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The Functions of Infinitive

Функции инфинитива

Функция Пример Перевод
Subject Подлежащее To protect the interests of the public and to punish and deter the criminal is the court’s duty. Защищать общественные интересы, и наказывать преступника, и удерживать его от дальнейших правонарушений – это обязанности суда.
Nominal part of the compound predicate Именная часть составного сказуемого. The job of a judge is to decide questions of law. Работа судьи состоит в том, чтобы решать вопросы права (правосудия).
Object Дополнение He likes to read literature on law in a foreign language in the original. Он любит читать юридическую литературу на иностранном языке в оригинале.
Attribute Определение There exist different methods to punish the offenders. Существуют различные методы наказания правонарушителей.
Adverbial modifier Обстоя-тельства To understand the questions of the High Court jurisdiction he studied a great deal of law and history literature. Чтобы понять вопросы юрисдикции Верховного суда, он изучил большое количество юридической (правовой) литературы.


Задание 35. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива:

1. A simple majority of the jury is enough to reach a verdict.

2. The law presumes the accused not to be guilty until his guilt has been proven.

3. To use custody is a sanction of last resort.

4. The defendant prefers to be discharged at once.

5. The person is unfit to be tried.

6. To have made the same mistake twice was unforgivable.

7. He discovered how to open the safe.

8. The solicitor encouraged me to try to appeal again.

9. He was the only one to be imposed a sentence of imprisonment.

10. The person is too young to arrest him.

11. If there are no witnesses, the entire case must be proved through physical evidence alone.

12. The first officer to arrive at the scene of a crime has two major responsibilities: a) to examine the victim for signs of life, and b) to protect and preserve all physical evidence.

13. Various movable objects where fingerprints may be found, should be carefully removed to a safe place to be dusted later.

14. Any palmer skin design will serve to positively identify a person.

15. The investigating officer must look particularly for those surfaces which he may expect to be most productive in retaining latent prints.

16. Removed evidence should be examined in an effort to detect latent prints.

17. To make a facsimile of a fingerprint would not be difficult.

18. It is certainly possible to make a fingerprint by means of a copy executed, for example, in rubber.

19. In visible prints dirt, blood, etc., on the fingertip will enable the print to be made.


Complex Object (Objective with the Infinitive)

Сложное дополнение (объектный падеж с инфинитивом)

I want him to help me. Я хочу, чтобы он мне помог. He supposes this young man to be an honest fellow. Он полагает, что этот молодой человек - честный парень. The decision of the court obliges the authority to place the child in a community home. Решение суда обязывает власть поместить ребёнка в детский дом (школу-интернат).


Задание 36. Переведите предложения с Complex Object:

1. I suppose him to be about thirty.

2. The witness saw that woman enter the house.

3. The police officer wanted the young man to be invited here.

4. I should like you to tell the truth.

5. The students liked the lessons to be conducted in the lab.

6. The investigator expected him to give all the information about the fact.

7. We believe the prevention of crime to be one of the main functions of militia.

8. The policeman saw the criminal run away.

9. We consider the traces to be very important for the investigation.

10. We all know him to be a highly qualified detective.

Complex Subject (Nominative with the infinitive)

Сложное подлежащее (именительный падеж с инфинитивом)

He is said to study at the University. Говорят, что он учится в университете. Books by Conan Doyle are known to have been translated in our country. Известно, что книги Конана Дойля переведены в нашей стране. This case is unlikely to be investigated quickly. Маловероятно, что это дело будет расследовано быстро. He seems to be investigating that complicated case. Кажется, он расследует то сложное дело.

Задание 37. Переведите предложения с Complex Subject:

1. That evidence proved to be very important.

2. Our laws are known to protect the interests of all the people.

3. He was expected to arrive in the morning.

4. That investigator is considered to be an experienced lawyer.

5. The British Constitution is considered to be unwritten because it is not codified as a whole in any particular document.

