Current Research. Results and Conclusion.
Active vocabulary. 1. results/ findings/ data/ observations. 2. comprehensive/ extensive 3. detailed 4. remarkable/ couraging/ convincing 5. preliminary 6. to collect/ to get/ to receive/ to obtain data 7. to treat the problem 8. to succeed in/ to make progress in/ to be a success 9. to fail (in) 10. to be similar to/ to be the same as 11. to be consistent with/ to coincide 12. to support/ to provide support 13. to reach an understanding/ to come to an understanding 14. to conclude/ to make conclusions.
Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences. 1. During the last several years we have witnessed remarkable progress in the space research techniques. 2. The idea of direct probing of the universe has become a popular one. 3. Recent experiments concerning these phenomena have focused considerable attention on getting reliable data. 4. In recent years electron microscopy has revealed a lot of important details in the structure of microorganisms. 5. We have recently attempted a study of the feed – back mechanism and have found some direct evidence against that widely spread conception. 6. In recent years a considerable number of works have appeared on various problems of elementary particle physics. 7. During the last several years there has been some criticism of this approach to classification of protozoan organisms.
Ex. 2. Answer the following questions with statements in the present perfect. Teacher: Why doesn’t he answer your question? Student: But he has already answered it. 1. Why doesn’t she send you a copy of her paper? 2. Why doesn’t your scientific superviser give you advice on the matter? 3. Why don’t you take up another problem? 4. Why doesn’t he show you his results of the experiment? 5. Why don’t they read my article? 6. Why don’t you write to the editor of this journal? 7. Why doesn’t he collect statistical information?
Ex. 3. Listen to the statements in the past indefinite. Make similar statements in the present perfect using a suitable time expression: this time, today, this week, this month, this year. Teacher: Last year Dr.Write wrote one paper. Student: This year he has written two papers. 1. Last time she visited one of scientific laboratories. 2. A year ago he paid two visits to his colleagues. 3. Last month the head of the department was on a business trip in Great Britain. 4. She was very busy working at her thesis a year ago. 5. The scientist recommended to facilitate the experiments of atomic collision at the last conference. 6. He solved some of his problems at the last meeting with scientific supervisor. 7. She devoted much time to collecting statistical information last month.
Ex. 4. Say what you have done recently, latel, this year and this week. Student: I have lately been busy writing my thesis. I have completed it this year. This week I have written a paper on thermonuclear reactions.
Ex. 5. Add a suitable expression of time: during (in) the past few years; during (in) the last decade, in recent years, lately. Teacher: Physics has made great progress. Student: Physics has made great progress during the last few decades. 1. This laboratory has become a large research centre. 2. We have witnessed great progress in space research. 3. The statistical methods have won general recognition. 4. Progress in high – energy physics has given rise to a lot of popular books and articles. 5. The intensive research has culminated in a few important discoveries. 6. We have undertaken some interesting studies. 7. They have experienced some shortage of high – precision instruments. 8. This international commission has held a number of important meetings. 9. He has considerably improved the conditions for research.
Ex. 6. Say what your friend has achieved since the time indicated in the following statements. Use since then or since that time. Teacher: Your friend took a Bachelor degree in 2009. Student: He has become a highly qualified specialist since then. 1. He introduced some new measuring instruments a year ago. 2. We published some papers on that problem in the journal. 3. He first made the report at international conference in 2005. 4. They did their first independent research at the institute. 5. She came to your laboratory three years ago. 6. He took an English course last year. 7. Your friend began to collect books on his speciality many years ago.
Ex. 7. Say what you have achieved since an important event in your scientific career. Student 1st: I published my first scientific paper five years ago. Since that time and have published twelve other papers. 2nd: I first attended an international conference on plasma physics in 2005. I have participated in several conferences since then.
Ex. 8. Combine the two sentences with “since”. Teacher: I came to work at this institute several years ago. I have published eight papers since. Student: I have published eight papers since I came to work at this institute. 1. We suggested this method two years ago. The method has undergone several modifications since. 2. They first observed this effect in 2003. They have made good progress in studying it since. 3. I started writing this book two years ago. I have written half of it since. 4. He first met Dr.Write a year ago. He has seen him several times since. 5. We held our first scientific seminar fine years ago. We have had such seminars regularly since. 6. They first paid attention to this problem a year ago. They have discussed it several times since. 7. Russian scientists first launched the satellite in 1957. They have accumulated much new information on solar radiation since. Ex. 9. Take any important event in your life as a scientist and say what you have achieved since then. Make two statements connected with since. Student 1st: I have learned a lot since I first came to work at the laboratory of plasma physics. 2nd: I have made good progress in the study of plasma since I began to work with these scientists.
Ex. 10. Change the following statements in such a way as to show the duration of the situation. Use the expressions of time: for a few years now, for many years, to some time now, for a long time, so far, until now.
Teacher: They live in London now. Student: They have lived in London for a few years now. 1. Prof. Brown is president of this society. 2. The meetings of this society are regular. 3. These investigations are fruitless. 4. I know Dr. Johnson. 5. I often hear about him. 6. He wants to meet you. 7. The conditions for work are satisfactory. 8. Their studies are very intensive.
Ex. 11. Make the following statements negative with “never”. Teacher: I have been to England. Student: I have never been to England. 1. We have often used this method. 2. They have always started work at 9.30 a.m. 3. He has forgotten about his appointments many times. 4. I have attented international conferences. 5. We have always had these seminars on Friday. 6. He has often spoken to him. 7. I have met Dr. White twice. 8. He has seen him lately. 9. We have often had visitors from other countries.
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