED, EVEN BY DEPARTING FROM THY PRECEPTS AND FROM THY JUDGMENTS». (Daniel 6: 10 and 9: 3-5)
And what happened right after Daniel prayed for God’s favor? He received what he asked for!! -- «the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation» (Daniel 9: 21)





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