Class Skills. Requirements. Class Features
Pimp “Sex is my business, and business is good! ”
The pimp considers himself a typical businessman - the fact that his business is the buying and selling of sex makes no difference to him. The pimp is a master of prostitutes, peddling them to both the high class and commoners. Sometimes a pimp was himself a prostitute before rising to power, though often those that never were are the most crafty, and violent, of them all.
Bards and rogues are drawn to the pimp because of the class’s need for interpersonal skills and the opportunity to exploit the position for great personal wealth. Other classes are not as often drawn to becoming pimps, though any individual that desires personal power over others, regardless of individual class, can easily undertake the path of the pimp.
NPC pimps normally run the brothels and smaller prostitution rings in established settlements. Pimps found outside of the city are usually there due to legal pressures or acts of rivals.
Hit Dice: d6. Class Skills The pimp’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sexual Prowess (Cha), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
To qualify to become a pimp, a character must fulfill all the following requirements.
Skills: Bluff 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Gather Information 4 ranks, Sexual Prowess 4 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks. Feats: Leadership.
Class Features All the following are features of the pimp prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pimps are proficient with all simple weapons. In addition, they are proficient with the greatclub, hand crossbow, rapier, sap, and shortsword. They are proficient with light armor.
Sexual Favor (Ex): The occupation of a pimp brings him in contact with all sorts of individuals. Sometimes he renders services for nobles, the wealthy, or otherwise prestigious individuals. In exchange for keeping such services unknown, the pimp often accumulates favors he can call in when needed. At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th levels, the pimp gains the ability to call in a single favor. By using this favor, the pimp can call upon contacts and resources that most don’t have. This allows the pimp to gain important information without going through the time and trouble of a Gather Information check, or to requisition resources without paying for them. To successfully call in a favor, the pimp makes a special Charisma check, adding his level to the roll. The DM sets the check’s DC. Simple favors normally have a DC of 10, while expensive or illegal favors could have a DC of 20 or higher. The pimp cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check, nor can he make multiple attempts at the same (or virtually the same) favor. Truly extreme favors, such as kidnaping the emperor’s daughter, are generally impossible. Such tasks should be the basis of an adventure, not a single die roll.
Bitch Slap (Ex): The pimp is especially skilled at landing humiliating or intimidating blows without seriously wounding the target of his anger. Whenever the pimp deals subdual damage, the extra damage listed for this ability is added to the total damage. The extra damage is +1d6 starting at 2nd level and increasing every third level thereafter (5th and 8th levels). Should the pimp score a critical hit with a subdual attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Minions (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, a pimp can add his pimp levels to his leadership score. A pimp’s cohorts and followers will always be prostitutes, though they may be of any class.
Resource Access (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, the pimp has made enough contacts and is entrenched enough in his occupation that he has access to an array of resources. Once per game session, the pimp may make a Diplomacy check to use those resources during the game session. The value of the resources gained equals the pimp’s level times the result of the Diplomacy check times 20. Thus, a 6th-level pimp who rolled a 17 would gain (6 x 17 x 20) 2040 gp worth of resources. These resources can take virtually any form the pimp chooses (within reason), and are his to do with as he pleases - he may keep them, use them, give them away, or sell them as he sees fit. The resources arrive in the pimp’s possession 1d6 hours after he makes the check. Note that these resources must be reasonably (though not necessarily commonly) available when and where he chooses to make the check.
Exceptional Minions (Ex): Beginning at 9th level, the level limit of the pimp’s cohorts is increased by 5, even if this brings their level above his.
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