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Scenario One: Consensual Sex Between Equals

Scenario One: Consensual Sex Between Equals


Ok, we have Spike and Candra. For the sake of starting these characters somewhere, lets assume they are both 5th level, and have 5 ranks each of Sexual Prowess.


Spike’s Pertinent stats look like: Con 15 (+2), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 12 (+1). His Sexual Threshold is 4, and his total bonus to Sexual Prowess Checks is 6. His Tricks are coitus (4 ranks, so he gets a +2 to Sexual Prowess checks using his cock) and quick recovery.


Candra’s stats are Con 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 15 (+2). Her Sexual Threshold is 4, and her total bonus to Sexual Prowess Checks is 7. Her tricks are fellatio (2), masturbation, receive phallus, and foreplay.


Keeping this simple, we have a scene where Spike and Chandra decide to get it on to celebrate a rather triumphant return from a deadly dungeon. Back in their room at the Inn, then climb into bed, shedding clothes and inhibitions as they go. Chandra’s legs are wrapped around Spike’s legs and draws him inside of her. (Foreplay, who needs foreplay! ). Spike is of course already Aroused (he’s a male), but Chandra is at least a willing participant, if not quite physically aroused yet.


Round 1


Neither Partner will actively try and resist pleasure for this exercise, instead they will simply bump and grind to their hearts content. Spike rolls first and gets a 12 and adds his Sexual Prowess bonus of 6, and another two since this is coitus, and gets a 20. Checking the chart, this adds +6 to Chandra’s orgasm DC.


Chandra rolls her resist orgasm roll and gets a 9, she does not have any con modifier’s, so she is now Aroused having failed the check (dc was 16). The DM secretly rolls 2d6 and determines she will remain Aroused for 8 rounds or until she is Peaked


At the same time, she is also trying to give as good as she gets, and rolls her own Sexual Prowess check, getting a 4 and adding 7 for a total of 11. This sets Spike’s Arousal check at 12 and he rolls a 3, adding his con bonuses (+2) for a total of 5, so he also fails and is now Peaked.


Round 2


Neither character saw anything wrong with round 1’s results, and Chandra, now Aroused herself, is really eager for Spike to prove what a lover he is.


Spike continues to thrust away (that’s all he is really good for anyway) and makes his Sexual Prowess Check of 16 (he rolls 8 and adds his bonus of +6 and another +2 for coitus) and sets Candra’s DC at 14. She rolls well and gets an 18, therefore remaining aroused.


She rolls her own Sexual prowess check and gets a combined 16 as well, and Spike rolls an 11 against his DC of 14, failing it and oops, reaching his climax inside of an aroused but hardly satisfied Candra.


Round 3


Spike now needs to make a fortitude check to see if he remains Aroused in his post-coital glow or not. This is of particular interest to Candra, who is hardly satisfied with Mr. Two Minute lover here and wants to see a little more from him. He rolls a 4 and adds 6 (I am assuming he is a fighter and using the saves progression from there). I don’t know exactly what the DC for this is, but for the moment, we will pretend that a 10 is insufficient to the task, and Spike goes limp. The DM secretly rolls 2d6 and determines he will need 10 minutes to recover without interference.




This makes Spike practically useless to the girl as is, so she sets about to restore him as soon as possible, pushing him back in the bed and attending to him with tongue and lips. Candra has a Fellatio focus (2, for a +1 bonus), and is confidant of her abilities, despite the odds against her. She rolls a 7 and adds 8 for a total of 15, the subtracts 10 for Spike’s sad state. This gives her a total of 5, which does not result in any modifiers to the Arousal DC, so it stays at 10. Spike rolls 20 (naturally) and continues his Mr. Floppy impersonation.


Round 4


Candra is getting annoyed, but continues her task. This time she rolls a combined 8, still not good enough for a modifier, and Spike’s Arousal check is at 14


Round 5


Candra is debating whether or not to abandon the great lug and her herself off or not, but decides to continue trying. He adjusted roll is 18, putting Spike’s resist roll at 14. He rolls 7, and bingo, springs back to life.


Round 6


Candra is still a little non-plussed by Spike’s performance thus far, and even though she knows it is not his favorite, she demands he return the favor. Spike, now hard again and eager to show his appreciation of Candra’s ministrations, agrees, and this time it is he who crawls between her legs and seeks to pleasure her with his tongue.


His skill check is 12 (rolled 6 and added 6 for skill bonus), thus setting Candra’s DC at 12. She rolls a 14 and remains only aroused.



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