Healing. Degree of Severity. Table 2: Additional Effects. Description. Enlarged Scrotum Syndrome (E.S.S.). Table 1: Natural Diseases
Healing Natural sexual diseases can be healed like other diseases (Core Rulebook I p 74).
Degree of Severity Mild: During the period of affliction the character is unable to perform strenuous activities. Roll once on Table 2 for additional effects. Some treatment may be determined by the GM to allow a shortening of the period of illness. A normal period is 1-3 weeks.
Severe: A severe malady will lower the character's hit points to 50% of normal and make him/her totally disabled for 1-2 weeks, plus a further 1-2 weeks of time during which the malady is in the mild state as the character recovers. Roll twice on Table 2 for additional effects. Terminal: The malady will cause death (or loss of the body part or function). If nothing else is stated, the character will take 1d4 points of temporal constitution damage. Roll thrice on Table 2 for additional effects.
Enlarged Scrotum Syndrome (E. S. S. )
This disease is only contracted in males but can be carried by females. The effect is that the male's testicles become quite enlarged (2d12 inches (max. of two feet in diameter each)), for 2d4 days. The victim's movement is quartered. Constitution is halved. The pain is awful and its really embarrassing to be seen. There is a chance of 3 in 20 each month that chronic victims experience the disease again with the same growth each time.
Gonorrhea An infectious disease of the genitourinary tract, rectum, and cervix, caused by the gonococcus, transmitted by sexual intercourse, and characterized by acute purulent urethritis with dysuria (Hey, its from Webster's Dictionary). There is a chance of 10 in 20 each month that chronic victims experience the disease again. Each fit of Gonorrhea will last for 4d4 days.
Insania This disease causes the inflicted to gain a sexual insanity disorder (GM's choice; see below). The period of affliction lasts 4d6 months. There is a 2 in 20 chance each month that chronic victims experience the disease again.
Prurire " The Itch" as it is better known is quite an uncomfortable but not lethal experience. The period of affliction is 1d4 weeks. There is a 10 in 20 chance each month that chronic victims experience the disease again.
Segmen Neus This disease is named after a disgusting perverse ogre who was always pestering female of other species. The effects of the disease are as followed: - 2 to charisma each day (gradual disfigurement) - 1 to intelligence each day (gradual stupidity) - right leg goes bad making movement decrease by 90% - unable to participate in any sexual activity The disease will last for 1d4 days. There is a 15 in 20 chance each month that chronic victims experience the disease again.
Syphilis A chronic infectious venereal disease caused by a spirochete (Webster's Dictionary is so laborious). The disease comes in three steps:
(this is barely all. Look it up. Very interesting! )
Tuna This disease only manifests itself in female characters. It causes the victim to reek of the smell of fish. Going unnoticed is quite impossible. In fact, if cats are around they will follow the victim. There is a 10 in 20 chance each month that chronic victims experience the disease again. This effect will last for 1d20 days.
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