Task 23. Read the text and choose from the list A – H the sentence which fits each gap (1 – 7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Task 23. Read the text and choose from the list A – H the sentence which fits each gap (1 – 7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. A) Traditional pantomime, in order to remain popular, had to keep up-to-date with events and new trends. B) The most popular stories tend to be Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Aladdin. C) He had such an effect on his audiences that they would leave the theatre singing his songs. D) Even today, the pantomime “baddie” is always the first to come on stage from the dark side, followed by his competitor, the “goodie” from the right side. E) By the 1950s, famous male actors began playing the part followed by pop stars until finally ladies began, once again, to return to the role. F) This comes from the early days of theatre, when it was not acceptable for women to become actresses. G) These comic chases and situations have come to be known as “Slapstick” comedy. H) The truth is that pantomime has been associated with Christmas since the 1800s. VOCABULARY PRACTICE GLOSSARY 1. combination of sth. 2. to perform sth. in exaggerated ways 3. to be aimed at sb. 4. to be in competition with each other (boxing/skiing/swimming competition) 5. to bring in large crowds 6. to cover expenses 7. to adapt to (… to the times) 8. to avoid extinction of a kind 9. novelty aspect 10. to inсlude all the important elements 11. to battle against evil 12. plot (to devise/hatch/lay a plot; to foil/thwart a plot; to expose a plot) 13. to delight audience 14. to take one’s name from 15. device 16. magic wand 17. slapstick 18. to become the basic ingredients of sth. 19. to succeed in sth/doing sth. 20. to make one’s first appearance 21. to keep up-to-date with trends 22. to set up tradition 23. cross-dressing 24. role reversal 25. pantomime dame 26. the Victorian era 27. to play the part of (walk-on part; to learn/memorize/study one’s part; to understudy a part; leading/major part) 28. to play dirty tricks 29. survive (to survive the test of time) 30. chorus of dancers 31. for reasons of economy 32. to leave a lasting impression 33. to change one’s view of sth. Task 24. Give English equivalents for. Сыграть роль кого-то, выживать, в целях экономии, менять взгляд на что-то, оставить глубокое впечатление, преуспеть в чем-то, средство, включить важные моменты, сюжет, соревноваться друг с другом, бороться со злом, приспосабливать, переодевание, покрыть расходы, собирать большие толпы, устанавливать традицию, смена ролей, придумать сюжет, выносить сюжет, радовать публику, пантомимическая дама, эксцентрическая комедия " слэпстик", волшебная палочка, учить роль.
Task 25. Paraphrase the sentences using Glossary. 1. Never take this medicine mixing with the alcohol. 2. The design was changed because of the safety. 3. She was involved in campaigning for equal opportunities in the workplace. 4. The film has been successful for a long time. 5. The price contains dinner, bed, and breakfast. 6. The insurance will cover money incurred during your time in hospital. 7. He left a continuing impression on everyone who met him. 8. His laid-back style gives the reader a lot of pleasure. 9. The regulation’s goal is to prevent accidents at work. 10. We must emphasize that we are not in situation in which you are trying to get something that other people want. Task 26. Translate the following Russian sentences into English using Glossary. 1. После долгого обсуждения режиссер предложил Вячеславу Тихонову сыграть роль князя Болконского. 2. Футбольная команда нацелена на победу и готова соревноваться со своими соперниками до конца. 3. Известный критик считает, что актер, играющий роль Отелло в новой постановке, слишком переигрывает. 4. Новичкам нужно время, для того чтобы адаптироваться в нашем классе, привыкнуть к новым методам учителей. 5. В целях экономии денежных средств было решено сократить месячные расходы, чтобы собрать необходимую сумму для оплаты языковой стажировки в Лондоне. 6. Генеральные репетиции ансамбля “Лезгинка” собирают большие толпы любителей кавказских танцев. Сюжет танцев включает все ключевые фольклорные элементы. 7. Оппозиционная газета “Черновик”будет держать вас в курсе всех новостей, которые происходят в республике и в стране. 8. По просьбе учителя Хейзел должна придумать сюжет на тему “Битва со злом в викторианскую эпоху” для классного часа. 9. Со взмахом волшебной палочки дети должны были начать переодеваться в новогодние костюмы и приготовиться к выступлению. Исполнительница главной роли, девочка по имени Белла, стояла со слезами на глазах в углу комнаты, так как в спешке она забыла свой костюм пантомимической дамы в машине такси. 10. Нелепые поправки, внесенные в сюжет романа, кардинальным образом изменили его и вытеснили элемент новизны, присущий этому писателю.
Task 27. Read the text Simply Entertainment? and be ready to discuss it in the classroom with your groupmates. Fill in the word which fits best. Use only one word. than, do, less, be, way/manner, few, could/might, on, too, taking, as, is.
Many youngsters 0 these days easily devote more time to the box than they 1___ to any other form of entertainment. Each year children read less and 2___ and watch television more and more. In fact, a typical child sits through an average of about four hours of TV viewing a day. They spend more time on this form of entertainment 3___ they spend talking to parents, playing with friends, attending school or reading books. According to a recent study, sixty-two percent of television programmes contain scenes of violence. It would be logical then to assume that watching a steady flow of violent images on screen cannot 4___seen simply as entertainment. The bright colours, quick movements and sudden flashes will always capture a child’s attention and there are certainly very 5 ___ children who find television totally uninteresting. If we listen to the experts, it seems that viewing large amounts of TV violence does not necessarily cause a child to act in a violent 6___, but can lead to the view that violence 7___ acceptable in everyday life, as well 8 ___ possibly creating a fear of being attacked on the streets. With governments finally 9___ measures to improve the quality of children’s TV, parents must now become aware that 10___many hours of viewing can have serious effects 11 ___ a child’s behavior and attitude. Obviously, turning off the set 12___ be the best solution in the end.
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