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Layla’s Morning After. Layla’s Seductive Impersonation. Layla’s Seductive Shapechange. Layla’s Uglification. Lesser planar lover

Layla’s Morning After


Level: Brd 4, Src/ Wiz 4

Components: S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: touch

Target: 1 person

Duration: Permanent (D)

Saving Throw: Will Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes


This spell causes a sleeping being to forget up to one turn of action, per level of the caster (the caster may make the window of forgetfulness shorter, if he wishes), that occurred just before he fell asleep. The caster may remove the forgetfulness at will.


Layla’s Seductive Impersonation


Level: Brd 4, Sex 4, Src/ Wiz 4

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: touch

Target: 1 person

Duration: 1 day per level (D)

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes


This spell allows the caster to change his form to that of another seductive being for an extended period of time. He retains all of his own abilities, and gains all of the natural abilities though none of the magical abilities of the creature chosen. There is no danger of identity loss as with a Polymorph. The types of beings that may be impersonated are as follows: dryad, succubus, nereid, sirine, medusa, mermaid, sylph, unicorn, vampire, foxwoman. Other similar beings may be allowed at the discretion of the GM, as the spell works by allowing similar types of creatures to become similar types of creatures, rather than the specific forms being locked into the spell.

The caster may change his gender with this spell.


Layla’s Seductive Shapechange


Level: Sed 7, Src/ Wiz 7

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 10 yards per level

Target: one or more persons

Duration: Permanent (D)

Saving Throw: special

Spell Resistance: Yes


This spell discerns the nature of what the victim would consider most sexually and physically attractive. The spell will make a number of attempts to uncover this information equal to the level of the caster, or until the information is procured. Each attempt takes one round, and the victim receives a wil-save against each attempt. Regardless of whether or not he makes his save, he will under no circumstances notice this aspect of the spell.

This information will be relayed to the caster, who may then opt to activate the second half of the spell, which is to shapechange into the form the information would dictate. If the caster does not, he may apply the unused attempts against someone else, or give up the spell. If the caster does, the new form is assumed until the caster wishes to end it.

Example: Layla wishes to infiltrate a party using this spell. She casts against the Dirdan the fighter first, and he fails his save on her second attempt. She finds he prefers dirty half-orc women -- a really distasteful idea. Since she is seventeenth level, she has fifteen more attempts to direct against the rest of the party. On attempt seven, she finds that Alex the mage would really like a six- foot tall snow elf who was wearing black leather. Layla finds this more acceptable, forgoes her remaining eight attempts, and shapechanges into a snow elf. The spell makes her clothing into black leather (without destroying or altering any of its previous properties) and makes her staff into a bull whip.

After three weeks, she gets bored of Alex, and ends the spell, changing back to her normal self.


Layla’s Uglification


Level: Src/ Wiz 5

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round

Range: touch

Target: 1 person

Duration: 1 day per level (D)

Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates

Spell Resistance: Yes


Layla's Uglification, subtracts 20 from the victim's Charisma to a minimum ability score of 3.


Lesser planar lover

(by Muse of Fire)

Level: Clr 5

See Planar Lover


Linked Shapechange


Level: Src/ Wiz 9

Range: touch

Components: V, S

Duration: Permanent or until sorcerer will it to end

Casting Time: 1 action, change itself is a free action

Area of Effect: one living creature

Save: None

Spell Resistance: Yes


With this spell the caster is able to 'steal' the form of another creature. The caster turns into a complete copy of said creature with all abilities, skills and memories, supernatural abilities and character levels included. The caster own memories fade to the background, motivations, skills and powers are retained, however. While the spell is in effect the character and the subject of the spell are linked with a very powerful fate-link. Suicide or suicidal actions are impossible, unless both agree on such. Damage taken by one, and certain spell effects (Temporal stasis) are transfered through this link to the other person. The caster knows where the subject of the spell is and can contact it any time through other spells or powers. The subject on the other hand does not know, where the caster is or what she is doing but tends to vaguely feel strong physical and mental effects. This can be very disturbing. Spellcasters, who use this spell frequently tend to get insane, because they loose their own identity and do experience far to often emotions, that are not their own. Otherwise, the spell does not normally cause ill effects, but if the other creature is to alien or more powerful (+5 levels) than the caster, the character’s mentality can experience changes in motivations and alignment. When character regains her own form all skills and abilities of the other being are lost, but the caster might retain some memories. The caster is able to use other spells or abilities to shape change without ending this spell, while Linked Shapechange is still in effect. The spell can be dispelled with a Miracle, or Mord's Disjunction, but regular Wishes must beat the casters spell DC.  

This spell is the worst kind of soul-rape. Casting it on an unwilling creature is consider to be an evil act. The caster must keep the subject of the spell alive or the spell-effect ends immediatlely, even if all other negative effects are not experienced.



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