Magical Diseases. Description. Acidic Secretion. Bitchy Magical Syndrome (B.M.S.). Fiery Secretion. Mummy Crotch Rot. Orgasmatic Monster Summoning
Magical Diseases
It is unknown how these magical diseases came about. Some sages say they're from war, some say that a rip in magical fields caused them, others say that creatures having sex with certain magical beings cause weird things. Whatever the reason, magical diseases aren't pretty. Magical diseases don't have an occurrence or severity. They last until dispelled by cure disease, wish, etc. and can not be healed like other diseases. The GM can pick or roll (2d8) on Table 3. Some may feel that the these diseases cause to much damage. A first level character can have sex with somebody infected with acid secretion and most likely be killed during the encounter. This is true, but the important thing to remember is that these diseases are magical and are not necessarily that common in society.
Acidic Secretion The sexual partner receives 2d8 points of damage on any round (GM's choice) during each sexual encounter. This disease is permanent until treated. The character infected with this disease is immune against his own acid and the acid of the person that infected him, only.
Bitchy Magical Syndrome (B. M. S. ) This magical disease only affects females. Males should reroll on the magical disease table. Females with this disease are always very moody. They change their mood every ten minutes or whenever a check based on charisma is required. This mood swings are rather extreme, from excitement to lazyness, from anger to joy. This can lead to such wonderful situations, that a female character, who was feinted during a combat sits down and looses all interest at the encounter. The effect will last for 2d6 days in a row. For 1d20 days afterwards, the woman is not effected, till the next fit of B. M. S sets in.
Fiery Secretion The sexual partner receives 2d6 points of damage on any round (GM's choice) during each sexual encounter. This disease is permanent until treated. The character infected with this disease is immune against his own fiery secretion and the secretion of the person that infected him, only.
Mummy Crotch Rot This disease is fatal in 1d6 months. For each month the rot progresses, the victim permanently loses two points of charisma. The disease can be cured only with a cure disease spell. Cure wounds and regenerate spells have no effect on a person inflicted with mummy crotch rot. What makes this disease very dangerous is, that an infected character is constantly horny (as described under sexual conditions)
Orgasmatic Monster Summoning Within one round of an orgasm, a summoned monsters appear. There are seven stages of this disease. Each stage is relative to the number of months the inflicted has had the disease. Thus in the first month, the disease would be in the first stage. Accoring to the stage, the character is in, her orgasm causes the effect of a Summon Monster spell of that level, i. e. a character in the second stage would cause a Summon Monster II to happen.
The summoned creatures attack whomever happens to be there for a number of rounds equal to the stage number + 10.
Orgasmatic Flight Upon an orgasm, the inflicted levitates if he is not restrained. Then, he/she takes off in a random direction for 1d20 rounds at his normal speed. Upon coming into contact with a solid object (ex. wall), he/she takes off in another random direction. The GM may assign damage if necessary. The good side effect of this disease is, that the characters orgasm will last for the same amount of time.
Orgasmatic Polymorph Upon an orgasm, the inflicted polymorphs into another creature (save those that are non-corporeal) from as small as wren to as large as a hippopotamus. Furthermore the victim gains its physical mode of locomotion and breathing as well. No system shock is required. This affect does not give the new form's other abilities, nor does it run the risk of changing personality and mentality. The duration of the polymorph is 10 minutes per constitution point of the character.
Poison Secretion The sexual partner subjected to a one time contact poison on any round (GM's choice) during each sexual encounter. The DM should decide on the type of poison. This disease is permanent until treated. The character infected with this disease is immune against his own poison and the poison of the person that infected him, only.
Sexual Audible Glamer Any time the inflicted engages in sexual activity, he/she has uncontrollable desires to yell, scream, etc. This yell becomes louder as the sexual encounter continues. The volume is based upon the round of sex. During the second round, the volume is that of one person. The ratio is two rounds for one person's volume. Thus, the noise increase to the equivalent of two men during the forth round, the noise of three men during the sixth, and so on. This disease is permanent until treated. The character is not aware of the effect of the disease.
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