6. The police officer happened to be present at the crime scene at the moment of the commission of the offence.

7. Criminality is considered to be a social phenomenon.

8. The investigator is expected to solve the crime quickly.

9. The criminal investigation department is considered to be one of the most complicated militia services.


For + NOUN + the infinitive
The Bill was too complicated and intricate for Parliament to approve it after the first reading. Законопроект был слишком сложным и запутанным для того, чтобы Парламент утвердил (одобрил) его в первом чтении.


Задание 38. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на конструкцию “for Phrase”:

1. The matter was too difficult for the solicitor to clarify it within a day.

2. The judge announced the sentence for the paper correspondents to hear him.

3. The matter, examined in court, was too difficult for the jury to reach their verdict unanimously.

4. The policeman let the person go for him not to break the curfew (комендантский час).

5. The judge waited for the policeman to close the door.



Tense Voice
Active Passive
Indefinite Ving There are different methods of prosecutingoffenders. Существуют различные методы преследования правонарушителей. My friend likes telling detective stories. Мой друг любит рассказывать детективные истории. being + Ved, Vз I know of his being prosecuted for his beliefs. Я знаю, что его преследуют за его убеждения. My friend likes being told detective stories. Мой друг любит, когда ему рассказывают детективные истории.
Perfect having + Ved, Vз I remember having read the Act about holding offenders in custody. Я помню, что читал Закон о содержании нарушителей под стражей. The witness didn’t remember having seen the man before. Свидетель не помнил, чтобы он видел этого человека раньше. having been + Ved, Vз I remember of his having already been questioned before the trial. Я помню, что его уже допрашивали перед судебным разбирательством. I heard of the witness’s having been served with a summons. Я слышал, что свидетеля вызывали повесткой в суд.


Задание 39. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Society cannot exist without using political instrument of the economically dominant class.

2. Law and legislation date back to the days when primitive communal society which had no need for having law, gave way to first class-based socio-economic formation.

3. Theories on law were based on asserting that law plays a constructive role in society.

4. A wise legislator will prevent crime instead of meeting out punishment for it.

5. The criminal should have no hope of getting away with his crime and consequently, of going unpunished.

6. Laws are made for the sake of man and society with the aim of protecting them.

7. The problem may be summarized by saying that a criminal offence is an offence against my private right and punishable by the state.

8. The Tudor period in Great Britain saw the development of modern procedure, in particular the practice of giving three readings to a bill.

9. There is a need for drawing a distinction between crimes and those violations of law which are not criminal.

10. Though there were many attempts of giving a definition of a “crime”, no really satisfactory definition of a “crime” has yet been given.

11. Many famous jurists define a “crime” as an act of violating the law of the state.

12. The main task of police work is the task of protecting society against crime.

13. The repressive function of the police is realized by making arrest of the criminal.

14. There is a need for making a function of social protecting more effective.

15. The duty of providing an adequate and efficient police force for police area under its control is the primary duty of a police authority.

16. The principal responsibility of the central government for preserving law and order throughout Great Britain is reflected in the police powers vested by Parliament in the Home Secretary.

17. The Home Secretary is empowered of making regulations as to the government, administration and conditions of service in police forces.

18. A criminal investigation department is primarily responsible for detecting crime.

19. British police forces have additional departments for dealing with special aspects of police work.

20. As part of criminal detection police officers have the duty of classifying crime reports and collecting all kinds of information relating to crime to prepare crime statistics.

21. Great Britain has no national CID, but police forces have the right of inviting Scotland Yard to help them in the investigation of serious crimes.

22. Adequate patrol is an effective means of preventing crime.

23. The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is considered by many to be a very effective investigative body. It is responsible for investigating all Federal laws.

