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Scientific Databases and Digital Library Systems

Focus on Universities, Libraries and Research Centres. Join a large Multinational Media Group and Develop the Market.


Do you have an excellent university qualification? e.g. in chemistry, engineering or in natural sciences? With a strong background in information technology? Are you enthusiastic and persuasive? Have you also been successful in a commercial company, e.g. as an account manager with responsi­bility for budgets, targets and results? Are you a good communicator also fluent in English? And would you now like to tackle an assignment with excellent prospects? - If so, then read on:

As one of the established market leaders for scientific publishing we are a globally active media group. Our very renowned journals have been made available on powerful database platforms to support and improve the work of the scientist in fields such as engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine. We believe that countries are increasing their investments in education and research as a way to a better future. Therefore we are now seeking a manager who is capable to handle this market development and to reinforce our Team in Moscow.


Initially, you will familiarise yourself with our products and the internatio­nal colleagues during an intensive introduction in the Netherlands. Then you will be responsible for further expanding the market in your territory. You will focus your activities on key accounts such as universities and research foundations and on organisations such as government agencies responsible for funding. Our headquarters from which you will receive product and marketing support are in Amsterdam. You will travel frequently and preferably, you should be based in the Moscow area. We offer you work conditions and future career prospects of a large and multinational high tech company. Is this your challenge?

If so, in any case, please email your resume to our consultant

Mr. Luc De Causmaecker at: job@ dr-weber-partner.de.

You can also contact our Liaison Office in Moscow.

Tel.: 555-0000. They can answer preliminary questions and inform you on the further procedure.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions on the advertisement 6.

1. How much should any of the mentioned employees earn?

2. What position is the most attractive to you?

3. What position will you be able to hold after your graduation?

Exercise 6. Make the following words negative. Use prefixes -un, -in, -mis, -dis, -ir, and so forth.

Human, existence, enable, realized, regard, responsible, careful, systematic, effective, mature, aware, understand, loyal, formal, direct, continuous.


An interesting feature of the labour markets is that many organiza­tions do not specify the type of person they require. Instead they will give the details of a job in a job specification. The Department of Em­ployment has given the following definitions of a job description and job specification:

Job description: a broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities of a particular job.

Job specification: a detailed statement of the physical and mental activities involved in the job. The specification is usually expressed in terms of behaviour: what the worker does, what knowledge he uses in doing it, the judgments he makes and the factors he takes into account when making them.

The great variety of job specifications which exists in business illus­trates the range of specification in occupation. The five categories given below do not cover this wide range, but can become a guide to the role of manpower in organization.

1. Unskilled. Many jobs do not require any training or previous ex­perience, for example manual labour or assembly work. These occupa­tions are often highly repetitive and boring, as well as being poorly paid.

2.Mechanical or motor skills. There are some tasks in business which are performed by machines which require an operator. The more complicated the machine, then generally the more skilled the operator must be.

3.Intelligence and knowledge. Occupations which require a high level of motor skill sometimes also demand a high level of intelligence and aptitude. But there are jobs which do not need mechanical skills but make demand on people's knowledge.

4.Administrative or managerial skills. The ability to organize other people is a rare skill. It not only requires knowledge and understanding of the functions within an organization, but also the ability to motivate peo­ple. In addition managers must be able to organize nonhuman resources using techniques of forecasting, planning, coordinating and controlling. These are techniques which require judgment as well as knowledge.

5.Decision-making skills and initiative. Decision-making is an eve­ryday occurrence for everyone. We decide what to eat, what to wear, where to go, and so on. Similarly, decisions are part of an organization's everyday activities. The higher one goes up the hierarchy, the more nec­essary is the skill of decision. The risks which all organizations face mean that the organizations have to be ran by people who have the ability to diagnose and assess the risk, and the capacity to decide on the correct strategy. Business is constantly changing and organizations require peo­ple with enterprise and initiative in order to survive.


Exercise 1. There are five categories of job specifications in the text. Find at least three professions for each category.

Exercise 2. Write down the questions for these answers.

· Many organiza­tions do not specify the type of person they require.

· The Department of Em­ployment has given the special definitions of a job description.

· We can mention five categories of job specifications which exists in business.

· The five categories of job specifications do not cover the whole range of specification in occupation.

· There are many jobs which do not require any training or previous ex­perience.

· Jobs which do not require any training are manual labour or assembly work.

· Manual labour is boring and poorly paid.

· The tasks which are performed by machines require an operator.

· The ability to organize other people is a rare skill.

· Managers must be able to organize both human and nonhuman resources.

· These are techniques which require judgment as well as knowledge.

· Decision-making is an eve­ryday occurrence for everyone.

· Business is constantly changing.

Exercise 3. Give the synonyms to the following words. Make up your own sentences to show the shades in their meaning.

To handle, to accomplish, goal, benefit, coerce, to achieve, to purchase, output, affect, to establish, to enhance, power.


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