Task 1. For questions 1–7 choose the most appropriate answer (A, B, C or D).
Task 1. For questions 1–7 choose the most appropriate answer (A, B, C or D). 1. Theatre interpreters have become commonplace because A. deaf people were avoiding the theatre. B. theatres wanted to become more accessible. C. a new law made their presence compulsory. D. producers wanted a way to attract audiences. 2. Why do hearing people go to see the interpreted performances. A. They are the most popular performances of the season. B. They are even better than standard performances. C. They give a better understanding of the play. D. They offer a chance to admire the work of interpreters. 3. The workload of theatre performance is great because they have to A. learn the lines of all the actors. B. interpret in front of a consultant. C. go to many of the rehearsals. D. work in all parts of the production. 4. In which style(s) of interpreting do the interpreters change their position? A. The zoned style. B. The zoned and the shadowed styles. C. The placed and the shadowed styles. D. The shadowed style. 5. Why does the author refer to the zoned style as a happy medium? A. It combines the elements from the two other styles. B. It is mostly used in light-hearted plays. C. It allows the interpreters to mix with the actors. D. It makes the interpreters’ job easier. 6. What does Ian say about theatre producers in the last paragraph? A. They appreciate the work of interpreters. B. They think interpreters are expensive. C. They see interpreters as a necessary evil. D. They don’t respect interpreters. 7. What is the author’s purpose in the text? A. To inspire the interest in the topic. B. To advertise interpreted theatre. C. To show the variety in modern theatre. D. To criticize the altitude of theatre directors. VOCABULARY PRACTICE GLOSSARY 1. experience v (to ~ pain, a joy, pleasure, panic, etc) experienced in sth. e. g. He is very ~ in looking after animals. experience n quite an ~; learn by ~; in one’s ~; direct/first-hand ~ 2. theatrical performance 3. the thinking behind 4. require v to ~ sth, e. g. These pets ~ a lot of care and attention. This condition ~s urgent treatment. to ~ sb. to do sth., e. g. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. to ~ that, e. g. The situation required that he should be present. to be ~ed of sb., e. g. What is required of a receptionist? (What are they expected to do? ) The wearing of seat belts is ~ ed by law. Syn. demand; requirement n basic ~s of life meet / fulfil /satisfy sb’s ~ s the minimum entrance ~ for the course 5. to become accessible to sb 6. considerable financial rewards 7. interpreted theatre 8. colossal project 9. rehearse v to ~ for sth rehearsal n 10. entire adj 11. workload n immense workload 12. immense adj 13. double v 14. by far 15. interact v to ~ with sb.
interaction n ~ between sb/sth., e. g. interaction between performers and their audience ~ with sb/sth., e. g. alternative forms of interaction with computers interactive adj ~ teaching methods 16. happy medium between 17. inclusive adj 18. involve v ~ sth., e. g. Any investment ~s an element of risk. ~ doing sth., e. g. The test will ~ answering questions about a photograph. ~ sb. in doing sth. /doing sth., e. g. We want to ~ as many people as possible in the celebrations. involved adj (~ father, plot, etc. ) to be / become / get ~ in sth. e. g. How did you get involved in acting? to be involved with. e. g. Well, he's been very involved with his music. involvement n e. g. He denies any involvement in the attack. 19. in close proximity to 20. in the best of cases 21. dedicated adj 22. to take pride in sth. 23. in itself 24. new avenue to sth. 25. creativity n
Task 2. Translate into Russian. настоящее событие; по моему опыту; непосредственный опыт; концепция, лежащая в основе; что требуется от регистратора; в соответствии с законом; основные жизненные потребности; отвечать требованиям, удовлетворять потребности; стать доступным для; значительная финансовая выгода; колоссальный проект; отрепетировать; огромный объем работ; взаимодействие между актерами и аудиторией; альтернативные интерфейсы взаимодействия с компьютерами; золотая середина; быть сопряженным с элементами риска; вовлечь; заботливый отец; запутанный сюжет; как вы стали актером; отрицать причастность к чему-либо; в непосредственной близости от; в лучшем случае; гордиться чем-либо; новые возможности Task 3. Paraphrase the sentences using Glossary. 1) Fifth Corner Theatre is a must with those who want to enjoy modern performances. 2) This idea is in the basis of most human rights acts. 3) With the new boss we have to do twice as much as before. 4) It was a compromise between these opposite opinions. 5) He felt as though the whole planet was watching him. 6) If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be able to merge these two companies. 7) I’m proud of my son’s progress. 8) It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the interpreted theatre offers new opportunities to modern theatre. 8) Let us agree... that through neither your fault nor mine, I was not the most caring father. 9) Innovative technologies and the programmes that implement them always have risks. 10) How did you start acting? 11) He is really into music. 12) At times, he behaved very aggressively and refused to communicate with anyone.
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