24. One of the functions of the FBI is operating a national crime laboratory.


The Functions of Gerund

Функции Герундия

Функция Пример Перевод
Subject Подлежащее 1. Patrolling is one of the preventive methods.   2. Cross-examining was held before a jury. 1. Патрулирование – один из методов профилактики. 2. Перекрёстный допрос проходил перед судом присяжных.
Part of nominal predicate Именная часть сказуемого 1. An arrest is taking a person into custody. 2. One of the methods of re-educating of juvenile offenders is placing them in community home. 1. Арест – это взятие лица под стражу. 2. Одним из методов перевоспитания малолетних преступников является помещение их в детский дом.
Prepositional Object Предложное косвенное дополнение 1. I am proud of being a citizen of Russia. 2. The prosecutor spoke about punishing the offender. 1. Я горжусь тем, что я гражданин России. 2. Обвинитель говорил о наказании преступника.
Attribute Определение 1. There are different methods of solving a crime. 2. There are different opinions on abolishing penalty of death (death penalty). 1. Существуют различные методы раскрытия преступления. 2. Существуют различные мнения об отмене смертной казни.
Adverbial Modifier Обстоятельства 1. After being identifiedthe criminal was arrested.   2. After reading about a law system in GB I understood its essence. 1. Преступник был арестован после того, как установили его личность. 2. Прочитав о судебной системе Великобритании, я понял её суть.
Part of verbal predicate Часть составного глагольного сказуемого 1.The police finished investigating the case. 2. The judge started asking the witnesses questions. 1. Полиция закончила расследование дела. 2. Судья начал задавать вопросы свидетелям.
Direct object Прямое дополнение 1.I remember having read this article on criminology. 2. This trial needs participating experts in different branches of industry. 1. Я помню, что читал эту статью по криминалистике. 2. Этот судебный процесс требует участия экспертов различных отраслей промышленности.



Tomsk State University

In a beautiful old park in the centre of Tomsk one can see a three-storey impressive building. It is the main building of Tomsk University. It was founded under the pressure of progressive public opinion in 1878 and opened in 1888. That is why you can see the two dates on the facade of the building. The newly-born University was the ninth in Russia and the first in Siberia.

Originally, it had only one faculty – that of medicine. The second faculty – law – was opened ten years later and two more: the faculty of physics and mathematics and the faculty of history, phylology and philosophy were opened only in 1917, the year of October Revolution.

In 1934 the University was named after V.V. Kuybishev, an outstanding revolutionary who became a law student of this University in 1909, and was one of the most active leaders of the students’ revolutionary life in Tomsk in 1909 – 1910.

At present the University has 22 faculties: physics, chemistry, mathematics and mechanics, applied mathematics and cybernetics, radiophysics, technical physics, geology and geography, biology and soil, computer science, history and international relations, psychology, foreign languages, philosophy, culture studies, military training, international department of agriculture and ecology, international management department, High school of business, law, economics, philology and journalism. Now the student body is over 17500.

The University also carries on the scientific supervision of postgraduates within the frame of most faculties.

Tomsk University is both the academic and research centre of Siberia for it comprises three reseach institutes, a lot of research laboratories, the Botanical garden founded by professor P.M. Krylov, the Herbarium and museums of paleontology, mineralogy, zoology, archeology and ethnography which are rich in various exhibits.

The University library deserves special attention because it is well known not only in Siberia but in other parts of the country as well. Its book depository numbers over 4 million volumes and the new building of the library offers fine reading-halls to the students, teachers and researchers of the University. All in all there are about 20 reading-halls at the disposal of the University people.

The University is actively involved in international programs, has signed agreements of cooperation with a number of foreign universitites, conduct student and scholar exchange, collaborates in joint educational programs.

In 2003 the University celebrated its 125th anniversary, which was the great date both for the teaching staff and the students.

Oxford University


Oxford is a beautiful town on the River Thames about fifty miles from London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England.

Oxford University was founded in the 12th century as an aristocratic university and has remained so to the present day. The University consists of 32 colleges – 27 colleges for men and 5 colleges for women. There are 16 faculties there. Each college is a completely autonomous body, governed by its own laws. A large college has about 500 students, a small one – about a hundred. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton, which began in 1264.

The term of studies lasts for 10 weeks. There are 3 terms in the Oxford academic year.

Within the first week the freshman meets his tutor who tells the student about his plans, the lectures which he must take, about the requirements for the examination which he will take, about the course of reading for him. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. Once every week each undergraduate goes to his tutor’s room to read out an essay which he has written and discuss this essay with the tutor.

At the beginning or end of each term the progress of the students is tested by the college examinations.

