Ex. 3. Respond to the following statements using the present continuous and “still”.
Teacher: I know he was working on this book all last year. Student: He is still working on it. 1. I know you were working hard during last month. 2. I know she was working in your laboratory from September to June a year ago. 3. I know he was collecting material for an article during some last months. 4. I know they were working on this project for the whole two years. 5. I know they were looking for another approach to this problem for three hours yesterday. 6. I know Professor Thomson was preparing for his report at a scientific conference during two last months. 7. I know your collogues were preparing for a difficult experiment during some hours yesterday.
Ex. 4. Say what you think your colleagues are doing in the laboratory now. Student 1st: I think Ivanov is repairing his photometer now. 2nd: I suppose everyone is having a seminar now.
Ex. 5. Say in a few sentences what research your colleagues and you are doing at present. Student: There are five people in our research group. We are studying the fabrication of the nanotechnology. We are trying to find some techniques which can be employed for nanomaterials characterization.
Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the use of “to be going to …” for expressing future action. 1. A group of foreign scientists is going to take part in our conference. 2. She is going to publish her next article. 3. They are going to improve the working characteristics of this device. 4. He is going to analyze the results of the last experiment. 5. I am going to make the report on the problem of environmental protection. 6. We are going to exchange our points of view on the results of investigation. 7. All members of the research group are going to continue experimenting. 8. He is going to find the error. 9. My scientific supervisor is going to read my paper.
Ex. 7. Put the following sentences into the present continuous. Teache r: We have done the work in accordance with the program. Studen t: We are doing the work in accordance with the program. 1. We have designed this instrument according to the new requirement. 2. They have expanded the studies in accordance with the new project. 3. We have changed the experiment according to the new plan. 4. They have treated the material according to up-to-date technologies. 5. We have revised the program in accordance with our needs. 6. The scientists have made the observations according to the experimental design. 7. The head of the laboratory enlarged it in accordance with the project.
Ex. 8. Use the following sentences to describe the present state of science. Teacher: Scientific information did not grow so rapidly in the last century. Student: Scientific information is growing very rapidly now. 1. Scientific methods did not undergo such profound changes in the last century. 2. Not so many people took part in research in the last century.
3. Knowledge did not expand so rapidly some years ago. 4. Not so many new branches of science emerged in the last century. 5. The number of publications did not increase so rapidly last year. 6. Science did not make such rapid progress earlies. 7. Research centers did not grow so rapidly in the past decades.
Ex. 9. Use the examples of Ex.8 to describe the progress of science during the past decades and its present state. Student 1st: Scientific knowledge has expanded very much during the past decades and this process is going on at a very high rate now. 2nd: We have recently received some new measuring instruments and we are replacing old equipment now.
Ex. 10. Contribute to the description of the present state of a particular branch of science. Use only verbs which can describe continuous actions. Student 1st: All branches of physics are expanding very rapidly now. 2nd: New boundary fields are emerging. 3rd: Information about physical phenomena is growing like a snowball.
Ex. 11. Complete the following sentences with a main clause in the present continuous negative. Teacher: Since I did this work yesterday …. Student: Since I did this work yesterday, I am not doing this work now. 1. Since he described the result in another paper …. 2. Since I showed the graphs earlier …. 3. Since he showed this dependence elsewhere.... 4. Since we gave an analysis of this data in another paper …. 5. Since they improved the characteristics of the device …. 6. Since the investigator reported the results of the analysis …. 7. Since I gave these references earlier ….
Ex. 12. Criticize the following statements with not … enough. Teacher: The situation is improving. Studen t: Quite true, but it is not improving rapidly enough. 1. Our knowledge is growing. 2. They are studying the problem intensively. 3. Scientists are exchanging new information. 4. New information is accumulating rapidly. 5. Technology is developing. 6. Research methods are improving. 7. She is doing her work efficiently. 8. This process is going rapidly. 9. Scientific contacts are expending.
Ex. 13. Add a tail question to the statement and give a short reply. Teache r: You are studying an interesting problem. Student 1st: You are studying an interesting problem, aren’t you? 2nd: Yes, I am. Student 1st: You are not studying an interesting problem, are you? Student 2nd: No, I am not. 1. The conditions for research at your Institute are improving. 2. Your work is going well. 3. You are taking part in group research. 4. They are wasting time. 5. He is facing a difficult problem now. 6. She is planning to complete her experiment soon. 7. You are not working alone. 8. They are not having much difficulty with English now. 9. He is not working on an interesting subject now.
Ex. 14. Repeat the sentence in the interrogative form to make sure that you got it right. Teacher: I am collecting popular scientific books. Student: Are you really collecting popular scientific books? 1. My work is going well. 2. We are looking for a better technique. 3. He is planning to change the theme of his thesis. 4. She is working on a promising subject.
5. She is lagging behind the group in English. 6. They are working hard. 7. We are facing some difficulties.
Ex. 15. Ask and answer the following questions. Teacher: Ask another student if he is making any progress in English? Student 1s t: Are you making any progress in English? 2nd: I think I am. 1. … if his research is progressing satisfactorily. 2. … if he is making an interesting experiment now. 3. … she is dealing with a difficult problem. 4. … if he is preparing a scientific article for publication. 5. … if she is writing a dissertation now. 6. … if he is reading much literature on the problem of research. 7. … if he is getting on well with his colleagues. 8. … if she is planning to make a report at a scientific conference. 9. … if he is improving his knowledge of English.
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