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Class Features. Chapter 6: Magic and Psionics.  Spell Lists

Class Features


Hermaphrodite I (Ex): As the Transgender shaman advances in level, physical and mental changes will occur, resulting in traits normally found in the opposite sex. At first level, a Transgender shaman will acquire a change in voice, becoming deeper if female and higher if male. In either case, the voice will be recognisable as neither male nor female. The character gains a +2 bonus on mimicry checks to impersonate the opposite sex.

The Transgender shaman will also start to grow sexual organs of the opposite gender, a male Transgender shaman gains a vagina behind his testes which is two sub-size categories smaller than the average fir his race. A female Transgender shaman will start to grow a penis above her vagina which is two sub-size categories than average. They are neither sexually nor reproductively functional.


Any Extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like ability which affects only the opposite sex will now affect the Transgender shaman, although if a Save is allowed, one is made at a +4 bonus. The good side to this is that the any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on both, but with a +4 to saves for the victim of the wrong sex.

Due to first hand knowledge of both sexes, a Transgender shaman now receives a +2 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls.


Hermaphrodite II (Ex): The physical changes become even more prominent, males will gain enlarged breasts and hips, while females will gain facial hair. The Transgender shaman gains a +2 bonus to disguise checks when impersonating the opposite sex.

The sexual organs expand by one more sub-size category, and are now sexually functional.

The saving throw bonus for extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like abilities which only affect only the opposite sex is now only +2. Any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on the opposite but with a +2 bonus to the victim's save.

The Transgender shaman now receives a +4 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls due to first hand knowledge of both sexes.


Hermaphrodite III (Ex): The Transgender shaman is now a true hermaphrodite, something almost unheard of in nature, looking neither wholly female nor male, but treated by all onlookers as the gender they are attracted to. The sexual organs now become fully functional reproductively. The Transgender shaman is now affected by any extraordinary, supernatural, spell or spell-like abilities as both sexes. Any spell or power useable by the Transgender shaman which only affects one sex will now work on the opposite with no penalty.

The Transgender shaman now receives a +6 insight bonus to all sexual prowess rolls due to first hand knowledge of both sexes.


Channel opposite energy (Su): The Transgender shaman can now channel energy in the opposite fashion to what he did before i. e. a good cleric who takes this class can now rebuke/command undead and channel negative energy and vice versa for evil clerics. The act of channelling will not change the alignment of the character, but the reason of use may.


Greater understanding (Su): By tapping into their first hand knowledge of the opposite sex, the Transgender shaman can cast any spell with the [charm] or [compulsion] descriptor at +1 caster level and +1 DC against them.


Opposite descriptor (Su): The Transgender shaman may now cast spells from his or her spell list which are normally restricted by alignment, such as spells with the Good, Evil, Chaos and Law descriptors. The act of casting the spells does not change the Transgender shaman's alignment, but the application of the spells may.


Opposite Domain (Su): Complementing their powers, the Transgender shaman receives a bonus domain which is opposite in philosophy to one of their existing domains. This domain is bestowed even if the Transgender shaman's deity does not grant it, and casting spells from the domain will not incur the deity's wrath or displeasure. If an opposite domain does not exist or the character was not a cleric, work with the DM to come up with an appropriate choice.


Energy substitution: The Transgender shaman gains the Energy substitution metamagic feat for free even if the prerequisites are met.


Spontaneous substitution (Su): The Transgender shaman can spontaneously cast any spell prepared that has an energy type as if it was prepared with the Energy substitution feat. The Transgender shaman chooses the new energy type upon casting the spell, which takes no longer than usual.


Chapter 6: Magic and Psionics

 Spell Lists


0 level (Cantrip)


           Know Sexual Preferences

           Mordenkainen’s Lubrication

Sexual Attraction

Sexual Disgust

Tweak/ Goose

           Undetectable Sexual Preference

           Wet Dream


1st level

Annihilator’s Penis of Power

Change Sexuel Alignment

Change Sexual Preference

Charm Man I

Davenet’s Seduction

           Divine Sexuel Experience

Divine Sexuel Orientation




Hide Sexual Orientation




2nd lvel

           Layla’s Good Morning

           Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On


           Sleep Theft

Touch of Talopea


3rd level

           Charm Man II

           Intensify Sensation


Sacremon’s Emperor’s New Clothes

Sava’s Candlelight Dinner

           Sexual Nerd


4th level

           Angel’s Negation

           Become Phantasmal Lover

Ilruna’s Roulette

Layla’s Morning After

Layla’s Seductive Impersonation


5th level

           Charm Man III

           Layla’s Beautification


           Sex Slave



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