They pay great attention to athletics at the University. The students are engaged in different kinds of sports, take part in competitions between Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

This is how a student spends his day. His working hours are from 9 to 1. At 9 o’clock he sees his tutor or goes to the library, or attends lectures. From 2 to 5 he is engaged in sports and all kinds of exercise. From 5 to 7 he works in the library or laboratory. At 7 o’clock they have dinner-time. After dinner the students have club activities, debating societies, etc.

By 10 o’clock the students must be in the college, as most of students live in the colleges, only some of them live in lodgings in the town.

The doors of Oxford University are not open to all. The majority of the students are graduates of private schools, so Oxford University remains an aristocratic university to the present day.


1. Freshman – первокурсник

2. undergraduate – студент, учащийся вуза (университета или университетского колледжа),

3. College – высшее учебное заведение, в котором учатся 3 года и получают специальное образование (техническое, гуманитарное, медицинское и др. Колледж может существовать как самостоятельная единица, а также может входить в состав университета.

4. university – это вуз, состоящий из колледжей различных специальностей (срок обучения – 3 года). Выпускник университета получает степень бакалавра (e.g. the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Medicine, Engineering, etc.)

5. institute – это как правило научно исследовательское учреждение

6. tutor – в английских университетах – это преподаватель, ведущий практические занятия в группе; он следит за учёбой и дисциплиной студентов.

7. within the first week – в течение (не позднее)первой недели

8. attendance at lectures is not compulsory – посещение лекций не обязательно

9. to live in lodgings – снимать комнату

10. the progress of the students is tested by the college examinations – успеваемость студентов проверяется экзаменами в колледже

11. a debating society – дискуссионный клуб

12. to take club activities – участвовать в работе кружка


University of Cambridge

Faculty of Law


A. The Law course at Cambridge is intended to give a thorough grounding in principles of law viewed from an academic rather than a vocational perspective. There are opportunities to study the history of law and to consider the subject in its wider social context. The emphases is on principle and technique. Skills of interpretation and logical reasoning are developed, and students are encouraged to consider broader questions such as ethical judgement, political liberty and social control.

B. Although many undergraduates who read law do so with the intention of practicing, many do not, preferring instead to go into administration, industrial management or accountancy. Candidates intending to read law need not have studied any particular subject at school. It is common for undergraduates to have a scientific or mathematical background at A-level as it is for them to have studied history or languages.

C. Undergraduates reading law for three years take Part IA of the Tripos at the end of the first year. This comprises four papers: Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, the Law of Tort and Roman Law. In the second year five subjects are studied for Part IB of the Law Tripos which is taken at the end of the year. The range of subjects on offer is wide – from Family Law to International Law – though in practice most undergraduates take Contract and Land Law as two of their papers. In the third year, five subjects are studied for Part II of the Tripos. The range of options is even wider then the Part IB. According to preference an undergraduate may develop his or her interest in property law (including trusts and conveyancing law), commercial law, public law (including Administrative Law and EEC Law), or in more academic and sociological aspects of law, such as Jurisprudence, Legal History, Labour Law and Criminology. Candidates may also participate in the seminar course, submitting a dissertation in place of one paper.

D. Candidates for the postgraduate LL.M. take any four papers selected from a wide range of options in English Law, Legal History, Civil Law, Public Law, International Law, and Comparative Law and Legal Philosophy.


Задание. The text has four paragraphs marked A, B, C and D. Read the text and decide which paragraph:

1. gives information about the subjects students can study on a first degree course

2. explains the general purpose and method of the course

3. gives information about Master’s degree course

4. says what most law students do before and after they go into university


Reading for detail

First check that your understand the questions below, then read the text carefully to find the answers.

a) Does the course (1) give an academic legal education or (2) teach students to become lawyers?

b) What intellectual abilities does the course develop?

c) Does the course only include strict (pure) law?

d) Do most Cambridge Law graduates become lawyers?

e) Should people who want to read law study (1) science subjects or (2) humanities (history, languages, etc.) at school?

f) Can students choose the subjects they study in the first and second years of the law course?

g) Do students have the same options in the second year and in the third year?

h) Must students take an exam in all the subjects they study?

i) How many exams do postgraduates take?


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