a. In pairs, find adjectives the writer uses to describe the words in the list.
Task31. a. In pairs, find adjectives the writer uses to describe the words in the list. the islands, the sky, Wellington, the sea, the clouds, the mountains, the boats, the town, the people
b. What is meant by the following? 1. favourable circumstances 2. to revive my interest 3. to occupy my attention 4. the wind dropped 5. to meet your gaze 6. an animated crowd 7. a sea of brown faces Task 32. Translate into Russian. Представившийся случай, рискованное путешествие, создать славу, избитая фраза, бродить, несоответствующий, неординарный, прекратиться (о ветре), бросающиеся в глаза деревья, великолепие, береговая линия, ослепительный блеск, примирительный, занять чье-то внимание, отдаленный, аккуратный, гоняться один за другим, поймать взгляд, исчезнуть из виду, пробудить интерес. Task 33. Paraphrase the sentences using Glossary 1) I tried to catch her eye, but she refused to look directly at me. 2) It is surprising that no one disagreed with her. 3) My sister walked around the countryside looking at her son playing with the dog. 4) As children, we were made to feel strong admiration by my uncle’s good looks and charm. 5) For one minute, Paula allowed herself to forget her troubles. 6) Sometimes we forget that the media coverage of a sport is actually important to the event itself. 7) The hotel is down on the place next to the sea. 8) You might be able to get them to reduce the price. 9) Students viewed Latin as boring and unimportant. 10) By the 1930s, the wolf had stopped existing in the American West. Task 34. Translate the following Russian sentences into English using as many words and expressions from Glossary as you can. 1) Если бы не представившийся случай посетить Англию, он бы никогда не познакомился с Дэвидом Кристаллом, выдающимся английским лингвистом. 2) После путешествия на Таити С. Моэм написал роман «Луна и грош», который принес ему славу. 3) Картины Гогена, написанные в ярких, ослепительных тонах, пробудили в нем интерес к живописи. 4) Обстоятельства благоприятствовали и путешественники без препятствий дошли до вершины. Более того, по пути они смогли насладиться прекрасным видом на горное озеро. 5) Таити – высокий зеленый остров с зелеными глубокими долинами, в которых журчат и плещутся прохладные реки. Жизнь на Таити не меняется веками. 6) Пароход на пристани встречает веселая, жизнерадостная толпа. 7) На пристани долго ждать не пришлось. Разгрузка багажа, таможенный досмотр – все проводилось очень быстро. 8) Соседний остров Муреа таинственно возвышается среди океана. Его красота раскрывается по мере приближения, когда прекрасные вершины становятся отчетливо видны. 9) По прибытии на остров, Моэм весь ушел в работу, поэтому не вспомнил о Чарльзе Стрикленде. Кроме того, впечатления от Таити вытеснили из его головы даже очень важные дела. 10) Таити называют тропическим раем из-за богатой растительной и подводной жизни. Остров покрыт густым лесом, а разнообразие птиц одно из самых богатых в Полинезии.
Task 35. Discuss the following 1. Describe what your dream island would look like. 2. Do you like travelling by sea? Why (not)? 3. What kind of life style do islanders have when the tourists have left? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of living on an island. Task 36. Watch the video" Tahiti travel (Part 01)" and discuss it with your groupmates. FOCUS ON DISCUSSION ICELAND Task 37. Read the text Iceland and be ready to discuss it in the classroom with your groupmates. The Blue Lagoon Company was founded in Iceland in 1992. Many people remained skeptical until the results were released. Their people have worked hard to create an environmental feature that can be anything the visitor wants it to be. For the family, it can be a fun day out; for a businessman a small conference centre. Whether you want a poolside party or a place to relax, it’s certainly a place to let your cares float away. The business itself consists of three separate areas of activity. First of all, there is the world famous ‘Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa’, which is one of Iceland’s most unique and popular tourist attractions. Its source is 2, 000 metres below the water’s surface. Then there is ‘Blue Lagoon International’, which has the sole focus of marketing healthcare products made with natural ingredients found in the local area. And last but not least is the natural, geothermal treatment centre where a wide variety of therapies are available. Back in 1981, people started using the Blue Lagoon. These people slowly noticed an improvement with their skin after spending time bathing and covering themselves in mud. Six years later, the first bathing facilities were opened. Seven years after that, the treatment centre was officially accepted by the Icelandic Health Organisation. It is fully committed to the development of health-related tourism services. Due to increasing numbers of visitors and demand for their products, facilities were expanded and the company launched its own skincare range. Today there are many services and products for the buyer to choose from.
Iceland’s sub-Arctic location, with its contrast of pure ice sheets and volcanic activity, makes it a unique, natural tourist attraction. The Blue Lagoon is a pool of geothermal seawater in the middle of an area surrounded by lava. The water has beneficial effects on all skin types and can even help those with the most sensitive skin. As the water travels up through the lava, a mixture of sea and fresh water goes through a series of changes, finally leaving behind the mud that only volcanic areas are famous for. Much research has been carried out on the Blue Lagoon to find out more about its therapeutic powers. This alone accounts for 65% of Iceland’s entire tourism market. The first studies concluded that the waters were effective, while a further study from 1992-1993 allowed researchers to prove that regular bathing in the lagoon is an efficient therapy. The lagoon’s unique mineral content and ecosystem consisting of blue-green plants, geothermal water, white silica mud, unpolluted surroundings and clean air all form an important part of the treatment designed according to individual needs. There are plans to open a low-budget ‘Blue Lagoon Hotel’. The ingredients have the effect of cleansing, softening, balancing, energising and protecting. Developments in technology have allowed the people at Blue Lagoon to reach the geothermal seawater and capture its natural ingredients so they can be used in their unique skincare line. The products do wonders for your skin, keeping it clear and smooth. They are very effective and worth that ‘little extra’ that you’ll have to spend. Make sure you stock up and take a piece of this wonderful ‘healthy holiday’ home with you!
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