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A. what a business entity is

B. types and forms of business organizations

C. what LTD., INC., GMBH, S.A. mean

Exercise 2. Insert the correct definition.

Merchandising companies partnerships corporation s ingle proprietors Manufacturing companies Service companies

1. Accounting firms can be called ….

2. Clothing stores and supermarkets can be called ….

3. Steel miles are.

4. Physicians, lawyers, electricians are ….

5. Accountants and attorneys can be single proprietors but they frequently operate their firms as ….

6. Ford Motor Com­pany is a ….

Exercise 3. Write down the questions for these answers.

1. Business entities can be grouped according to the type of business activity they perform.

2. Single proprietors are people who run their own business.

3. The disadvantage of a single proprietorship is that the owner is responsible for all debts of the business.

4. The easiest way to start a business activity is to operate as a proprietorship.

5. Operating as a proprietorship is the easiest way to get started in a business activity because there are not many prerequisites to beginning operations.

6. The key factor in owning any company is limited liability.

7. The limited liability is the guarantee that the owners of a company never have to pay more than they have invested in the company.

8. If a limited liability company fails the investors will lose their initial investment.

9. The names of companies around the world reflect the guarantee of limited liability.

10. The "S.A." in French-and Spanish-speaking countries define shareholders as "anonymous."

11. In a limited liability company the identity of shareholders can be kept secret.

12. The creditors of a bankrupt company have no right to pursue shareholders for the company's unpaid debts.

13. In Germa­ny and Britain there is a clear distinction between public and private companies, but in the United States there is almost no distinction.


Exercise 4. Be sure you know the meaning of the words given below. Give their derivatives.

Existence, accomplishment, benefit, authority, obligation, responsibility, extend, consider, favour, perception, value, equal, assume, conscious.

Exercise 5. The words given below are the synonyms to the word organization. In what do they differ? Give your own definition to each of them.

Institution, council, body, entity, fund, trust, party, club, society, association, league, federation, union.

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the economic and business terms:

1. Business is the production, buying, and selling of goods and services.

2. A business, company, or firm is an organization that sells goods or services.

3. A business is also may be referred to as an enterprise to emphasize its adventurous, risk-taking qualities, and business in general may be referred to as free enterprise and private enterprise.

4. Large companies are referred to as corporations, especially in the US.

5. Large companies operating in many countries are multinationals.

6. An entrepreneur is usually someone who builds up a company from nothing: a start-up company.

7. The people legally responsible for a company are its board or board of directors.

8. When a private company is bought by the state and brought into the public sector, it is nationalized.

9. When the state returns a company to the private sector in a sell-off, it is privatized.

10. A holding or holding company is one that holds stakes in one or more subsidiaries.

11. A holding company's relationship to its subsidiaries is that of parent company.


When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in a special section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for the job by sending in a letter of application or covering letter (US cover letter) and a curriculum vitae or CV (US resume). A CV contains personal details of the candidate, his education and working experience.

A letter of application is not like a simple form and much wider then a CV. In your covering letter you should:

1. state your reason for writing.

2. either inquire whether any positions are available or say which position you are applying for. (If you are applying for a specific position identify the source of the information (a per­son, a newspaper, including date, etc.)

3. describe your educational background and professional experience. (Focus on those things from your resume that best relate to the position you are applying for.)

4. say you are enclosing your resume and/or other supporting material.

5. state your willingness to provide more information and to be interviewed.

6. thank them for their consider­ation.

7. say you look forward to hearing from them.

A company may also ask candidates to complete a standard application form. A company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list of candidates and applicants, who are invited to attend an interview. Another way for a company to hire is by using the services of a recruitment agency (US search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates.

DOs and DON'Ts For Job Seekers

DO apply for a job in person.

DO learn ahead of time about the company and its product.

DO stress your qualification for the job opening.

DO mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job.

DO indicate your stability, attendance record and good safety experience.

DO indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn.

DO maintain your poise and self control.

DO try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath.

DO answer questions honestly.

DO have a good CV.

DO recognize your limitations.

DO be well-groomed and appropri­ately dressed.

DON'T keep stressing your need for a job.

DON'T discuss past experience which has no application to the job

DON'T apologize for your age.

DON'T be untidy in appearance.

DON'T display "cocksuredness."

DON'T beg for consideration.

DON'T mumble or speak with a muffled voice.

DON'T hedge in answering ques­tions.

DON'T express your ideas on com­pensation, hours, etc. early in the

DON'T hesitate to fill out applications, give references, take physical
examinations or tests on request.

DON'T hang around, prolonging the interview, when it should be over.

DON'T go to an interview without a record of former employment.

DON'T be one of those who can do everything.

DON'T be a "know it all" or a person who can't take instructions.

DON'T display a feeling of inferiority.

DON'T write incorrect information on your CV to make it look better.

DON'T arrive late for an interview.



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