Task 8. Give English equivalents for.
Task 8. Give English equivalents for. Относиться вежливо; приятный в общении; чувство достоинства; горе и радость; во многих отношениях; неподобающее поведение; оспаривать чьи-либо права; быть глубоко уязвленным; необдуманное поведение; великодушный; убедить/уговорить кого-либо; быть обеспокоенным чем-либо; быть всеобщим любимчиком; поразительное сходство; поспешные решения; быть охваченным горем; горе навалилось на кого-либо; избегать конфликта; быть решительно настроенным; любвеобильная натура; лелеять.
Task 9. Paraphrase the sentences using the Glossary 1) The mistress of the house was utterly offended by incorrect behavior of the young man. 2) Nobody doubted that the two people were relatives. They were strongly alike. 3) The daughter persuaded the mother to be polite and not to make a scandal. 4) He failed to make the jury believe that he was innocent. 5) I kept the memory of those happy times in my mind for a long time. 6) His optimism gave me confidence. 7) Clearly the punishment is not suitable in the crime. 8) The outcome of the election was argued by the opposition parties. 9) There were complaints that the advertisement contains something unpleasant to women. 10) Can mediators produce a compromise that is acceptable to both sides? Task 10. Translate the following Russian sentences into English using as many words and expressions from Task 10 as possible: 1) В романе “Разум и чувства” известная писательница Дж. Остин описывает обычную жизнь своих современников, в которой переплетаются любовь, преданность и людские пороки. 2) Так как Джон Дэшвуд был единственным наследником мужского пола, никто не оспаривал его права на наследство. 3) Необдуманное поведение молодой женщины стало причиной обиды со стороны ее гостей. Они были глубоко уязвлены таким отношением. Такое невежливое поведение было совершенно неприемлемо. 4) Такие качества, как понимание и холодность суждений, позволяют объективно оценить ситуацию и не принимать поспешные решения, о которых впоследствии придется жалеть. 5) Благоразумный человек должен уметь контролировать свои чувства. В некотором отношении с этим связан успех предприятия. 6) Отца беспокоило будущее Майкла, так как будучи щедрым, приятным в общении молодым человеком, он временами совершенно не владел собой. 7) Никто не усомнился в том, что вновь прибывшие были близкими родственниками – сходство было поразительным. 8) Бедная мать была так охвачена горем, что врач еле успокоил ее, даже когда она узнала, что ее сын не пострадал в ужасной аварии. 9) Единственный ребенок в семье привыкает к тому, что его холят и лелеют все вокруг, и нередко вырастает эгоистичным и несознательным человеком. 10) Обида матери не имела границ, но Элинор убедила ее обращаться с братом и его женой вежливо и проявлять самоконтроль.
Task 11. a. Find adjectives the writer uses to describe each character. In pairs use them to describe their personalities. b. Imagine you were Elinor. How would you feel? Ω Task 12. Listen to the piece of music. What images related to the text come to mind. FOCUS ON DISCUSSION GROWING PAINS Task 13. Read the text Growing Pains. Be ready to discuss the text in the classroom with your groupmates. When we are young, sometimes the hardest thing about feelings is actually sharing them with others, though, I realize now, it is certainly worth making the effort to do so. Sharing with others helps us to share the load, as it were. It was not until much later, looking back over my childhood, that I realized that the first step in sharing was to identify what feelings I actually had! Making a list of them seemed to help. Was I happy or was I sad? Was it an emotion experienced only at that particular time or did I tend to feel like that all the time? My problem was that I had not realized that some fears are quite acceptable and even helpful at times, while others can actually get in the way of enjoying everyday things such as learning, playing with a friend or experiencing for the first time the change from primary to secondary school. This is when I really should have had a chat with my parents instead of holding it all inside, as they would have been able to lessen my anxiety about moving up a level. There were times when confronting a new situation would also be accompanied by a headache, a stomach ache or dizziness. My grandmother used to tell me that there is a certain part of the brain that controls that fight or flight feeling. Not that I had any idea what she was talking about as I must have been only about knee-high at the time! I recall a small group of us feeling uncomfortable at the idea of meeting new teachers or moving up to the “big” school. That kind of discomfort at such an age is natural when faced with something new. Better late than never, I realized that being shy is not such a bad thing. Nobody actually sets out to be like that, it just happens naturally. I understood quite quickly that the key to getting over shyness is just to be yourself. No matter the age, it’s healthy to get things off your chest! In fact, I quickly found that some of my friends had the same feelings and became quite happy to share their secrets. Sometimes, just inviting a shy child to join in a game a couple of times helped them to get over their feelings of shyness.
There were other times when I felt sad about leaving primary school, but then again, it was one of the many normal emotions or moods we have all experienced during that period of change. Unhappiness was the emotion I felt when I had to say goodbye to certain dear friends. It made me feel like crying, though even crying made me feel better as tears slowly washed away the negative emotions. When the sadness started to disappear, I felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I now realize at the tender age of twenty-eight that, even though there might sometimes seem to be no reason to look on the bright side of life, for every bad there is a good. Also, having friends who think optimistically can help you get on your feet again and move forward onto a more positive path.
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