Spells. Angel’s Negation. Animal Magnetism. Annihilator's Penis of Power. Arousal. Assist Labor & Birth. Baltasar's Impediment
Spells Angel’s Negation Abjuration Level: Brd 4, Src/ Wiz 4 Components: S Casting Time: 1 action Range: touch Target: 1 person Duration: Instantaneaous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell instantly negates the obsessive-compulsive behaviour caused by a seducer, and renders the recipient immune to the magical charms and sex magic of that seducer.
Animal Magnetism Transmutation Level: Src/ Wiz 3 Range: Short (25 feet + 5 feet per level) Components: V, S Casting time: 1 action Area of Effect: One living creature/Special Duration: 1 day/caster level Save: None Spell Resistance: Yes
The subject of spells becomes sexually extremely attractive, equally to all living creatures of opposite sex (includes animals and those inclined to like the same gender). Creatures, which come close to a subject of this spell must succeed at a will save vs DC 13 plus spells target's charisma bonus (a negative modifier will redce the DC). Those who faile the save become obsessively inclined to have sex with the subject and treat the subject as a sexual object, who is around primarily for the purpose to please them. If subject of the spell gives in to these admirers, they act as if they were charmed by her, but keep begging for more all the time. The charm will only last till the spells duration ends. Animals tend to react to a female subject as they would to a 'bitch in heat' and males will be regarded as welcome mate (if a female animal in in heat, or is always able to have sex). Keep in mind that most animals are unlikely to actually 'rape' females, but might do it accidentally.
Annihilator's Penis of Power Transmutation Level: Brd 1, Src/ Wiz 1 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 round Range: 18 feet or less (usually much less for many spell casters) Target: You (male) Duration: 1 minute per level (D) Saving Throw: Special Spell Resistance: No
With this spell the caster (male) empowers his penis with a steel-hard covering able to withstand any Bobbit attack or penis-puncturing device. Also, it is powerful enough to rupture most chastity belts, magic ones get a save at -4. It is also a benefit for those who suffer impotence, and has been rumored to assist in preventing sexually- transmitted diseases and pre-mature ejaculation! A spell to truly share with friends! Don't ask what the somatic gestures are. The only drawback of the spell is, that all stimulations to the penis will cause half the arousal-check modifications.
Arousal Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Brd 0, Src/ Wiz 0 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: 1 living creature Duration: 10 min +1 min/ level Saving Throw: Will Negates Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell creates a state of extreme horniness in the affected creature, including both biological and physiological effects, although said horniness is not directed towards anyone or anything in particular. The material component for this spell is a sprig of mistletoe. The character is considered to be horny, as described by the sexual condition.
Assist Labor & Birth Conjuration (Healing), Level: Clr 2, Mdw 1 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: 1 laboring creature Duration: 10 minutes per level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell has multiple functions to assist the mother in labor and birth: - Epidural - Produces a numbing of the lower back and pelvis to reduce stress on the mother during labor. - Push - Assists mother in pushing the child out. Will cut the time of labor by 1d4 hours. - Turn Baby - Will position the child correctly during labor for proper birth. Each of the functions may be used as long as the spell lasts, but only on one person. The caster may have several Assist Labor & Birth spells cast to assist more than one laboring creature. The material components of this spell are boiling hot water and towels.
Baltasar's Impediment Transmutation Level: Clr 1, Drd 1 Components: V, S, M, DF Casting Time: 1 round Range: Touch Target: 1 mammal Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell enables the caster to prevent a female from becoming pregnant. Essentially, it impedes a fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus. The casting of Baltasar's Impediment is not necessarily an evil act; however, the GM should pay particular attention to the alignment of the caster as well as the social & political (esp. religious) atmosphere. For example, a lawful good cleric casting this spell on a teenager without the permission of her parents, church, etc. should be prepared for the wrath of his deity. A cleric who worships a fertility god can not cast this spell. A neutral evil cleric, nephew of the king, might repeatedly cast this spell on the queen in a secret attempt to usurp the thrown. A neutral good cleric might cast this spell on all the maidens of the keep before its fall to the orc siege -- although he cannot spare them from the horrors to come, at least he can prevent the bastardization that might result. The material components are a drop of blood from the target's last menstrual period (or an ounce of her blood, from anywhere, that has been mixed with dust and dried in a silver chalice) and the priest's holy symbol. The priest invokes the name of his deity, touching his holy symbol to the blood. The prepared blood will detect as evil and magical, but not as poison. The woman must then consume it, usually mixing it with wine or some other fluid. The spell remains in effect until the first day of the woman's next menstrual period, or a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon her.
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