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Tentacle master. Abilities. Lv.  Abilities. Table: Transgender Shaman. Skills: As Wizard + Escape artist 2 + Int Mod/level

Tentacle master


" Look, no hands…"


Hit die: d4

Skills: As Wizard + Escape artist 2 + Int Mod/level



Feats: Augment summoning, Extend spell

Skills: Sexual technique 4 ranks, Escape artist 4 ranks, Knowledge (The planes) 4 ranks, Intimidate 2 ranks

Spellcasting: Must be able to cast spells of 3rd level or higher, including 3 spells with the [Summoning] descriptor

Sex tricks: Any

Alignment: Chaotic evil, Chaotic neutral or Neutral evil

Special: Must have had peaceful contact with another Tentacle master, Tentacled monster or Recondite.



BAB: As wizard

Save: As Bard


Spellcasting: +1 level of existing class/Level


Lv.     Abilities

1.        Summon tentacled monster

2.       Tentacles I

3.       Apply tricks, Sex trick

4.       Tentacles II

5.       Slimy, Sex trick

6.       Tentacles III

7.       Regeneration, Sex trick

8.       Tentacles IV

9.       Summon Recondite

10.     Tentacles V


Summon Tentacled monster (Su): Whenever the Character casts a Summon Monster spell, a tentacled version of the monster is summoned instead. If the creature would normally be a Fiendish or Celestial creature, the Tentacled template replaces that template.


Apply tricks: The Tentacle master may learn any sex trick, even if he does not meet the Ability score requirements. The tricks may only be used if he changes ability scores (with spells or items) or when using his Tentacles ability.


Sex trick: The Tentacle master receives a bonus sex trick, although the rank requirements must still be met.

Table: Transgender Shaman

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special Spells
+0 +2 +0 +0 Hermaphrodite I +1 per level of existing class
+1 +3 +0 +0 Channel opposite energy +1 per level of existing class
+2 +3 +1 +1 Greater understanding +1 per level of existing class
+3 +4 +1 +1 Opposite descriptor +1 per level of existing class
+3 +4 +1 +1 Energy substitution +1 per level of existing class
+4 +5 +2 +2 Hermaphrodite II +1 per level of existing class
+5 +5 +2 +2 Opposite Domain +1 per level of existing class
+6 +6 +2 +2 Spontaneous substitution +1 per level of existing class
+6 +6 +3 +3   +1 per level of existing class
+7 +7 +3 +3 Hermaphrodite III +1 per level of existing class


Slimy body (Ex): If the Master of tentacles has any limbs or extremities in tentacle form, then he may secrete a slippery ooze from them. This gives the Character a +10 circumstance bonus to Escape artist checks.


Regeneration (Ex): Emulating many slimy and disgusting creatures, the Master of tentacles can now regenerate at the rate of 1 per round (Normal damage from fire and cold).


Summon recondite (Sp): Associating with the most vile of perverted creatures, the Tentacle master may summon a Recondite once per day.


Tentacles I (Su): At 2nd level, the Tentacle master gains the ability to sprout a number of tentacles from his body once per day per two levels. He may grow up to one tentacle per caster level. This acts as an Evard's Black Tentacles spell cast at the Tentacle master's level, except for the following:

The ability is treated as a Transmutation effect.

The AC of the Tentacles is +4 Natural armor, +3 Dex and -1 for size (large).

Strength scores of 19, Dexterity scores of 17 and Constitution scores of 17 (Does not affect hit points or Saves).

The Tentacle master has full control over the tentacles.

There is no area effect, but the tentacles can reach 10' from the Tentacle master.

They may be dismissed at any time by the Tentacle master.

They can attack creatures of any size.

For the purposes of filling orifices, the Tentacles may change size at will.


As the Tentacle master gains levels, the tentacles gain new abilities:


Tentacles II: The tentacles grow suckers, sticky warts and nubs which give a +2 Circumstance bonus to their grapple checks. The Tentacle master may now change any limb or extremity (including the tongue, tail and penis) into a tentacle. These do not count against the number of tentacles available by level. If any of these are cut off or destroyed, the limb or extremity reappears unharmed. If arms are in tentacle form, the Tentacle master cannot cast any spell with a somatic component, if legs are in tentacle form, movement is halved.


Tentacles III: The tentacles grow heads which can ejaculate. The emitted liquid can either be the slippery ooze or a powerful acid which is treated as a 60' line which does 1d4 acid damage per class level (Reflex Save half DC 10 + Class level + Con Modifier). This can be used only once per day per class level, and a maximum of once per 1d4 rounds.


Tentacles IV: The damage of the Tentacles increases to 1d8 and they are now considered to have 21 strength, Dexterity 19 and Constitution 19. Reach increases to 15'.


Tentacles V: The tentacles can now ejaculate in a spectacular manner, spurting in a large 60' cone doing 1d6 damage per class level (Reflex Save half DC 10 + Class level + Con Modifier). This supersedes the Tentacles III ability, and all number of uses and time

between uses still count, although the line may still be used if wished.



Transgender Shaman

" I'm flattered, but there's something you should know about me…. "


No side is stronger, no element supreme, no gender greater. In order to attain true understanding and power, both sides of the coin must be viewed, both arguments heard. In duality there is power, by combining the advantages of each side or element, harmony can be achieved.


In some tribal or primitive cultures, some shamans choose to become members of the opposite sex, wearing their clothes and observing their rituals in order to improve the potency and versatility of their magic, even being treated by other members of the tribe as the gender they have become.


Some eastern cultures will have similar practices, as the priests hope to attain harmony through balancing forces known to them as the Yin and Yang.


Most Transgender shamans come from the ranks of Clerics and Druids, although anyone who can cast divine spells will eventually qualify. Paladin Transgender shamans are unheard of though, due to the questioning of their alignment.


Transgender shamans are usually found as well respected members of a tribe or temple, who are sought by others for their advice which is given from different perspectives.


Hit die: d6


Class Skills: The Transgender shaman's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).


Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier



Skills: Bluff 2 ranks, Disguise 2 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks and Sexual prowess 4 ranks

Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level Divine spells

Techniques: Transcend Sexuality



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