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Типы вопросов в английском языке

1. Общие вопросы

General questions

    I II III
1.   Does My friend your friend Lives Live in Moscow in Moscow
2.   Did He He Left Leave school in 1988. school in 1987?
3.   Will I You shall become become a detective. a detective?
4.   Is My mother your mother Is a pensioner. a pensioner?


Задание 13. Задайте своему партнёру общие вопросы и выслушайте краткий ответ:

1. This book is interesting.

2. I like reading.

3. My sister goes to school.

4. My friend finished school two years ago.

5. They are students.

6. He will come tomorrow.

7. We study every day.

8. I was born in Moscow.

9. We like the film very much.

10. I saw my friend yesterday.

11. I shall tell you the news.

12. His mother works as a teacher.

13. This work is difficult.


2. Альтернативные вопросы

Alternative questions

Do you live in Moscow or near Moscow?

Вы живёте в Москве или под Москвой?


Задание 14. Выясните у партнёра:

1. Ты учишься или работаешь?

2. Твоему другу 17 или 18 лет?

3. Вы ходили в кино или в театр вчера?

4. Вы будете играть в футбол или волейбол?

5. Вы родились в Москве или другом городе?

6. Ваш друг изучает английский или немецкий?

7. Вы любите кофе или чай?

8. Ты хочешь быть сыщиком или следователем?

9. Ваши друзья приедут в субботу или в воскресенье?

10. Вы знаете его или его жену.


3. Специальные вопросы

Special questions

1. He lives in Moscow. Where does he live?

2. I was born in 1968. When were you born?


Специальные вопросительные слова:

what что, какой

what kind of что за, какой

which который

when когда

where где

why почему

how как

many с исчисляемыми существительными

how - сколько

much с неисчисляемыми существительными

how long как долго

how often как часто

whose чей

whom кого, кому

who кто


Вопрос к подлежащему:

1)He works at a factory.

Who works at the factory?

2)This work is difficult.

What is difficult?


Задание 15. Расставьте слова в нужном порядке.

1. (when/ was/ built/ this house)

2. (how/ cheese/ is/ made)

3. (when/ invented/ the computer/ was)

4. (why/ Sue/ working/ isn’t/ today)

5. (what time/ coming/ your friends/ are)

6. (why/ was/ cancelled/ the concert)

7. (where/ your mother/ was/ born)

8. (why/ you/ to the party/ didn’t/ come)

9. (how/ the accident/ did/ happen)

10. (why/ this machine/ doesn’t/ work)


Задание 16. Поставьте вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова, данного в скобках:

1. He speaks English very well. (How well)

2. I studied history yesterday. (When)

3. My friend comes home late. (Why)

4. I shall write you a letter. (What)

5. We play football at a stadium. (Where)

6. I read a very interesting book last week. (What book)

7. We worked in militia two years ago. (Where)

8. I shall give you the book tomorrow. (What)

9. He asked me many questions. (Whom)

10. The students go to school every day. (How often)

11. We shall meet on Sunday. (When)

12. I was very busy on Wednesday. (Why)

13. He goes to school by bus. (How)

14. My friend makes many mistakes. (How many)

15. I finished school last year. (When)

16. My friend served in the army in the Far East. (Where)

17. His parents work at the same factory. (Whose)

18. The teacher answered all our questions. (How many)

19. He is fond of folk music. (What kind of)


4. Разделительные вопросы.

Disjunctive questions


You know this man, don’t you?

Вы знаете этого человека, не так ли?

Задание 17. Переведите на русский язык:

1. He finished his work yesterday, didn’t he?

2. Your sister doesn’t speak French, does she?

3. This text isn’t difficult, is it?

4. You like Italian films, don’t you?

5. Your friend doesn’t read English newspapers, does he?

6. He will go to the seaside next summer, won’t he?

7. You usually watch TV in the evening, don’t you?

8. The students asked the teacher many questions, didn’t they?

Progressive Tenses

Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive
Возможные указатели времени
now - сейчас at present - в настоящее время at the present moment - в данный момент from 6 p.m. to(till) 8 p.m. yesterday с 6 до 8 часов вечера вчера at 10 a.m. yesterday в 10 утра вчера during the whole morning 2 days ago всё утро 2 дня назад from 6 p.m. to(till) 8 p.m. tomorrow с 6 до 8 вечера завтра at 10 a.m. tomorrow в 10 утра завтра during the whole evening the day after tomorrow весь вечер послезавтра
Образование Утвердительная форма
am N + { is } + Ving are I am listening to you now Я слушаю тебя сейчас was N + { } + Ving were My brother was watching TV at that time В то время мой брат смотрел телевизор shall be N + {} + Ving will be I’ll be workingat my report from 8 p.m. to(till) 11 p.m. tomorrow Я буду работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра
Вопросительная форма
am is+ N + Ving are Are you listening to me now? Ты слушаешь меня сейчас? Was + N + Ving were Was your brother watching TV at that time? Твой брат в то время смотрел телевизор?   will + N + be + Ving Will you be working at your report from 8 p.m. to(till) 11 p.m. tomorrow? Ты будешь работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра?
Отрицательная форма
am N + { is } + not + Ving are I’m not listeningto you now. Я не слушаю тебя сейчас. Was N + { } + not + Ving Were My brother wasn’t watching TV at that time Мой брат не смотрел телевизор в то время. shall N + { } + not + be + Ving will I’ll not be workingat my report from 8 p.m. to(till) 11 p.m. tomorrow. Я не буду работать над докладом с 8 до 11 вечера завтра.

