The equivalents of modal verbs
Эквиваленты модальных глаголов
Задание 24. Замените модальные глаголы эквивалентами и поставьте предложения во временах группы Simple (Present, Past, Future). 1. They may go home. 2. I can get there in time. 3. She must know these legislative acts. 4. You may do this exercise. 5. You must work to pay for your education. 6. I can tell this story myself. 7. He must attend all the lectures. 8. She may take that textbook. 9. He can help you to translate this English article. 10. They must take the tests and exams in January and June. Задание 25. Переведите предложения. 1. A defendant (in Scotland, called an accused) has the right to employ a legal adviser and may be granted legal aid from public funds. 2. If remanded in custody, the person may be visited by a legal adviser to ensure properly prepared evidence. 3. The prosecution should also inform the defence of witnesses whose evidence may help the accused. 4. If evidence is improperly admitted, a conviction can be quashed on appeal. 5. In England and Wales (and exceptionally in Scotland) a private person may institute criminal proceedings. 6. The public needs to be protected from a dangerous offender. 7. A person can only be detained beyond 36 hours if a warrant is obtained from a magistrates’ court. 8. If the criteria for detention are not satisfied, the person must be released immediately. 9. Questions relating to an offence may normally not be put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence or informed that he or she may be prosecuted for it. 10. The Court of Appeal has stated that sentences in England and Wales should examine each case in which custody it necessary.
11. The defendant cannot be tried again for the same offence. 12. A magistrates’ court in England and Wales cannot impose a term of more than six months’ imprisonment for each sentence tried summarily, but may impose consecutive sentences subject to an overall maximum of 12 months’ imprisonment. Модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом Modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive
Задание 26. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на формы модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом: 1. He couldn’t have driven to the airport because his car had been stolen. 2. We could have gone away if we’d had enough money. 3. You did very well to pass the exam. I’m sure I couldn’t have passed it. 4. I was so tired I could have slept for a week. 5. I wonder why she didn’t say hello. She might not have seen me. 6. She might not have known about it. 7. She may have been a sleep. 8. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it didn’t rain He needn’t have taken an umbrella. 9. I needn’t have got up so early. I could have stayed in bed longer. 10. You needn’t have rushed. You could have taken you time. 11. I’m feeling sick. I ate too much. I should not have eaten so much. 12. I wonder why they are so late. They should have been here an hour ago. 13. It was a great party last night. You ought to have come. 14. The situation was bad but it could have been worse.
Participle I,II Причастие I, II
Задание 27. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения: 1. The case being heard by the district people’s court is of great interest for our students. 2. Being divided in 11 judicial circuits the USA has a Federal Court of Appeal in each circuit. 3. Having passed both Houses the bill became a law. 4. Being divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches, all power in each state is similar to that of the entire nation. 5. Having tried this uneasy case the court passed a sentence. 6. Having arrived at the crime scene among the first, the investigator was able to question all persons present at the scene. 7. Being elected for a term of 4 years the President is to carry out the program of the government. 8. Having been signed by the President the resolution came into force all over the country. 9. The number of paid lobbyists being three times greater than that of the members of the Congress, an important role in American legislature is played by these lobbyists. 10. The political platform of the Republican and Democratic parties in the USA being alike, the Democrats and Republicans essentially conduct the similar policy. 11. Each court of appeal in the circuit consists of between 3 and 15 judges depending upon the amount of work in the circuit, the judge with a largest service, who has reached his 70th birthday, being the chief judge. 12. A “constitution” meaning in American political language the set of rules, laws, regulations and customs provides the practical norms and standards regulating the work of the government. 13. The US Constitution consisting of preamble, seven articles and twenty seven amendments was adopted in 1787. 14. Being made up by the privileged class the US Constitution of 1787 didn’t contain bourgeois-democratic freedoms. 15. Having been proposed first in 1787 the Constitution faced widespread dissatisfaction because it did not contain guaranties of certain basic freedoms and individual rights. 16. Having no guaranteed labor, guaranteed income and health care the working man is guaranteed inequality. 17. Being aimed at preserving the advantageous position of the ruling class the US Constitution of 1787 said nothing about the elementary democratic freedoms when it was first proposed. 18. Heaving heard of all the details of that situation I decided to help my friend.
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