Задание 18. Переведите следующие предложения:

a) 1. We are in the classroom. One of the students is answering the teacher’s question. 2. These students are taking English classes this year. 3. I am translating a very interesting text. 4. We are walking home now.

b) 1. He is not writing anything, he is reading an English newspaper. 2. This judge is not hearing cases this month, he is on leave. 3. They are not speaking English. They are speaking German. 4. I am not helping him with his translation, he is translating the text himself.

c) 1. Are you reading an interesting book? 2. Is your brother working in his lab? 3. Are the students of group 7 taking their English exam now? 4. What are you doing now?

d) 1. Are you writing an article? – No, I am not. 2. Is Nick learning new English words to the text now? – Yes, he is. 3. Who is talking with our English teacher there? – Peter is. 4. How many students are listening to the tape now? – Fifteen are.


Задание 19. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

2. We can go out now. It (not to rain) any more.

3. I want to lose weight, so this week I (to eat) lunch only.

4. Angela has just started evening classes. She (learn) German.

5. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They (not to speak) to each other.

6. Catherine phoned me last night. She’s on holidays in France. She (have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.

7. ‘How is your new job?’ ‘Not so good at the moment. I (not to enjoy) it very much’.


Задание 20. Переведите на русский язык

1. We have done it already.

2. I have seen this film.

3. Silence! The lesson has begun.

4. Look! The teacher has come.

5. We have translated this sentence. – Start translating this text.

6. Have you heard the news? My friend Mike has got married.

7. Who has won the game? – Of course, the Dynamo team has.

8. Have you seen this new film? – No, I haven’t yet.

9. Why are you late? – I am sorry. I have been to the library.

10. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been all this time? – In Kiev. I have just returned from there.

11. When you came I had already written my report.

12. By the end of the lesson we shall have translated the text.

13. By the end of that month we had already passed all the exams.

Perfect Tenses

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
Возможные указатели времени
today сегодня this week на этой неделе this month в этом месяце this year в этом году already уже just только что yet ещё since с (какого-либо времени) by the end of last month к концу прошлого месяца by 6 p.m. tomorrow до 6 вечера завтра
Утвердительная форма
have N + { } + Ved, Vз has We have finished the work already. Мы уже закончили работу.   N + had + Ved, Vз   They had translated the article by the end of the lesson. Они перевели эту статью к концу урока. shall N + { }have + Ved, Vз will I shall have written this letter if you come at 7p.m. Я напишу это письмо, если вы придёте в 7 часов вечера
Вопросительная форма
have + N + Ved, Vз has Have you finished the work already? Вы уже закончили работу?   had + N + Ved, Vз   Had they translated the article by the end of the lesson? Они перевели статью к концу урока? shall + N +have + Ved, Vз will Will you have writtenthis letter if I come at 7 p.m? Вы уже напишите письмо, если я приду в 7 часов вечера?
Отрицательная форма
have N + { } not + Ved, Vз has We haven’t finished the work yet. Мы ещё не закончили работу.   N + had not + Ved, Vз   They hadn’t translated the article by the end of the lesson Они не перевели статью к концу урока. Shall not N + { } + have + Ved, Vз will not I won’t have written this letter if you come at 7 p.m. Я не напишу письмо, если вы придёте в 7 часов вечера

Задание 21. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму

1. I (to begin) my research on this subject two months ago.

2. Next time our Institute (to celebrate) its centenary.

3. I just (to speak) to the Dean about our tutorials and plans for the vacation.

4. Where is your friend now? He (to enjoy) his holidays somewhere.

5. She (to collect) a lot of books on Law necessary for her work.

6. The first year students usually (to take) part in amateur activities.

7. We (to read) about the capital of our country and its history by April.



Modal verbs

Модальные глаголы

Must должен, нужно, следует (необходимость совершения действия)
need not needn’t не нужно (отсутствие необходимости, нецелесообразность совершения действия)
Can (could) мочь, уметь (физическая возможность)
May (might) можно (разрешение на совершение действия)


Задание 22. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

1. You must learn all these new words. 2. I can’t translate the text myself. I need your help. 3. You needn’t translate the sentences. 4. May I ask you to wait a little? I am not ready yet. 5. You needn’t go there today. 6. Can you speak English well? – No, I am afraid, I can’t. I must work hard at it. 7. May I smoke here? – Excuse me, but you mustn’t. 8. I cannot translate this text without dictionary. Can you help me? – Excuse me, but I am busy now. I must see Professor N. and speak to him. We can stay after classes and work in the lab together. 9. We can’t investigate criminal cases now.


Задание 23. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вы должны прийти после занятия в лингафонный кабинет и поработать с этим текстом. 2. Простите, можно войти? 3. Вы не должны опаздывать. 4. Вы можете мне помочь. 5. Я не могу перевести это слово. 6. Вам не надо брать книгу. 7. Простите, здесь можно курить?



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